Short Out is a film festival that has the ambition to represent a reflection's place on the issues crossing the suburbs.
The enhancement of peripheral spaces is a central topic to explore expanding territories and with the purpose of understand an urban context that invests in centralization.
In the margins lives an unexpressed or not yet explored artistic lymph and the desire is to bring it to light, starting from Lainate, on the edge of the metropolitan city of Milan.
The fourth edition of Short Out Festival will take place from Tuesday 1st to Sunday 6th July, inside the natural spaces and courtyards of Villa Litta, emblem of the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the city of Lainate.
We desire to create a widespread Festival that does not end with the screening of short films.
That's the reason we thought of a Short Off with a rich program of meetings during all three days of Short Out Festival.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.
Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.
See you Around & Fest Regards
MOONWATCHERS Association for Cinematographic Culture from Statte (Taranto, Italy) organizes the “Moonwatchers Film Festival” contest for Directors and Film-makers from all the world, who produced their works from January 1st, 2020 onwards. The deadline to send the movies is set to May 31st, 2023.
The D'A Film Lab Barcelona is a program to promote new film talent that aims to facilitate the conclusion of feature films in the post-production phase and promote their international circulation. Six unfinished films will be selected to receive specific advice from professionals and a jury will award a prize of 20,000 euros to the best film of the six participants.
TODOS SOMOS DIFERENTES (WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT) it is configured as an International Film Festival that seeks to make visible audiovisual works that address issues related to different types of disability as well as the Rights of People with Disabilities, such as equal opportunities, social inclusion, participation and accessibility. In this seventh edition, due to the global health emergency, both the Festival and the various activities will take place virtually.
Likewise, it seeks to enhance and encourage the participation of organizations of and for people with disabilities and educational institutions, artists, workers in the audiovisual world and people with an interest in the development of films that revolves around these themes.
This is the first festival in South Africa that goes beyond artistic films, by accommodating all kind of genres i.e. action, sci-fi etc. We believe that emerging and experienced film makers deserved equal rights to showcase their talent; therefore, this festival is initiated as a platform to give new film makers from KZN/Africa/ all over the world a chance to showcase their films worldwide, while promoting the work of the experienced film makers. Using the existing relationship between.
The ACCIONS 3E Non-Profit Cultural Association is convening and organizing the 29th SUNCINE International Environmental Film Festival, to be held on November 2-10, 2023.
SUNCINE, formerly known as FICMA, was first held in 1993 and is positioned as the oldest Environmental Film Festival in the world; it is a reference in its genre.
SUNCINE is a multi-screen festival (in-person, online and televised). Its primary objective is to promote, disseminate and publicize environmental audiovisual works to raise awareness about the state of the environment, biodiversity and the planet’s sustainability.
The Visualízame festival began in 2011.
Organized by Fundación Inquietarte, the main objective of Visualízame is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of cinematographic works in which women participate in the direction, script and/or production.
Likewise, serve as a dissemination platform for short films that promote equality, in addition to respect for Human Rights. That is why we have two special awards for short films committed to the 2030 agenda of Sustainable Development Goals, and films whose plot addresses the topic of death and mourning.
The Dead And SudBuried Horrorthon began life way back in 2016 in darkest Suffolk in the small market town of Sudbury as a celebration of classic horror movies. Over just one day, seven such classics were thrown back on the big screen in the intimate venue of The Quay Theatre. Taking place in a town without an actual cinema to fulfil our dream to see these movies on a big screen, the first Horrorthon was planned around a birthday so just in case it failed to bring enough horror fans obsessed enough to sit and watch non-stop horror all day long, the event could be written off as a present to ourselves!
Fortunately, a small but perfectly formed crowd came, enjoyed and endured over 13 hours of wonderful motion pictures giving birth to our very own franchise! We believe that movies should be seen on a big screen with big sound and with a crowd to be truly enjoyed which is the real reason the Horrorthon keeps coming back every year!
We returned in 2017, 2018 and 2019 bombarding a growing crowd with more classic horror movies and adding giveaways, discounts from local businesses and more! Sadly due to Covid, our 2020 was postponed but we created a virtual event to bridge the gap to 2021 using the Eventive platform and a host of brand new movies and shorts over an entire weekend!
