Logo of Hacer encima

Prazo de entrega
14 Sep 2015

Publicado: 29 Jul 2015
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Banner Hacer encima

Hacer encima

Valparaíso, Spain

This content isn't available because the festival is for only chilean films. // Solo para cineastas chilenos.

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Experimental

Logo of Interference Festival

Prazo de entrega
14 Aug 2015

Publicado: 29 Jul 2015
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Banner Interference Festival

Interference Festival

Gdańsk, Poland

of an open international competition under the headline “Freedom of Form”,organised as part of the Interference Festival.

Interference Foundation – the main organiser of the Interference Festival of Visual
Communication Forms in Gdańsk – is pleased to open the competition “Freedom of
Form”, inviting entries of visual works in one of four main competition categories.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Animação  Outro  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Tunja International Film Festival - FICTU

Prazo de entrega
11 Sep 2015

Publicado: 29 Jul 2015
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Banner 8 FICTU- Festival Internacional De Cine De Tunja

Tunja International Film Festival - FICTU

Tunja, Colombia

O FICTU é um festival que se concentra em curtas-metragens e busca conectar a produção audiovisual de Boyacá com o atual cinema nacional e mundial.

O festival tem 4 competições que são:

- Competição de curtas-metragens de Boyacá
- Competição colombiana de curtas-metragens
- Competição internacional de curtas-metragens
- Competição colombiana de longas-metragens

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán

Prazo de entrega
01 Sep 2015

Publicado: 29 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán

Festival de Cine Corto de Popayán

Popayán, Colombia

O objetivo é apresentar uma seleção dos melhores curtas-metragens feitos na Colômbia, nos gêneros ficção, animação, experimental e documentário, a fim de permitir a divulgação, o diálogo e a avaliação do desenvolvimento e da importância do curta-metragem na produção audiovisual.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of Descartado

Prazo de entrega
15 Dec 2015

Publicado: 29 Jul 2015
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Banner Descartado


-, Spain

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Music Video


Prazo de entrega
31 Oct 2015

Publicado: 28 Jul 2015
 Com taxas de inscrição



Brooklyn, United States

MONO NO AWARE is the annual exhibition of expanded cinema showcasing sculpture, installation, single-multiple channel durational projection, and performance art that incorporates the moving image on Super 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, or as an altered light projection. (No DV)
In 2015, the ninth annual MONO NO AWARE exhibition was mentioned in the New York Times and presented the work of 33 international artists to an audience of 900. This year's festival and screening will be part of MONO NO AWARE's tenth annual festival, which includes screenings of works curated from artists around the world.
Submission is sliding scale by donation ($0-20 - pay what you wish) which allows MONO NO AWARE to provide travel stipends and lodging to presenting artists.

The festival is organized by the non-profit cinema-arts organization MONO NO AWARE.

MONO NO AWARE offers year-round analog filmmaking workshops to the community teaching: Super 8mm, 16mm filmmaking, 2-D animation and 3-D puppet animation, Production for Independent Film, Hand-processing, Alternative-processing and Non-toxic-processing Techniques, Film Preservation, Handmade Emulsion, Advanced Super 16mm filmmaking, a range of special workshops led by visiting filmmakers and more. As an extension of the educational initiatives, the organization rents analogue filmmaking equipment, makes Steenbeck flat-bed editing and JK or Oxberry optical printing facilities available to the public and we also import/distribute Color and Black and White film stocks. Through our outreach program we present these same workshops at numerous universities, film festivals, and institutions throughout the US. This year we have presented workshops at The Japan Society (Manhattan, NY) The Oak Cliff Film Festival (Dallas, TX) The Queens Museum (Queens, NY) and this August we’ll travel to the Thomas Edison National Park to conduct a re-imagining kinetoscopes workshop inside the historic Black Maria (West Orange, NJ). MONO NO AWARE presents a monthly screening series entitled CONNECTIVITY THROUGH CINEMA with visiting filmmakers and most recently a co-presentation of a three-day retrospective ‘Super 8 Poetics’ the works of Stephanie Gray at The Anthology Film Archives. We’ve also started a reference library with a focus on cinema history, theory and technical filmmaking texts and publications.

