El Festival "Be Free" es un proyecto educativo y participativo para concienciar a niños, jóvenes y adultos sobre la violencia, considerada como la coacción física o psíquica ejercida hacia una persona para conseguir objetivos en contra de su voluntad, conocer los tipos de la misma: violencia de género (sobre la mujer), violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar (la vulneración se produce con cualquier miembro de la unidad familiar) y violencia de pareja (entendido como cualquier acto dañino producido en la intimidad de la pareja indistintamente de que la victima sea hombre o mujer, e incluyendo en esta tipología también a las parejas homosexuales), los diferentes tipos de maltrato (físico, psicológico, sexual, económico, social, ambiental y patrimonial) y sus repercusiones en la época actual (la influencia de los medios de comunicación y publicitarios, el poder de las redes sociales como medida de control, la evolución del machismo en los adolescentes y el aumento del individualismo, aplicando una falsa "normalidad" y "aceptación social" ante actos violentos desde la perspectiva del espectador, es decir, mirar hacia otro lado ante la visión de una situación de maltrato) cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra esta violencia, aprender a reconocer el maltrato y potenciar la igualdad de sexos.
The Sci-Fi and Fantasy Film Festival 2025 is an event of showing and spreading the culture of this genres in Bogotá, with some spaces of showing between 29 of July and 3 of August of 2025.
The Official Section. All feature films whose content might be considered as belonging to such the horror or fantastic genre can take part in the competition.
Participation in the competition is on an international level.
Only one work per director will be accepted. Short films must not exceed 20 minutes in length (including credits).
All Short films must have been produced after January 1st 2024.
All films must be presented in their original language, with spanish subtitles. By "original language" is meant the language in which a film is or will be exhibited in its country of origin.
Bullies and Heroes which is characterized by the phrase: Ubuntu I am because we are (Nelson Mandela), was born after 50 years of experiences, studies and research, both in the cinematographic and artistic fields and in the pedagogical and psychological ones. It is located on the border between health and culture with the certainty that "the soul needs beauty and that beauty is nourishment for the soul" and allows us to best express all the creative potential of the human being. It is therefore important, as argued by Peppino Impastato, who has always rejected the idea of becoming accustomed to "ugliness", to educate children to "beauty": "...It is for this reason that people should be educated to beauty: because in men and women, let habit and resignation no longer creep in but curiosity and amazement always remain alive." The Festival that subsequently became laid its foundations on these important foundations with the Competition: Places of the Soul and Geographical Places. Draw, Photograph, Film beauty in just a few minutes with your smartphone (for the little ones and with more sophisticated means for the older ones). Every year the term beauty has been declined in a different meaning (beauty of fragility, beauty of uniqueness, beauty of diversity, beauty of creativity...) The beauty of places has always been a bridge to access one's interiority and stimulate curiosity, amazement and wonder. The Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has demonstrated how the basis of creativity, in children but also in adults, is precisely "emotional wonder", a fundamental emotion that must never be lost in order to always feel ready to explore previously unexplored paths, solutions never taken and original paths. In our society we risk having good technicians but an ever smaller number of creatives, which is why our aim, right from the start, has always been to use artistic tools, in particular cinema, to refine the most important and powerful ability of the human being: that of thinking in images or imagination, gathering stimuli from what surrounds us to grow, acquire awareness and learn about the audiovisual medium. Created with the active participation of children for children and with children, the Festival intends to enhance the potential and talent of children by offering them the opportunity to acquire both critical and creative skills with two different methods of participation. There are two sections: The first features feature films which are judged by a jury of young people from all over the world who, in this way, have the opportunity to become critics. The second of short films, video clips, videoboards, storyboards, screenplays, video art, theatre.dance, where the children have the opportunity to become directors, actors, screenwriters, to also experience all the professionalisms linked to the world of cinema. For the second section, the festival also offers spaces to young directors and international