We find ourselves asking what things will be like in fifty years or in a hundred. What will it be like – utopia in matters large and small? How do we deal with change? What motivates us? What influences the decision to implement a change, to help carry it out, or to go with the flow?
The focus of the competition is films which deal with small or large changes – in the private sphere or in the public domain, involving individuals or companies, in the environment, countries or organizations.
Noir is elusive in nature, a label savoured by the most curious lovers of mystery.
Thriller, comedy, science fiction, horror…with a taste of Noir, Read rules.
“Give them pleasure. The same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare.”
Dieciminuti Film Festival was created in 2005 by IndieGesta. It was able to quickly become one of the events dedicated to short films most important in Italy.
The Festival, whose first 19 editions attended by more than 18,000 short films involving a total of nearly 23,000 spectators, is structured in various competitive sections: Official Selection (for short films up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Extralarge (for shorts between 10 and 15 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024) Animations (animations for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Doc10 (documentaries for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Music Videoclip (videoclips for up to 10 minutes released after the 1st of January 2024), Visti da Vicino (for short films up to 10 minutes released by directors coming from the province of Frosinone after the 1st of January 2024).
At the Competitive sections, joins the Dieciminuti Academy, a school of cinema that brings young people of our province to create from scratch a short fiction or animation. The thing that is unique about the festival on the national scene is to be a real school for young people who want to explore the world of cinema. It ‘s also very much appreciated the Section Esplorazioni, which allows viewers to get in touch with the short film coming from a different country each year. During last years, the festival has hosted the short unpublished masters of Japanese animation by Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the animated short films of the Tehran Film Festival, the short films of Georges Méliès, the avantguardes, the web-series. During the 13th edition was opened also the Futurama Section, dedicated to masterclasses for students.
La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival is the First International Fashion Film Festival Founded in North America.
World’s largest gathering of fashion filmmakers
The global marketplace for fashion film
We combine creativity, beauty, and fashion with the ability to make money – join us.
Known as the Cannes of fashion film, La Jolla will once again be the market maker for distribution deals, director representation, and fashion film production houses.
Hundreds of fashion filmmakers from around the world will be in attendance, packing a theater of 500 seats to be enthralled by the top 1% of fashion films produced worldwide at the upcoming 6th year of LJIFFF.
From our neighbors in Hollywood to the fashion capitals of the world, we will come together once again to network, make deals, attend seminars & panels, screen films, go to press receptions, participate in After Parties, and win awards. The films that make it into the final program will represent some of the most brilliant and creative directors in filmmaking today. Curated from the dynamic and the exploding world of fashion film, are a glimpse of what’s trending in the minds of the world’s top fashion houses, designers, and stylists interpreted through the lens of their filmmaking counterparts.
The La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival through it’s Official Selection, Nomination, and Awards will be exposing creative professionals worldwide to an all-star International Jury of experts, and global audience. A time tested way to ignite careers and expand opportunities.
“From now on the brilliant work done by makeup artists, hairstylists, art directors, editors, musicians, wardrobe stylists, writers, and others will have the opportunity to win awards. These awards are for the best in the world and cut across national boundaries and cultures. Thanks to the global reach of LJIFFF everyone is included no matter where on earth they live or work stated Festival Producer Fred Sweet”
All creators in the fashion film industry are welcome to submit.
Now in it's 11th annual installment, the BoneBat "Comedy of Horrors" Film Fest is a full evening of giggles and gore, where we present the finest in independent Comedy/Horror features and shorts from around the world, amazing live music and prizes galore, all hosted by Steve and Gord of The BoneBat Show!
In 2012, the Mosaic film experience was created to promote intelligent, passionate, creative discovery among high school and college students through short film.
Through courses in film-making and screenwriting, young people explore experiences from their own lives and share their stories and messages with a wider world.
The Mosaic Film Experience is a film festival that encompasses a weekend of activities for youth and adult audiences, including hands-on learning for students and film enthusiasts, screenings of great feature and documentary films, post-film talk backs and entertainment experiences.
Mosaic discovers and develops tomorrow’s artists and audiences within local communities sparking conversation and new ways of thinking. It is a platform for learning about our differences by showing us how similar we are.
