The annual film festival TFF is held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
The festival’s aim is watching interesting movies, discussing them, giving and getting the prizes and having a nice autumn evening.
Polish international horror film festival - frightening the masses at the Centrum Kultury w Lublinie in Lublin since 2015.
- polish and european premieres
- cult horror movies
- dark shorts
- guests
- lectures about horror cinema
- horror movies
- thrillers
- dark animations
- horror comedies
- dark drama movies
- science-fiction
- gore
ドーカーは、世界中の素晴らしい独立ドキュメンタリー映画をロシアの聴衆に持ち込み、作家、専門家、観客のためのディスカッションプラットフォームを提供するために9年前に作成されました。 DOKerの原則@@
-画像とサウンドは、フィクション映画の場合と同様にドキュメントにとって重要です。 映画の言語は普遍的であり、私たちは物語を伝えるためにそれを使用します。
We welcome two categories of films: films about children/childhoods and films made by children (up to 18 years old).
We are interested in the films that provide us with the insight into children's lives and various childhood experiences.
This is the 2nd edition of the festival. More info about the first edition can be found at
サブミッション 2025
MI プライマー・フェスティバル、第10版
映画への愛をまき散らす子どもと青少年のための国際映画祭 MI PRIMER FESTIVAL (MPF)。 少女、少年、青少年、青少年、若者が世界で起こっていることを理解し、変化を起こす方法を示すことを奨励し、促進する方法を見つけることは、私たちの手に委ねられています。
MI PRIMER FESTIVALは、子どもの権利条約とNNAを権利保有者として認める一般法で定められたNNAの人権を中心に、国内外の映画やオーディオビジュアルを展示する場を作ることを目指しています。
For this unique section of the film competition we will only be accepting those productions made by Mexicans in Mexican territory.
¡Viva México! Film Festival Australia convoca a productores y realizadores mexicanos para que inscriban sus cortometrajes a su segunda edición a realizarse en las ciudades de Melbourne del 11 al 16 de octubre y en Perth del 18 al 23 de octubre.
El objetivo del ¡Viva México! Film Festival es acercar la diversidad cultural mexicana a las audiencias australianas a través del Cine Mexicano Contemporáneo, es esta; nuestra forma de compartir nuestra pasión por México.
Nuestros objetivos principales son:
• Promover el trabajo de los cineastas más destacados de México
• Proporcionar a la audiencia australiana una visión más profunda para que pueda apreciar la cultura mexicana tradicional y contemporánea a través del cine.
• Proporcionar a la comunidad mexicana en Australia una selección de las mejores películas mexicanas y eventos culturales.
• Hacer conciencia y conocimiento acerca de lo que realmente es México, más allá de los estereotipos. Mostrando la diversidad de su gente, su cultura, sus paisajes y promoviéndolo como un destino turístico excepcional.
Viva México Film Festival nació en el año 2015, fue creado originalmente por José Briones y Sarah Connor junto a un equipo de colaboradores que comparten una pasión por México, su gente y su cultura. Para esta segunda edición el VMFF es vuelve más fuerte que nunca.
Dekho Film Festival (Prev. Aab International Film Festival (AIFF)) is an international film festival designed specifically for the independent filmmaker who’s tired of being overlooked by all the other festivals that seem to cater only to big-budget productions. Scanning the endless list of festivals not knowing where to gamble your money is frustrating. In most cases, you end up with nothing to show for your hard work and limited budget. At Dekho Film Festival we’ve kept our entry fee low and offer one of them along with an option to have your film or script reviewed. Dekho Film Festival is headquartered in Mumbai, India through our International judging panel is scattered around the globe. Our selection committee reviews the film by private screening the best films marked as the official selection. All the official Selection films screened into our venue in front of live audiences. Where our jury watches the film and selects the best films as the winner.
The International Short Film Festival of the all us other Social diversity aims to be a platform for young LL everyone disclose their works and share experiences and concerns in a conference devoted to the cinema and people.
The film would not exist without people, but there may be people without cinema? Of course that Yes, and homeless and without clothes and without food, full is the world of people who have nothing, not film. To all of them we dedicate our festival to serve the film les voice, even cry. A means to vindicate the justice, equality and rights denied by the world. An agile and current to denounce injustice and inequality, the horror.
This effort, on the premise that what has been the monopoly of a multi-billion dollar industry, is mutating into a mass system of creation and multicultural exchange. Access to technology and the Internet open field to new youth and community expressions, the filmmaking turns and we intend to respond to this transformation.
Love for cinema, passion for people and the conviction that the arts and culture and the exchange of experiences and opportunities it is possible to create a better world...
.. .a world of film.
アギラール・デ・カンプー短編映画祭は、このジャンルにおいて我が国で最も歴史があり、関連性の高い映画祭の一つに数えられています。 スペイン映画芸術アカデミーでは、ゴヤ賞で競われる短編映画の上映が重要な映画祭のひとつに挙げられています。 前回を通して、同映画祭は我が国の映画に関わる重要な決定を行ってきた。 第13回ではマニフェストを発表し、自身の哲学と映画へのこだわりを披露した。 彼は選ばれた短編映画の選考料を払い、経済的競争をなくし、芸術的創作と制作を促進することを決めた。 上映室は、フィクション、ドキュメンタリーアニメーション、実験映画など、あらゆるジャンルの国際映画に開放されています。 2016年、映画祭はAIC(短編映画産業協会)から表彰されました。 この賞は、映画とその業界、特にショートフィルムの普及、保護、専門化において模範的な役割を果たした映画祭を差別化し、表彰するための毎年恒例の賞です。 この認定は今回が初めてで、短編映画とその制作者に対する良い行動の指針を作成するために、1年以上にわたって全国の映画祭、映画製作者、その他の専門家との話し合いを重ねた結果です。 この表彰の基本的な目的は、新世代の映画製作者を教育し、模範映画祭を保護し、彼らの献身と厳格さを認めることです。 私たちは、文化を豊かにする一形態として、専門家と一般市民との出会いと交流を求めています。
- The Concordia Social Film Festival is a competitive festival.
- Films of any length or genre can be presented, provided that they focus on the following issues:
Values / Collective Experiences
Popular movements
Children and Youth
The Mediterranean Film Festival (MedFF) is an online festival that rewards every month the best for each category. Its objective is to promote independent films and emerging artists by making them competing with more established ones.
The MedFF born to George Beach (Fontane Bianche) in the beautiful and charming town of Syracuse (Italy). MedFF means freedom, typical of maritime cities, every participant can submit his work whatever it is.
During the summer of each year, the best of each month will come to the final live screening at George's Beach town (Fontane Bianche). Event will be on 3 June 2017 in Villa Dunardi
The Lake Champlain International Film Festival (LCIFF) turns the spotlight on new films and filmmakers working in any and all genres and forms of film. Good, old-fashioned entertainment and cutting-edge artistry will be showcased in equal measure. Set in Plattsburgh, nestled in the heart of the Adirondacks, LCIFF takes place in November along the banks of Lake Champlain.
The screenings will take place at the Strand Theatre, a landmark of cultural and historical importance. Located in the heart of downtown Plattsburgh, the Strand was originally built as a Vaudeville Theatre in 1924 and is currently on the National Registry of Historic Places. Imagine viewing your film in a gloriously restored theatre, your work framed by the opulence of Hollywood's Golden Age.
Festival trailer:
X Short Festival El Palo for short filmmakers born / as and / or residents in Málaga (Spain).
ONLY FOR SPANISH FILMMAKERS (Malaga) // Solo podrán presentarse al concurso cortometrajistas nacidos y/o residentes en la provincia de Málaga.