To learn more about MONO NO AWARE visit: www.mononoawarefilm.com

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Outro  Experimental  Music Video


Prazo de entrega
25 Sep 2015

Publicado: 28 Jul 2015
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İstanbul, Turkey

MIFF has been established in 2010 by the Malatya Governership and organised by the Malatya Apricot Research-Develeopment and Promotion Foundation. Every year in November Festival brings together the audience with the most qualified productions throughout the world and also, besides the competition excitement it has been a full cinema week with many events for five years.

MIFF has hosted more than 2000 cinema proffessional from Turkey and abroad so far. Some of the best known guests who have been in Malatya for the festival are Nastassja Kinski (2014), Jim Stark (2013), Rade Serbedzija (2013), John Sayles (2012) Otar Iosseliani (2010).

7th Malatya International Film Festival will open its curtains for the cinegoers and residents in Malatya on 04.11.2016 by the organization of Malatya Governorate and Malatya Apricot Research, Development and Promotion Foundation. Besides providing an opportunity for the audiences to meet with the qualified productions from all over the world, the festival will provide an enjoyable week full of activities. This exhausting but pleasant festival marathon will end after the Award Ceremony which will take place on the 10th November, Thursday. During the Festival, approximately 150 films - 65 feature films, together with the documentary and short films - will meet with the cinegoers. The Festival programme which is composed of the current films, as well as the last productions of the qualified film-makers and the first movies of the newly discovered young film-makers, will meet with the audiences in Malatya. The festival with its previous success on the international features and national short films competitions, has included the national features competition to its festival programme in order to provide moral and material support to the cinema sector.

Festival Internacional

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Experimental

Logo of Near Nazareth Festival

Prazo de entrega
30 Apr 2016

Publicado: 27 Jul 2015
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Banner Near Nazareth Festival

Near Nazareth Festival

Afula, Israel

Near Nazareth Festival ( NNF ) invites all film lovers to partake in our celebration.

Near Nazareth Festival hospitably opens its doors to filmmakers. Festival participants from around the world will show their works.

We believe that the best place for them to present their work - is Near Nazareth Festival.

More than 3500 participants from 70 countries of 5 continents presented their films and works at the Festival in Israel since 2015.

The works are evaluated by an international jury. Many participants became prize-winners and winners in their nominations.

A festival diploma increases the prestige of the piece.

We invite you to take part in it. We will be glad to review your work.

Our motto is: Everyone has a chance to be evaluated and win! We wish you creative success.
An important addition.

We continue our work.

We believe that film and art is very important during this time.

We still accept submissions and will hold online screenings as scheduled.

We look forward to your new works.

Art is life.

Stay safe and healthy!
Our festival - NNF - is the first of its kind.

Our festival will serve to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the world. Through cooperation with movie lovers from around the world, we will make history.

Today filmmakers from 70 countries are participating in the festival, and presented his works.

Near Nazareth Festival Online Film Market - Free of charge for all participants of the NNFestival.

We post your film info on Near Nazareth Festival Facebook page - post + image.
We'll set up info about your film on Near Nazareth Festival website.

Page is opened and distributed among national and international distributors.

We are inviting of you to join
We do not limit the categories of participants. All films are presented in their original language. There is no need for subtitles in a foreign language different from the original.

Every submitting will be reviewed by a qualified jury and the audience.

Event venue - The Poznak Community Centers, Givat Ha-More

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Outro  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Native Peoples Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
31 Oct 2015

Publicado: 27 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival de los pueblos originarios

Native Peoples Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

The Native Peoples International Film Festival is devoted to short and feature films, fiction, documentaries and animated films made ​​by or about the native peoples around the world in order to promote knowledge, respect and acceptance diversity in raising awareness of the various facets of reality, trying not to fall into clichés. Thus, gradually the festival is intended as a field for meetings and discussions of projects of mutual interest.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Outro  Experimental