directors who deal with issues related to: family relationships, diversity, respect for the environment and others, relationships between peers, memories and identities of places with particular reference to the stories of territories. The festival does not limit itself to presenting and rewarding videos made by schools or directors, but organizes round tables with experts, workshops, conferences, in order to encourage children to have an interactive exchange of experiences and ideas with directors and actors and with even. The conferences dedicated to the ecology of the mind, ecology of the environment and ecology of and in cinema saw the participation of international universities with professors recognized in Italy and around the world. The Festival deserves special attention because it represents a unique multi-sensory experience that allows you to learn about habits, customs, foods, stories, peoples and tell them through artistic means, in particular the audiovisual medium. Alongside directors, actors, musicians, screenwriters and photographers, there are sports testimonials through which the concepts of respect, rigor and passion are strengthened. They have been our testimonials over the years: Daniele Masala Olympic Champion, Klaus Dibiasi Olympic Champion, Alessandro Peterlini National Azzurri Champion, Luciana Foianesi World Arm Wrestling Champion, native of Val di Chiana, Chiara Bazzoni Champion Gold Medal at the Mediterranean Games. Among the Paralympic athletes we have had great International Champions, Matteo Betti, Giada Canino, If you help me, I'll dance too. We also collaborate with ODV Associations and NGOs that support children in war and create The Day of Wonder. For the 2024 Competition we are collaborating with the Collodi Foundation so that all the themes of the Competition can be facilitated and understood in a more exhaustive and innovative way through the story of the most famous puppet in the world: Pinocchio. A classic that international directors have revisited with innovative languages and which also offers children, schools and young directors the possibility of tackling universal themes in an increasingly creative and innovative way. Jury presidents over the years have been: Mariano Rigillo Anna Teresa Rossini, Donatella Baglivo who for 2024 is joined by Pierfrancesco Bernacchi President of the Collodi Foundation. Our great collaborators are Maestro Vince Tempera and Maestro Giancarlo Amorelli, who support all of the film music.
A synergy has been created with the Municipality of Benevento starting from the Dante tradition which cites Sannio in the song dedicated to Manfredi. Tradition and innovation are always our cornerstones. Other cities and other regions have joined us: Caserta, the San Leucio Art School, Veneto, Tuscany, Campania, etc.
8th Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur
Aryan ICFF Jaipur INDIA
August 26-28, 2025, ICFF Jaipur INDIA
(26 AUGUST 2013 TO 20 SEPTEMBER 2018)
Organized By Aryan Roj Foundation & Jaipur International Film Festival Trust
(50k students participated in 2024 & around 80k students will participate in 2025)
(10th) Sixteen International Film Festivals in Jaipur, India by Jaipur International Film Festival-JIFF from August 26-28, 2025 16IFF INDIA
Around 50 thousand students participated in 2024 & around80000 students will participate in 2025.
CHOOSE YOUR FILM FESTIVAL, You can choose one or more, please write us:-
1) Women Film Festival in Jaipur (Films made by women, based on women)
2) Children Film Festival in Jaipur
3) Tribal Film Festival in Jaipur
4) Global Human Rights Film Festival in Jaipur
5) International Culture and Tourism Film Festival in Jaipur
6) Environment Film Festival In Jaipur
7) Love & Romantic Film Festival
8) Political ^ Corruption Based Film Festival
9) Democracy Film Festival
10) International Animation Film Festival
11) International Student Film Festival
12) War & Peace Film Festival
13) Horror Film Festival
14) Financial Crises and Development Film Festival
15) Ad Film Festival
16) Science Film Festival
Now submit also - Song
All these film festivals will be organized together.
Please submit and updates us about your submission at 16filmfestivals@gmail.com your submission is for which film festival out of 16 above.
Submit one time, pay one time for your film. If you want to enter your film in one or more film festivals as above, do not submit again, do not pay again, just mails us for other film festivals name we will include.
for more- http://jiffindia.org/16IFF.html
Promoting short films and documentaries culture in a country where commercial cinema has always ruled the roost is not an easy task. Delhi Shorts International Film Festival is one such successful effort started in year 2012 by Miniboxoffice with successful 2012 to 2022 editions. The festival brings thoughtful, highly creative & engaging short films from around the world to fulfill the cinegoers' appetite of the capital city of India. The festival aim is to establish a short film industry which runs parallel to commercial cinema.