Returning to the real world after the pandemic, we brought in our biggest crowd yet for our fifth event to watch a weekend of 7 brand new features (2 UK premieres) including Wyvern Hill, It Came From Below, Alien On Stage, Sweetie You Won’t Believe It, Tales Of The Creeping Death, Werewolf Castle and Box with 4 live Director/Cast Q&A’s following the screening, 7 classic horror movies featuring The Lost Boys, The Changeling, The Howling, Pieces, Friday The 13th, Videodrome and [•REC] with video introductions from Joe Dante, Alex Winter and Sean S Cunningham plus 24 amazing shorts from all over the world.
The huge success of Horrorthon V led to an even bigger 3 day event for Horrorthon VI in 2022 featuring 8 classics including Deep Red, The Living Dead At The Manchester Morgue, Return Of The Living Dead, The Fog and The Beyond, 8 festival circuit movies including The Creeping, Night Shift, Powertool Cheerleaders versus The Boyband Of The Living Dead, Do Not Disturb, The Outwaters, Super Z, Anthropophagus II, Feed Me and 19 brand new shorts plus the addition of food trucks and merchandise!
The seventh Horrorthon, Taste The Blood Of Dead And SudBuried was the biggest event to date with a bigger crowd than ever before! The 3-day event featured classics like Train To Busan, The Haunting, Death Line and Motel Hell, brand new movies Eight Eyes, Beaten To Death, How To Kill Monsters, The Moor, The Black Mass, The Pocket Film Of Superstitions, Lore and Punch and 19 new horror shorts!
The Eighth edition expanded with an earlier start and more movies - 18 features including Protein, The Invisible Raptor, Straight On Till Morning, The Last Video Store, Bogieville, Cara, The Well, Scared Shitless and Members Club plus 18 shorts, more Q&A's, more food trucks - just more everything!
We return in October 2025 with our the ninth edition in our usual home, The Quay Theatre in Sudbury, Suffolk. Come and join us!
The International Humor Film Festival - Primavera do Riso - will present to the public the worldwide contemporary cinematographic production dedicated to the comedy genre in its many variants, allowing the circulation of films that do not find space in the traditional commercial medium of distribution and exhibition.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.
See you Around & Fest Regards
The International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST, held in Valencia since 2008, is one of the main initiatives promoted by the Fundación por la Justicia. Its aim is to bring audiovisual culture closer to both the general public and especially vulnerable audiences, while advocating for human rights and denouncing their violations worldwide. Additionally, it features a series of activities with a social focus.
The 16th edition of HUMANS FEST will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2025.
The 23rd MonFilmFest, organized by Immagina a.c. APS, returns from July 3 to 12, 2025, to Mombello Monferrato (TO) and in an anywhere format, telling stories through cinema and giving space to new voices and talents. This edition celebrates the theme «This land is my land», paying homage to Monferrato and the planet in their complexity and beauty.
Discover and promote new talents and cinematic stories through a creative game that becomes a production method. MonFilmFest tells the world starting from Monferrato, with an approach embracing its physical, anthropic, and cultural characteristics, focusing on current themes such as sustainability and inclusivity.
Festival Sections – Cinema Games
1. Seven Days for a Film
This is the heart of MonFilmFest: a challenge to create a short film in just seven days, from writing to screening. This section is divided into two formats:
Invited authors will move to Mombello Monferrato, where they will shoot their film entirely in the local area.
• Hospitality is guaranteed for up to 5 people (including meals and lodging).
• The crew must be self-transported and equipped with their own gear for filming and editing.
Invited authors will produce their film anywhere they are, adhering to the same timeline as the ON SITE format.
• There are no territorial restrictions, but specific rules outlined in the regulations sent to invitees apply.
2. Showcase
A section dedicated to the research and screening of films made after January 1, 2023. There are no restrictions on genre, length, or style. The platform FESTHOME will host the films, making them available to an international audience.
3. Chat si gira!
An innovative game that brings together screenwriters and Artificial Intelligence developers. Authors will write an original screenplay in Italian, using AI as a creative tool to develop synopses, concepts, treatments, and short film scripts, all within seven days.
“Social World Film Festival” is the most emotional festival in the world with events, movies, previews, innovative activities, jury of young people and professionals, workshops, competitions, presentations and thousands of visitors.
The fifteenth edition of the International Social Cinema Festival “Social World Film Festival” will take place from 22 to 29 June 2025 in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast - Italy) between activities in presence and innovative streaming modes aimed as always to ensure the interaction, direct and in connection, of the authors with the audience of the event.
The winners of the competitive selections are awarded during the Gala Night scheduled for the fifteenth edition in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast - Italy).
