IBIZASHORTFILMS FESTIVAL & MARKET is an online monthly festival with scrennings for the annual winners of each category in the Can Ventosa Auditorium in Ibiza, suitable for 400 people and perfectly equipped for high quality screnning.
These projections are made on January 27, 2018 within the events of the Ibizacinefest 2018 which is the festival of cinema of reference of the Island with 5 days of duration.
The monthly winners access the ON-LINE catalog of IBIZASHORTFILMS MARKET that will be shown at the Ibizacinefest during the Festival and will be shown annually to the main distributors of national and international short films.
The on-line catalog is permanent for the consultation of any distributor or festival interested in the work.IBIZASHORTFILMS MARKET does not interfere with the contacts that the work obtains from the inclusion in our catalog.
The Boca International Jewish Film Festival is presenting a broad array of exceptional films from the United States, Israel and around the world including feature films, documentaries, comedies and short films that explore the Jewish experience, culture, history, identity and topics relevant to Jewish life.
The municipality of Gravina di Catania and the cultural associations “Gravina Arte” and “No_Name”, organize the event “Via dei Corti” – 11th edition of the Independent Short Film Festival.
The Festival’s goal is to dive the audience into the Seventh art, for this reason it supports and spread the local and national films, screening the artwork in an intimate atmosphere, with the purpose of motivating the artists to produce films, involving them in the art and culture that makes Mexico and outstading country.
Original Version in Catalan
VOC Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges és un projecte impulsat per Òmnium Cultural amb la finalitat d’estimular la producció de curtmetratges de qualitat en català, contribuir a la seva difusió i ampliar-ne el públic.
El VOC és un festival únic perquè arriba a més de 90 sales d’arreu dels Països Catalans simultàniament durant els mesos de febrer i març. És un punt de trobada entre creadors, públic i referents del sector, una oportunitat per compartir l’experiència del cinema en llengua catalana.
The Agricultural Exhibition of Organic Film're coming!
Will take place in Santa Rita - Sierra District Talhada (PE) - a Show of Cinema with a fully designed program for farmers.
In addition to the display of movies at night, during the day will take place the two MACO of workshops for the selected subscribers: "Sowing one Cineclube, practice and effect" and "New Agricultural Practices".
Do not forget! On 28, 29 and July 30 in Santa Rita, District of Serra Talhada, free and outdoors, have I show Agricultural Organic Cinema!
We have the presence of all!
The International Short Film Festival of Cali, with the opening of its call, is to be a space for the exhibition of professional and university short films from the city of Cali and the world to serve as a meeting point between the new filmmakers and the professionals of the short film.
The XVI International Short Film Festival of Cali will take place from october 1 to 5 of 2024, in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
The call for the competitive categories of the festival will be open from June 11 th of 2024 and we will close the registration period at midnight of agost 11 th of 2024 Colombian local time (UTC-5).
Films sent to the following categories: National Official Selection, National Official University Selection, International Official Selection and International Official University Selection must have been completed after January 15, 2023.
The results of the call for the competitive categories will be announced on the festival’s official website www.cortoscali.com by August 31 th, 2024.
Mórbido turns 15 years and it’s time to celebrate the survival of the modern apocalypse.
In those terms, Mórbido 2022 will have a hybrid identity. The festival will take place in theaters, on the LATAM Pay TV channel Mórbido TV, online and in a drive-in Cinema.
25th Oct through 31st Oct
The 2022 short film selection will be broadcasted through Mórbido TV. (Basic Pay TV, Latin America, not Brazil).
FEATURE FILM SELECTION / Cinemas + Drive In + Online
25th October through 31st October
The 2022 feature film selection will be shown:
- Cinépolis Diana, Cinemanía Loreto, Autocinema Coyote.
- Cinépolis Klic (November 1st-6th).
ART&TUR INDIE is a competition within the world-renowned International Tourism Film Festival - ART&TUR. Founded in 2008 and celebrating 10 editions, the organization decided to start a new competition dedicated to Students and Independent Filmmakers.
ART&TUR INDIE is a Film Competition with Live Screenings and our mission is to inspire and encourage Independent filmmakers and Students through a competitive showcase, allowing them to meet, experience and share with award-winning professionals from around the world, who join in a pleasant and enriching Atmosphere during the ART&TUR Festival.
Independent Filmmakers and Students are welcome to submit their films.
The competition is open to the following type of Productions:
• Promotional Film (Up to 2 min.)
• Micro-documentary (Up to 5 Min.)
There are two categories in the film contest:
• Sustainable & Responsible Tourism
• Arts, Music & Culture
'Everything of value is vulnerable'
The Word and tell stories.
The festival of the Word is a look-festival that will tell about the language stories.
The comic has clarify non-verbal story, the dialogue, the monologue or poetry versus snake or rap. All this translated and used in various filmexpressions, which may or may not know the reason to talk and touch the soul. A festival that raises questions about our communication with each other.
