The CortoNero Noir short film competition was established in 2008 in collaboration with “400ml” cultural association and “Il Pozzo e il Pendolo” theatre company.
Thanks to the collaboration between Ciro Sabatino, artistic director at Il Pozzo e il Pendolo and Gennaro Maria Cedrangolo, film enthusiast and videomaker, their passion for noir and mystery gave birth to the creation of this film competition. The goal is to find new ways of investigating and experimenting ideas for noir and mystery. The competition takes place in Naples, a city with esoteric and superstitious roots: the ideal scene for a crime!
The CortoNero competition has substantialy grown over the past 10 years. This competition is internationally recognized thanks to the number of artists participating from all around the world. As a consequence, this competition produces high quality films while generating extraordinary talent and creativity.
CortoNero collaborates with all major film agencies in the region of Campania and its founding members of the CFCC (Coordinamento Festival Cinematografici Campania).
Video Arts Convergences Award 4rd edition - Open to all - All genres (animation, fiction, documentary, report ...)
Theme: "You have to live with a mental illness!" "
Make all audiences aware of the reality of people suffering from mental illness, better understand these illnesses, promote quality cinematographic works… These are the objectives of the Arts Convergences Award.
Explore themes such as: social relationships - self-esteem - view of others - coping skills - talking about your illness - organization of daily life - autonomy - difficulty in managing time and projecting yourself - money - family circle - love life - manage emotions - perception and distortion of other people's emotions or signals - merge with others - self-forgetfulness….
El proyecto eMove Festival tiene un objetivo educativo al incorporar de un modo activo, mediante la producción de obras audiovisuales, la educación en valores en el proyecto curricular de cada centro formativo.
Participar en el proyecto favorece en los alumnos la afición por las artes audiovisuales como fórmula positiva de utilización de su tiempo libre, desarrollando además sus posibilidades como fuente de información y de enriquecimiento cultural.
En última instancia, el festival pretende ser una herramienta para motivar a los alumnos y premiar la creatividad de los que pueden ser los futuros profesionales de la industria audiovisual mundial.
The PAF festival supports and promotes the training of emerging artists and opens this space considering three main pillars that collaborate in the consolidation of the value chain of the national and international animation industry: educate, connect and multiply, focusing on Central America and the Caribbean region. Education, through its free and specialized workshops held to support emerging and amateur talent, also educates the public by providing national and international works of quality and variety in their proposals; connects national and international talent and collaboration possibilities to develop projects; multiplies growth and development possibilities through networking, contact with recognized personalities in the middle of the animation and the possibility of exhibiting the selected works and / or winners in other platforms allied to the festival. As a result, collaborative work among filmmakers, producers, distributors, and exhibitors is fostered, with which it is desired to exalt the language and creativity of Central American and Caribbean talent.
MosFestFilm is an international film competition with an annual awards event in Moscow.
MosFestFilm is an organization devoted to showcasing the best and brightest films from around the globe, advancing the careers of filmmakers through screenings, networking events, and various panel and forums. Categories include Narrative, Animation, Documentary, Music Video, Experimental and Student Shorts.
MosFestFilm is an avid supporter of local and international filmmakers representing cinematic productions that embody the true spirit of the art. From classic or original scripts to new cinematography and film techniques, each and every piece is the result of true emotion and expression.
We're glad you're here! We can't wait to discover the amazing films you create and the global community that you build.
All best films that were selected for the screening, will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on September 16 - 21, 2025 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best film". As well as for the prizes in the standalone nominations.
Join us for the first Azure Lorica Horror Comedy Film Festival! The celebration of this hybrid genre is a testament to brilliant filmmaking and witty scriptwriting. We wish to honor this community of filmmakers with a ceremony worth of their talent.
Hosted on Zoom, we will be screening films, showcasing Q&A panels, and hosting the award ceremony online.
Beautiful festival that takes place in Modica and Gela - ITALY.. Modica is the birthplace of Salvatore Quasimodo and the festival is dedicated to him, the Nobel Prize for poetry. The festival has reached its 16th edition and welcomes poets, videographers, directors, writers and any artist who deals with the theme of the Festival: Cinema and Poetry. The cinema section is for short films of videopoetry, short films of fiction, videoclips and feature films.
CONOFEST - International (Short) Film Festival is a millennial, feminist and multidisciplinary festival of short films written and/or directed by women covering Balearic, national and international content and held in Palma, Madrid and Barcelona in December 2022.