13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-2024 is meant to grow many folds. The inaugural year 2012 was a big success followed by super successful 2012 to 2023 editions & enjoys the credibility of one of the most trusted short film festival of India. The festival was not only embraced by the short filmmaker’s but regarded by the media & industry members also.
The festival objective is to boost-up the short film market & providing exhibition platform to short filmmakers. The festival gives the professional networking opportunities & at the same time introduces the latest trends in cinema to the filmmakers. 13th DSIFF-24 is a unique platform here you can share, learn, showcase, observe & do many more thing to polish your creative & technical skills. We hope that this festival will turn a milestone in your filmmaking career.
The Raul Ruiz School Film Festival has been progressively positioned in its three previous versions as the first experimental school film festival in the country, with an increasing reach in different regions of the country. This is a positive indicator of the impact that this initiative has had. In this sense, the described initiative has become a recognized window of diffusion for school cinematographic art. In addition, the possibilities of artistic exploration that the festival suggests through its categories and evaluation criteria have enabled the production teams to investigate and experiment with different film languages. In this sense, the new challenges that the festival offers in its third version are, on the one hand, to continue and strengthen the diffusion and appreciation of school cinema and, on the other, to advance in aesthetic reflection and exploration, as integral contributions to education, with an emphasis on creativity, the generation of projects and the experimentation of artistic languages.
This is why the IV Raul Ruiz School Film Festival is an opportunity to broaden the creative horizons of the diffusion of art and audiovisual culture in educational communities, promoting a creative framework through instances that aim to improve the quality of artistic teaching and to address the interests, social, cultural and economic contributions of the communities.
UNESCO is clear in pointing out that the objectives of development and improvement in the quality of education must be accompanied by a substantial change in the area of social development of the establishments. Educational improvement projects (PME) cannot always advance comprehensively towards the financing of instances for the diffusion, appreciation and creation of inter-school artistic projects.
In accordance with the achievement of these objectives, the Festival in its previous versions has been adding relevant actors from the educational and academic community. Today we are supported by the Schools to Film program of the Cineteca Nacional and the Sarmiento Ruiz Archive (letters of support are attached). Those who have joined have opened and strongly promoted the possibilities of this festival at a national level and with a strong content in experimentation, creativity and collaborative work in the field of learning for girls, boys and adolescents. In this sense, the prospects have been auspicious, having as a background that in the first and second version we have been accompanied by the application of more than 80 films from all over Chile and the world.
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Biodiversity loss is one of the main threats we face today. Species are disappearing at levels never seen in human history. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation of resources, the appearance of invasive alien species are the main threats that many species face today.
The human being is the main cause of these threats, but the power to reverse these extinction processes is also in our hands. Conservation policies and measures have saved many species in recent years. Communicating and raising awareness about the main problems facing biodiversity is necessary in order to continue advancing. Many times the environmental problems that are treated from education, awareness and the work that is done in research centers do not reach the general public, for this reason using alternative media such as art or culture can be of great help to reach to more audiences.
Although the efforts to communicate the scientific results obtained in universities and research centers are evident, using the cinema as a communication vehicle is currently a little used bet.
At the "CINECO - International Film and Ecology Festival" we bring together scientists, filmmakers, conservation associations and the general public.
The main objective of the meeting is to highlight the role of cinema in communication and awareness of environmental problems. The specific objectives are:
1. Communicate and disseminate environmental problems to society through audiovisual pieces.
2. Establish a collaboration network between filmmakers and scientists for the development of future projects.
The Excellency Ezcaray City Council, with the collaboration of Desván Films, announces the 8th EZCARAY ENCORTO National Short Film Festival 2024 in order to promote the creation and dissemination of cinema as well as boost and enhance the cultural, social and economic life of Ezcaray.
La Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces M.P. (Fundación CENTRA en adelante), entidad adscrita a la Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa de la Junta de Andalucía, convoca de acuerdo con los principios de publicidad, concurrencia y objetividad la XVIII edición de los Premios IMAGENERA de Creación Documental sobre Andalucía, correspondientes a 2024.
IMAGENERA apuesta por promover el conocimiento y la investigación sobre Andalucía a través del lenguaje documental generando un patrimonio visual que preservar y difundir.
La 18 edición contempla las modalidades de Documental Audiovisual y Fotografía destinada a trabajos, sin acotación temática ni temporal, que presenten una imagen de Andalucía en su sentido más amplio y diverso:
• Trabajos visuales que logren representar o defender las oportunidades presentes y expectativas de futuro de la Comunidad Autónoma.
• Obras que exploren el pasado de Andalucía desde la perspectiva de nuestro tiempo.
• Aquellas que pongan en valor cualquier aspecto de la realidad andaluza que fomente nuestra Comunidad Autónoma como símbolo, imagen o icono de una comunidad moderna y versátil, dentro del contexto de España, Europa y el mundo.
• Se valorarán los trabajos que muestren con especial interés el rumbo de Andalucía en cohesión con sus valores sociales, económicos, tecnológicos, políticos o culturales.
FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.
El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.
El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.
Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.
En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.
Censurados Film Festival is a film festival that disseminates and makes visible “the cinema they don't want you to see.” Based in Peru, the festival is committed to freedom of expression, human rights and diversity through the screening of films and the organization of artistic and educational activities.
1. International Competition “Censorship”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from any part of the world that have been censored due to political, religious, corporate, authoritarian or social pressures or interests, among others, or that have been victims of threats and/or violence, either during its research, production or realization or in its subsequent exhibition and/or distribution. It is an essential requirement to provide demonstrable information about the censorship, threat, pressure or violence that the film has suffered. No duration limit.
2. Short Film Competition “Shorts without Cut”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world and a maximum duration of 30 minutes that claim freedom of thought and expression without fear of cancellation, and political and social action in matters of public interest.
3. “Peruvian Voices” Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from Peru that allow dissident voices to be heard and make the viewer reflect on controversial topics, on which different groups have constructed apparently irreconcilable arguments, in order to create an open and elevated dialogue space on them. No duration limit.
In an ever-evolving film industry, MICA 3 is at the forefront of a new wave of exposure-focused film exhibits. We believe that films should be seen, celebrated, and shared—not locked away in traditional festival circuits.
By joining MICA 3, your work has the chance to shine on a screening event and to reach a global audience through our extensive online exhibit, amplified by three months of paid advertising.
At MICA, we believe that the future of cinema is yet to be found, and we are proud to support the seventh art through this transition. Thank you for joining our film exhibit as a platform for your work.
ESPIELLO, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ETHNOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY is organized by the Service of Culture of the Comarca de Sobrarbe (an institution that it groups to 19 town halls) along with a wide participation of neighbors of the zone who form the Permanent Commission of the festival. It is celebrated during March and April in Boltaña, a small population of the Pyrenees of Huesca (Spain).
Espiello is the only festival with this specialization in the country. It has an international competition of ethnographic documentary and some different sections out of competition and other activities whith topics related to the documentary and the visual anthropology.
The 7th AmiCorti International Film Festival (AmiCorti IFF) is a premier cultural and cinematic event set to take place from June 23-28, 2025, in the historic town of Ivrea, Italy, specifically at the "AUDITORIUM MOZART." This festival is dedicated to celebrating the best of contemporary cinema, with a strong emphasis on emerging directors, independent filmmakers, and unique artistic perspectives. The festival aims to be a global meeting point for the film community, offering both in-person and virtual participation options to ensure wide accessibility. Selected films will be showcased on the exclusive AmiCorti platform, providing a focused and engaged audience.