Logo of Festival Nacional de Cine de Esteban Echeverria

Prazo de entrega
15 Aug 2015

Publicado: 25 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival Nacional de Cine de Esteban Echeverria

Festival Nacional de Cine de Esteban Echeverria

Esteban Echeverria, Argentina

Solo cortometrajes de Argentina, estrenados luego del 2013

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Animação  Music Video

Logo of Long Island Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
01 Jun 2016

Publicado: 24 Jul 2015
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Banner Long Island Film Festival

Long Island Film Festival

Bay Shore, United States


Our MISSION is to discover, promote and give venue to independent filmmakers, not just from the greater New York area, but from other regions of America and abroad. For 34 years, the Long Island Film Festival has presented high quality film programs and has made a major contribution to the Long Island community by promoting films that are entertaining, educational and enhance the general public's understanding of cinema culture and the humanities.

During those 35 years, we have witnessed filmmaking transform itself from a strictly film medium to a highly technological global digital art form with sophisticated software operating on specially configured computers. As a result, there are more filmmakers attempting to break into the film industry. It is those new filmmakers that the Long Island Film Festival seeks to discover.

As an international film festival, World Lens focuses on foreign Indie filmmakers that are producing films that are pieces of their culture and set in economic, social, environmental, and political spheres. It is the commitment of the Long Island Film Festival to bring these films to America and present these perspectives to Long Islanders to enlighten and enhance their understanding of the world around us.

Our online festival is second to none. With thousands of views worldwide including industry personnel and distributors that have access to the site we have he edge over other festivals. The films selected for the online festival will be viewed on www.longislandfilmfestivalonline.org from August 1 - 31 2017. In addition the films will be screened at several venues throughout the year.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Terror  Outro  Experimental

Logo of El Ojo cojo Film Fest

Prazo de entrega
31 Oct 2015

Publicado: 23 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival Cinematográfico internacional el Ojo cojo

El Ojo cojo Film Fest

Madrid, Spain

The First International Film Festival of Madrid to promoting sensible cinema and intercultural dialogue.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror

Logo of Aullido Muestra Internacional de Videoclip

Prazo de entrega
17 Jan 2016

Publicado: 21 Jul 2015
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Banner Aullido Muestra Internacional de Videoclip

Aullido Muestra Internacional de Videoclip

Mexicali, Mexico

Aullido International Video Show CONVULA para apresentar trabalhos para selecionar aqueles que irão integrar seu 9º Clip Internacional de Vídeo a ser realizada em março 2021 em Mexicali, Baja California, México.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Outro  Music Video

Logo of Online Short Films Latinamerican Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
05 Oct 2015

Publicado: 21 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival latinoamericano de cortos online

Online Short Films Latinamerican Film Festival


Somente para cineastas latino-americanos//Solo para cineastas latinoamericanos y se abrió un capitulo para España y lenguas extrangeras con subtitulos en español para el 7º festival 2023.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação

Logo of Bergamo Film Meeting

Prazo de entrega
04 Dec 2015

Publicado: 21 Jul 2015
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Banner Bergamo Film Meeting

Bergamo Film Meeting

Bergamo, Italy

The 2016 edition will offer many different sections, including a feature‐film competition, a retrospective exhibition, many premieres and tributes to great directors of the past, a documentary section, recently produced films and rediscovered classics, art exhibitions and installations, special screening sessions for schools, animation films, workshops, lectures, Q&As with the authors... and much more.
Among the most eagerly awaited cultural events in Bergamo, BFM is a major event in the Italian Festival calendar and a great opportunity not only to meet film professionals, but also for research and study, as well as for genuine, passion‐driven fun.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

Festival de longas metragens

 Ficção  Documentário


Prazo de entrega
16 Nov 2015

Publicado: 21 Jul 2015
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Bobigny, France

Un Court Tournable é um evento de festival de curtas que visa ser um local de descoberta de novos talentos no campo do cinema.

Personalidades patrocinarão alguns de nossos eventos como convidado de honra, uma oportunidade de compartilhar experiências com este universo artístico.

O festival tem 4 edições por ano.