CONOFEST - International (Short) Film Festival was created with the aim of exhibiting, supporting and disseminating the work of women film professionals and short films by women and short films at national and international level.
One of the main goals of CONOFEST - International (Short) Film Festival is the respect for the professionalization of the art and the care of the artist. All the films that make up the festival are paid a non-competitive fee to encourage filmmaking and the respect for the short film industry.
The FIRE!! Mostra is the first LGBT film festival in Spain: established in 1995 by Casal Lambda, in Barcelona, it addresses affective diversity in its broadest sense through a careful selection of feature films, documentaries and short films. A selection of art-house cinema and an educational approach are its main characteristics.
Throughout two weeks at the beginning of June - mainly at the French Institute but also at other different indoor or open-air venues in the city -, a wide range of public is invited to enjoy this Barcelona cultural landmark, with stories and testimonials of free people, creators who break barriers and fighters for human rights, all of whom help with love to build a fairer and freer world.
The festival's name is a tribute to the late 20s New York magazine of the same name, FIRE!!, led by the black gay writer Richard Bruce Nugent, portrayed in one of the most iconic films of the festival, Brother to Brother, which we screened a few years ago.
Guajarati cinema is one of the major regional and vernacular film industries of the cinema of India has produced more than thousands of films since its inception and still many films including motivational films releases every year.
Ahmedabad – A world heritage city also carries its legacy of Gujarat film industries. The city has cultivated many great filmmakers and artists.
I acquired an idea to start this festival with an assistance of very recognized members of cinema industry.
AIFF is the pioneer in Gujarat to provide platform for filmmakers, musician, animation maker, editor, ad film maker, DOP, script writer, art director etc. to promote their work in the group of experts.
We are expecting great participation with enthusiasm from filmmakers and other industry professionals from India and abroad. The main agenda of AIFF is to provide platform for talent irrespective of newbie or experienced filmmakers.
The 1st AIFF-22 will provide you an environment to flourish your skills in cinema and is definitely will be contributed hugely to your progress as a filmmaker.
AIFF is one of the feather from the bouquet of an idea of omguru and one of his determined dream. He wanted to make a platform for young and amateur filmmakers, musician, animation maker, editor, ad film maker, DOP, script writer, art director etc .
AIFF is the 1st organization in Gujarat who is willing to provide platform for the creativity of an emerging artists.
Original Version in Catalan
VOC Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges és un projecte impulsat per Òmnium Cultural amb la finalitat d’estimular la producció de curtmetratges de qualitat en català, contribuir a la seva difusió i ampliar-ne el públic.
El VOC és un festival únic perquè arriba a més de 90 sales d’arreu dels Països Catalans simultàniament durant els mesos de febrer i març. És un punt de trobada entre creadors, públic i referents del sector, una oportunitat per compartir l’experiència del cinema en llengua catalana.
Rome Prisma Film Awards was founded in 2018 by Stefano Perletta and the production company Il Varco. Hosted by Cinema Azzurro Scipioni, in its first year it saw Silvano Agosti as the president of the jury, a legendary Italian director that has worked alongside the greatest Italian professionals like Ennio Morricone, Vittorio Storaro, Nicola Piovani and many others. Over the course of its second year it moved to Cinema dei Piccoli, one of the oldest movie theaters of Rome, in the heart of Villa Borghese park since 1934.
In September 2020 we embarked on a new path under the curatorship of a new artistic director, Marcello Di Trocchio. During the Covid-19 pandemic that shut down festivals all over the world, we created a monthly streaming on Twitch with a teeming community following us from every corner of the Earth. In July 2021, after the re-opening of cinemas in Italy, we moved to one of the city’s most prestigious and characteristic movie theaters, located in the historic Campo de’ Fiori square: Cinema Farnese, where we started having screenings every two months.
From January 2022 we started a little big revolution: we opened the invitation to the events not only to the Rome-based film audience, but also to all filmmakers who had submitted their own project to our festival in the months preceding the event. In this way, one edition after the other, we contributed to making the Prisma events not only film evenings different from the others, but also a real opportunity to come together for hundreds of filmmakers from all over the world, who all too often feel lost in front of the endless quantity of audiovisual products that every day, at an unstoppable speed, are made, shared and forgotten – and who also feel equally lost in front of the thousands of film festivals that all too often, rather than opportunities to meet, seem to offer laurels to be exhibited on movie posters and social media.