Participating to the International Festival of Social Cinema “Social World Film Festival” offers some specially selected works the exclusive possibility to be presented in events organized worldwide thats in the last ten years, we have involved 28 cities in 40 events on five continents including Los Angeles, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Wien, Washington DC, Seoul, Busan, Berlin, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Paris, Istanbul, San Francisco, Tokyo, Sydney, Marseilles, Palma, Tunis, Hong Kong, Jakarta.
(Association for Independent Audiovisual Production and distribution registered in the National Register of Associations: 1/Sección Group: 1 / National Number 596006 and registered in the Register of Companies Audiovisual de Catalunya, under audiovisual production with the number 2409 , established in Rosellón Street, 120, 4 º 2 ª, 08036 Barcelona.
El Grito is the first and only fantasy and horror film festival in Venezuela.
We are a space that promotes reflection, meeting and training through fantasy and horror films, serving as a platform for their dissemination and promotion as genres that go beyond entertainment, highlighting its poetic value and its own tools to move from different narratives, techniques and themes. Under the initiative of the El Grito Casa Audiovisual (, this meeting was born in December 2019 in the city of San Cristobal, Tachira State.
We look for works that transcend narrative, aesthetic and technical languages within the genre, using history as the main element in his audiovisual proposal, demonstrating as an author, a search for new ways of showing situations, conflicts and twists of the screw hand in hand with references from different disciplines that feed its concept.
EL GRITO seeks to raise its voice until it becomes a thunderous noise that shakes our city and summons for years all kinds of nightmares and monsters that can strengthen our worn out humanity sensibility.
More information in
TRETS is a film festival organized by the CineClub La Ràpita that wants, from a cinematographic approach, to show the identity and way of life of a town or culture. TRETS 2025: JAPANESE Culture
The City Council of Noia convenes the "24th Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia 2023", to be held in the last quarter of this year.
La morosité que le monde entier à vécu et supporté, durant les longs mois de confinement imposés par la pandémie, a bouleversé notre vie en conjuguant le mal être au présent quotidien.
Toutes les manifestations culturelles qui nous dispensaient joie et allégresse ont été interrompues momentanément. Aussi est-il grand temps de reprendre avec l’embellie, le chemin de nos activitésqui nous aideront à retrouver notre dynamisme et notre bien-être. Ce sont ainsi des rituels simples mais tellement efficaces, comme celui de retourner dans une salle de cinéma, qui nous redonneront l’énergie, la vitalité et le ressort des premiers jours.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, à l’instar de plusieurs autres festivals du monde, a organisé en mode virtuel son édition précédente, tandis que bien d’autres ont tout simplement reporté leur manifestation. Aujourd’hui, les responsables du FICMT travaillent d’arrache-pied pour présenter à leur nombreux public un événement à la hauteur des aspirations de cet événement et de son histoire qui s’étale sur presque 40 ans.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Méditerranéen de Tétouan, donne à nouveau rendez-vous à son fidèle public en organisant sa 27ème édition, qui aura lieu du 10 au 17 juin 2022. Réinvestir ainsi les salles de cinéma sera une cure de réjouissance et d’épanouissement, non seulement en visionnant des films, mais aussi et surtout en partageant et en vivant les émotions les plus intenses, en un seul corps collectif de cinéphiles,animés de la même passion mutuelle de rencontres conviviales et d’échanges culturels.
A ce sujet, et en concertation étroite avec nos partenaires, nous estimons qu’il est temps de nous retrouver et de rétablir l’ordre naturel qui régit notre vie en satisfaisant aux impératifs des activités auxquelles nous avons habitué notre public de cinéphiles en raison de leur attachement à cette manifestation cinématographique pérenne et singulière, dont s’enorgueillit la ville de Tétouan, la région et le Royaume tout entier, et qui est devenue au fils des ans et des éditions, un des patrimoines culturels et artistiques les plus appréciés et les plus représentatifs de l’ouverture de notre pays aux valeurs universelles de la diversité. Notre devoir principal est, justement, de lutter contre le découragement et l’oubli, en profitant de la régression de la pandémie pour raviver la flamme et redonner vie et espoir à tous ceux qui ont voué leur existence au 7ème art.
Par conséquent, nous comptons développer plus encore la fonction éducative du festival et la confirmer davantage, en procédant par des projections, des débats, des tables rondes et des ateliers, incitant ainsi notre public, et principalement les jeunes, à s’engager dans la construction et le renforcement des valeurs modernes et citoyennes, qui mèneront notre pays sur la voie de la prospérité et de la consolidation de ses nombreux acquis, dignes de son histoire millénaire.