A triagem ocorrerá:

5 Avenida Mac-Mahon
75017 Paris
Metro: Charles de Gaulle Etoile (linha 1, 2 e 6)
Estacionamento: Indigo Wagram ou Mac Mahon


23 rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
Métro: Maubert-Mutualité, Cardeal Lemoine (linha 10)

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental

Logo of San Rafael en Corto Short Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
30 Sep 2015

Publicado: 21 Jul 2015
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Banner Muestra De Cortometrajes San Rafael En Corto

San Rafael en Corto Short Film Festival

Vecindario, Spain

O Festival de Curtas-Metragens “San Rafael in short” visa a divulgação, divulgação e exibição de obras cinematográficas, bem como o conhecimento delas pelo público. Os trabalhos apresentados não optam por um prêmio ou premiação, apenas pela avaliação do público.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico

Logo of Cinestudiantil Guaíba

Prazo de entrega
08 Sep 2015

Publicado: 20 Jul 2015
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Banner Festival Nacional de Cinema Estudantil de Guaíba/RS

Festival Nacional de Cinema Estudantil de Guaíba/RS

Guaíba, Brazil

O 16º Festival Nacional de Cinema Estudantil de Guaíba (Cinestudantil Guaíba) acontecerá de 06 a 14 de novembro de 2017, na cidade de Guaíba, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O evento tem por objetivo incentivar a produção audiovisual como atividade pedagógica vinculada ao currículo escolar.

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of MitreoFilmFestival

Prazo de entrega
30 Oct 2015

Publicado: 20 Jul 2015
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Banner Mitreo Film Festival


Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy

Mitreo Film Festival Association em colaboração com a COMISSÃO DE
Duração 2019:10 minutos limite de
idade autor: 25 anos
N.B. curtas-metragens com idiomas diferentes do italiano e inglês não serão levados em consideração se não tiverem legendas em inglês ou italiano!
(datas provisórias)

“Quem sonha pode mover montanhas.” (Fitzcarraldo, W. Herzog)

A associação cultural Mitreo Film Festival, para a 19ª edição do festival de mesmo nome, anuncia uma chamada de seleção para curtas-metragens internacionais com uma duração máxima de 10 minutos, feita por cineastas com menos de 25 anos de idade, desenvolvida sobre o tema central de “ Coragem”. A
coragem não deve ser apenas o principal plat, mas também deve conotar a linguagem e o sentimento, o cenário e a atmosfera pela qual a história se desenrola, qualquer tipo de gênero que o autor narra sua história (drama comédia etc). Além disso, a coragem também deve inspirar o autor de tal forma a fazê-lo escolher uma forma corajosa de performance, em poucas palavras estamos também à procura de cineastas corajosos e ousados, capazes de trabalhar de uma forma diferente e de uma perspectiva original.
É basicamente importante que o tema da coragem seja claramente expresso na sinopse da obra
e nas notas do autor que cada candidato deve produzir juntamente com o formulário de candidatura, sob pena de exclusão.

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro  Experimental

Logo of Skepto International Film Festival

Prazo de entrega
04 Dec 2015

Publicado: 20 Jul 2015
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Banner Skepto International Film Festival

Skepto International Film Festival

Cagliari, Italy

O Skepto International Film Festival tem um caráter competitivo e está aberto a curtas-metragens sem limites quanto ao assunto, estilo ou orçamento de produção. Está aberto a curtas-metragens de todos os tipos, incluindo documentários, videoclipes musicais, videoarte, curtas-metragens experimentais, spots, trailers falsos, novos formatos de mídia, vídeos móveis, etc.

O festival terá lugar em Cagliari em abril de 2022, com exibições colaterais nas mesmas datas ou nos meses seguintes (antes do final de 2022 — planejamos organizar pelo menos dois eventos em outros locais da Sardenha e dois em outras cidades italianas ou internacionais). As datas exatas serão publicadas no site oficial do Festival www.skepto.net

Festival Internacional

Festival de curtas-metragens

 Ficção  Documentário  Animação  Fantástico  Terror  Outro  Experimental  Music Video