The festival is recognized for its commitment to fostering creativity, innovation, and the exploration of social issues through film. It promotes cultural exchange, diversity, and inclusivity, making it a significant event in the international film festival circuit.
Event Type
The AmiCorti International Film Festival (AmiCorti IFF) is classified as a Cultural and Arts Event, with a specific focus on Film and Media. It is an International Film Festival that celebrates and showcases a diverse range of cinematic works from both emerging and established filmmakers worldwide. The event includes competitive and non-competitive sections, special programs, workshops, and awards ceremonies, making it a comprehensive platform for cinematic expression and appreciation.
Mission and Objectives
The mission of AmiCorti IFF is to nurture and showcase innovative cinema that contributes to the global dialogue on critical contemporary issues. The festival provides a platform for filmmakers to present their work to an international audience, promoting the exchange of ideas, cultural perspectives, and artistic techniques. The festival emphasizes diversity, inclusivity, and the exploration of social issues, aiming to highlight the transformative power of cinema.
Submission Categories
The festival features several competitive and non-competitive categories, each designed to highlight different aspects of cinematic excellence:
International Feature Film Competition
Eligibility: Fiction and documentary feature films (over 40 minutes) completed before December 31, 2024.
Awards: Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay.
Jury: An international jury of at least seven esteemed figures from cinema, television, and journalism will select the winners.
International Short Film Competition
Eligibility: Italian and international short films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, completed by December 31, 2024.
Awards: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay.
Jury: An international jury will evaluate the submissions and determine the winners.
National Short Film Competition
Eligibility: Italian short films (up to 30 minutes) completed by December 31, 2024.
Awards: Best National Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Screenplay.
Jury: A national jury of seven members will oversee this section.
International Animated Short Film Competition
Eligibility: Animated short films completed before December 31, 2024.
Award: Best Animated Film.
Jury: An international jury, comprising at least seven members, will judge this category.
International Social Theme Short Film Competition
Eligibility: Short films that address significant social issues, completed by December 31, 2024.
Award: Best Social Theme Short Film.
Jury: The winners will be selected by a jury of seven individuals with expertise in cinema and social issues.
International Music Video Competition
Eligibility: Music videos completed before December 31, 2024.
Award: Best Music Video.
Jury: A jury of at least three members will assess the entries in this category.
Non-Competitive Sections
Agenda 2030
Description: This section is dedicated to films that focus on social issues aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The selected works will be recognized for their impactful storytelling and contributions to raising awareness on global challenges.
Mentions: Best Direction, Best Photography, Best Actor.
Short Films Out of Competition
Description: An open and inclusive section for short films of all genres, formats, and dates. This section provides filmmakers with the opportunity to showcase their work without the pressures of competition.
Special Program
Workshop: “Easy Filmmaking”
Description: A hands-on workshop aimed at guiding participants through the basics of filmmaking, from concept to production. This program is designed to make filmmaking accessible to everyone, regardless of their prior experience.
Welcome to the Radical Frame Film - 2025 Short Film Series - Berlin
We at the Radical Frame Film Festival are proud to announce edition number eleven of Short Film
The idea for the Radical Frame Film Festival started years ago when a group of Denver activists,
artists, and friends decided to bring the messages of video activist cinema into the public eye.
We feel that due to the current social and political climate, both locally and globally, our mission
-- to provide a forum for thought provoking films and debates -- is more critical than ever.
We are committed to presenting progressive, leftist, radical, anti-racist, experimental, and
visionary films that address issues including, but not limited to, the environment, human rights,
social injustice, antiglobalization, etc...
The Radical Frame Film Festival showcases every genre of independent film from across the world during this incredible bi-continental celebration of independent artists.
The Radical Frame Film Festival is a forum where filmmakers can thrive outside the mainstream arena.
The Short Film Series turns the spotlight on truly independent short films, created by new and
established filmmakers. The purpose is to allow anyone regardless of country, to step to their dreams and start taking the steps to live life with passion and purpose.