PANSPORT Cinema e Esporte Ltda. promotes and organizes the RIO DE JANEIRO INTERNATIONAL SPORTMOVIES FESTIVAL (FIFE), which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from September 9th to 15th, 2015, with free entrance for the audience.
Single Paragraph – The screening program of the FIFE can be exhibited in until 15 (fiftheen) other cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
European Film Festival in Opuzen is a weekly event through which we present work and progress of the European and Croatian audiovisual artists, especially film and cinematography.
Festival Europskog filma u Opuzenu predstavlja tjedni događaj putem kojeg se prezentira dosadašnji rad i napredak Europskih i Hrvatskih audiovizualnih umjetnika.
TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is the first international film festival created in 2003 as one of the most important cinematic events in Europe.
We are thrilled and honored to be approved as an official Academy Awards® and European Film Awards qualifying festival, it’s truly a tremendous opportunity for our filmmakers and future Best Short Film Award winners also for Student Academy Awards (SAA).
TIFF aims to create in Albania, as well as in the region, a cultural center of worldwide alternative and independent cinema. Albania is a solar, enthusiastic and friendly country and besides the “strong competition” TIFF aims at the same time to be a meeting point of cultures, where people of Tirana, the guests and all those who love films will have a cinema-language-communication week.
TIFF aims to create a friendly space for film artists and cinema enthusiasts from Albania, Europe and the entire world to come together and share their linked passion and knowledge of the motion picture art form. The intention of TIFF is to bring filmmakers, producers and distributors from all around the world to Tirana, in hopes of fostering future co-operation in this interesting scenic area. By bringing together these distinct voices and their work, TIFF commits itself to introducing audiences to alternative visions of extraordinary diversity. "Think Different, Watch Alike" is the slogan and motto of TIFF.
TIFF aims to demonstrate strong efficiency in audience development (especially toward young audience) by implementing activities before, during and after the event, including year-long activities and traveling to other cities with various smaller partner and smaller festivals in the country. Partnering with small organizations and youth centers around the country in order to use the existing facilities in each city will not only give to TIFF a large national impact, but will enhance on the other side the increase of values of small events in each respective city in which TIFF will be present.
The festival gets thousands of submissions a year from over 120 countries around the world that of submitted online through online platforms, which are then considered for selection. TIFF is an international cinema event whose main objective is to enlarge the number of venues and time of screening of European and non-European films of all genres and durations in Albania as well as it is considered to be an event to develop new audiences around the country, combining film screenings with public debates and thematic debates approaching new and an increased Film Audience and focusing also on Film Literacy.
The daily program of TIFF combines more than 200 premieres of feature and short films in competition in all formats and genres: fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and video art. Open to any filmmaker from around the world, TIFF showcases new cinematic work by established directors with international reputations as well as movies by talented students and young artists.
• Feature films
• PerspecTIFF (debut feature films)
• Documentary
• Made In ALBANIAn
• Fiction/Live Action (Oscar® & European Film Awards qualifying)
• Animation (Oscar® & European Film Awards qualifying)
• Documentary (European Film Awards qualifying)
• Video Art & Experimental (European Film Awards qualifying)
• Student films (all genres) (Academy Awards® qualifying)
• Balkan Films (all genres)
• In Albanian (all genres)
3. PANORAMA has some thematic sections dedicated to the most sensitive social topics and problematic social groups as for children, women, immigration, integration of persons with disabilities, LGBT, etc. with those sections:
• KIDs
Consists in the application of original live-action and animated short film scripts and other short form scripts of all genres (max. 20 pages).
The said competition did not aim to evaluate only the best script, but to evaluate from our partners, producers and distributors, the best and most possible script to be produced by them and with the greatest chances to be successfully distributed in the most popular international festivals for short films.
Besides the competition program TIFF reserves a large space to the special programs and screenings.
1. FOCUS is a special program, which is based on tribute or homage to the cinema author and/or the filmography of a given country.
2. RetrospecTIFF and TIFF Classics brings to the new audience the most prominent national or international authors of the film history.
TIFF will continue to have a large space to the special program KIDs, an exclusive program for children from 5-15 age average. This initiative comes as a long-term investment to raise and educate future cinematic audiences with artistic films through acquired projects in Creative Europe for the distribution and promotion of European films.