That’s how the Prisma Awards have organically grown into one of the most community driven festivals, gathering over the last three years alone more than 300 artists between directors, producers, actors and movie professionals, coming from all parts of Italy, Europe and the world.
From September 2022, in order to raise the quality of the events, we have started reducing their number: from six a year to three, one every four months, always at Cinema Farnese – each time showcasing short films capable of making the audience laugh, cry, in any case be moved, together in the embracing darkness of the movie hall.
During the course of six years we have received more than 17.000 film projects from 150+ countries and we’ve been reviewed more than 900 times, thus becoming the #1 most reviewed film festival in Europe and one of the best reviewed in general.
Many of the films we’ve screened have passed through first-class festivals, like the short films August Sky by Jasmin Tenucci or Fár by Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter, both winners of the Special Mention at Cannes Film Festival (2021 and 2023 editions), or Censor of Dreams by Leo Berne and Raphaël Rodriguez and Ice Merchants by João Gonzalez, both shortlisted in the Academy Awards (2022 and 2023 editions), or Nate Milton’s Eli from the official selection of Sundance Film Festival. At the same time, we are always proud to bring to the big screen also unpublished gems that we fortunately intercept and that almost nobody else shows.
We never stop collecting the best of emerging cinema, from all kinds of budgets, genres and cultural origins, and we can’t wait to see, day after day, year after year, more stimulating authors and more interested viewers to join us in this beautiful, challenging, creative journey.
These are the Rome Prisma Film Awards. We unite people, through films, in the very heart of Rome.
All Venezuelan short filmmakers, residing inside or outside the country and resident foreigners may participate.
**Become a part of one of the most popular IMDb annual Festivals!**
Welcome to the Bristol Independent Film Festival. We are one of the UK’s fastest-growing independent film festivals!
Since we started in 2016 we have had submissions from over 120 countries. We pride ourselves on being an international film festival. We aspire to promote, recognize, and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers and help them receive their deserved recognition. We welcome submissions from a range of genres including short films, documentaries, features, animations, and screenplays.
•We aim to create a community of independent film-makers and an environment where we can celebrate independent films and our submitters’ creations.
•For each event, we provide networking booklets that include information about each winner and ways to contact them. We also provide trophies and winners packs.
•Each season we offer cash prizes to our favorite submissions to help fund their future projects.
•Finally, we aim to establish personal relationships with our submitters. We always enjoy finally meeting with our filmmakers/ scriptwriters and being able to celebrate their accomplishments in person.
Why Bristol?
Bristol was recently recognized by UNESCO as a “City of Film” alongside the likes of Sydney, Rome, and Galway. We pride ourselves on being the largest celebration of independent film in Bristol and we aim to create a hub for independent film-makers.
Judging Process?
Our submissions are judged by a jury of international industry professionals. They rate each submission on 10 different categories including cinematography, writing, pacing, and creativity. This helps them decide which submissions make it to the final stage where there will be jury group viewings to make sure we only pick the best quality submissions.
We look forward to viewing your creations and hope to meet you at our 7th annual celebration of independent film.
The Brittany International Film Festival features quality films from the world’s filmmakers as well as new independant talents from around the world.
Our mission is to discover high quality and ambitious films to award and promote.
From the 14th to the 23th of July, our Official Selection will be screened publicly in the most beautiful and Celtic town of Brittany: Locronan.
Welcome to you all !
Film/ Feature Film/Short Film/Documentory/music vedio/Animation/VFX/CGI/2D/3D/other
All Entertainment Catagory Accept
Cinema Camp Film Festival is a short film festival open to filmmakers from all over the world that has a double function: on one hand, serve as a platform for the dissemination of the short film in those places where it does not have much presence, and on the other hand, to function as an educational and formative tool, allowing the young spectators, who mostly make up their audience, to learn and draw inspiration from the visualization of the different cinematographic works.
The functioning of the festival, open to all types of audiences, is very simple: among all the short films received, a final selection will be made, which will be the one screened in the different sessions of the festival (which will take place in different Spanish cities at throughout the summer). Assistants to each of these projections will be the ones in charge of choosing their favoire short film. The short film that gets the most votes will win the Best Short Film Award of the festival.
Likewise, a specialized jury formed by professionals from the cinematographic sector will grant the different special mentions: Best Direction, Best Photography, Best Screenplay, and Best Actor/Actress.