4. REFLECTING ALBANIA is the oldest program of the festival, dedicated to the foreign filmmakers who have produced their films in Albania or in Albanian speaking territory.
5. Oscar® Nominated Short Films & European Film Awards Shorts Tour
6. FesTIFFal is a special program with selected films by festival partners.
TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has the pleasure to announce four major services available for the applicants. Since its inception in 2003, TIFF received over 50,000 short and feature films from over 120 countries around the world. Out of all these applications more than 200 films can be chosen each year for the competition program. With these four new services, TIFF offers the opportunity to many films to be shown in alternative ways (TV, online, market, special programs) in a wider audience and experts.
The applicants must optionally apply clearly for each one of these new services.
• TIFF.TV Competition
With our media TV partners we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV juries and audience awards.
• TIFF on Tour
TIFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. TIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.
• TIFF Online Library
TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international internet audience and industry. The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.
• TIFF Market Corner
TIFF will create a market corner, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. TIFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, TIFF will receive a fee of 5%.
Find us:
info@tiranafilmfest.org | www.tiranafilmfest.org | facebook.com/TiranaFilmFest |
instagram.com/tiranafilmfest | twitter@TiranaFilmFest | youtube.com/user/TiranaFilmFestival1 | vimeo.com/ tiranafilmfest | linkedin.com/ company/1796049/admin/
The Ayerbe Film Festival Association launches this second stage of the "Villa de Ayerbe International Short Film Festival".
Since the 18th edition, with new members in the organization, we want to give a great boost to the festival. In addition to the international competition, we have created a new section dedicated to Science and Research to give greater visibility to the event and from this edition onwards, the awards are now called "CAJAL Awards".
We want to continue with the idea of collaboration with neighboring towns.
This collaboration is carried out in this way: All the selected short films may be screened locally collaborator simultaneously with the development of the Festival and their votes will serve to award the public prize.
Macabro FICH is the first and more experienced Genre Film Festival in Mexico. It's been held for 13 years without interruption. Borned as Macabro: Film and Video Horror Festival is now one of the most important festivals in Mexico and a key festival for the audience and film lovers of the horror film culture and it's national and international manifestations.
Macabro FICH, Macabro logo and Macabro Fest are trade mark. All use without permission is forbidden.
For more info, please write to contacto@macabro.mx/macabro.fich@gmail.com
Visit Macabro Film Festival sites for general information, activities, news and videos:
Born in 1995, the Festival International Nature Namur is now the meeting place for the lovers of nature and beautiful images, bringing together each year more than 35.000 spectators and visitors of all backgrounds! With it’s three international competitions - photos, home movies and professional films - and it’s many outdoor activities, it is now placed among the 5 biggest European events of the kind, bringing together each year photographers and filmmakers from around the world.
The second annual Syros International Film Festival will be held from July 26 – August 1 2014 on the island Syros, Greece, drawing on recent Greek and international films. SIFF is committed to showing films underrepresented in mainstream festivals, to promoting Greek and regional film within an international context, and to creating a new space for film in Greece. In addition, SIFF highlights Syros’ capital, Hermoupolis, using various spaces around the town for screenings and collaborating with different local groups. Join us!
The London International Animation Festival proudly showcases the whole spectrum of creative animation, showing that animation is for everyone.
Founded in 2003, LIAF aims to dispel the popular misconception that animation is just cartoons for kids by screening the broadest possible range of intelligent, entertaining and provocative current films on offer from all around the world as well as retrospectives and specialised sessions from countries and animators who don't normally elicit such attention.
Our annual 10-day Festival includes gala premieres, retrospectives, Q&A's with filmmakers, workshops, audience voting, and the Best of the Festival screening.
The festival is envisaged by Miniboxoffice, is a leading independent film festival organizing company based in India & serving the world’s short filmmakers community. Our film festival touches the every aspect of cinema & life since year 2010. The Miniboxoffice has served to almost more than 6500 filmmakers worldwide so far. With strong audience base from 63 countries, professional network of 1800 film schools & 80000 film professionals here we take the opportunity to dedicate the Miniboxoffice Online Festivals to the world’s short film making community. Come & join Miniboxoffice Online Festivals & create branding for you as filmmaker. For sure it would be an exciting experience for you.