Celebrating 13 years the Toronto Shorts International Film Festival is the largest short film festival in Canada.
Toronto Shorts is a non-profit organization that provides a showcase for the best short films and its creators from around the world, annually in the heart of Toronto.
We feel that short-form cinema and its creators should have their own premier film festival in Toronto deserving similar recognition given to the feature film and its creators.
Toronto Shorts is where films from all genres intersect. The heart of the festival is the quality and scope of extraordinary film programming which consists of a wide spectrum of categories from high to low budget films under 45 minutes.
The festival has become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting filmmakers who have gone on to be Academy Awards Nominees, including :
2021 Oscar Nominee 'The Present' by Farah Nabulsi
2019 Oscar Nominee ‘Weekends’ by Trevor Jimenez
2018 Oscar Nominees 'Watu Wote - All of Us' (Germany) and 'The Eleven O'Clock' (Australia)
Toronto stands as the largest media market in Canada, it boasts the world-renowned Royal Ontario Museum, the massive Art Gallery of Ontario, the Soulpepper Theatre Company, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and now includes a premier international short film festival.
We showcase the best short films and its filmmakers from around the world.
The deadline to register for the XXIII International Short Film Festival “El Pecado 2024” is open. This year we increased the amount of the prizes: 1,500 euros for the winning fiction short film and 700 euros for the other four main prizes. The deadline to register is from Monday, April 8 to Friday, May 31 of this year. The duration will not exceed 20 minutes (21 including credits). If it has spoken sound, Spanish or subtitles in this language will be used.
Works made before 2022 will not be admitted to the competition. The festival awards almost €5,000 in prizes and five Pata Negra hams from Extremadura. More information at www.certamenelpecado.com.
Awards for short films of animation, fiction, humor and made in Extremadura. We also have a public award.
It stands out for the large audience that attends the screenings and for using different squares and architectural spaces of special beauty as screening locations.
Queerbee is an LGBTQI community enterprise. Set up by filmmakers to recycle short films and tour them to queer audiences in a fun and informative way. Profits are recycled too, back into queer filmmaking and for hard-to-reach queer audiences.
Do you have a short film, on any LGBTQI theme, made at any time, to donate? Please submit it here. You must own the rights to your film, which is provided royalty-free.
The first Howling Wolf International Film Festival (HWIFF) will be held in September 2017.
The Howling Wolf Film Festival is based in Glasgow, Scotland and is a film festival without a cinema, screening films in unusual venues throughout Glasgow.
Affectionately known as the Cinema City, Glasgow was home to more cinemas per person than anywhere else in the UK back in the 1930s. We took films very seriously, We still do thats why Glasgow has a cinema in the guiness book of world records as the tallest cinema in the world (203 feet).
The HWIFF will screen a range of films and all genres-fiction, documentary, animation, artists film and video, silent film, archive film etc. You film it, we show it.
We're looking for WEIRD, WILD, RIDICULOUS and OUTRAGEOUS short films.
We love Low Budget and No Budget short films. But we also love polished films, We want a mix of everything.
As an international event, we welcome submissions from all corners of the world and films produced in Scotland are eligible to apply to our Scottish category.
The HOWLING WOLF FESTIVAL was started by filmmakers who realized many festivals were only programming films with big budgets and big name stars attached, So we started our own festival, for new and undiscovered indie filmmakers with low budget short films.
This is our first year, so we dont have fancy Sponsors and big theatres supporting us,
It is just us and we need YOU to help us support
Together we can put on an amazing festival!
What's the DIFF?
... It's the DaVinci International Film Festival (DIFF), but also one of the biggest question filmmakers will ask themselves as they browse and filter through dozens, if not hundreds of online film festivals — what makes DIFF unique from the others?
Leonardo da Vinci was the epitome of the divergent and creative mind, and so we aim to recognize much of the same within our industry.
Like many online festivals, we set out to honor the best in independent cinema from around the world, and have expanded our Award Categories to recognize many below-the-liners who largely go unnoticed and unrewarded. We seek the unsung heroes here at DaVinci. From best in editing, color correction, sound design, to theatrical creative and P&A; at DIFF, we shine the light on many of those who work silently, yet play an important role in getting your project to this very stage.
DIFF founders are intimately familiar with, and appreciate the full cycle of, independent filmmaking and the demands therein. From perils of financing, through the distribution of any given work — the process is often complex and unforgiving. Most of these creative projects can take a short lifetime to complete, and whether or not your work is ‘accepted’ at DIFF, we wish to congratulate and encourage you to keep pressing forward.
Another standout at DIFF, is that we are now offering development Options for our top three unscripted competition winners (per category), which will afford them an amazing opportunity to put their projects in front of networks and industry decision-makers.
DIFF hosts a QUARTERLY online festival series for all of our categories. Winners of the "Vitruvian Man" Award will be invited to our Live Showcase Event at the end of the calendar year, and their shot at "The Leo" Award -- our most prized commendation. Films will screen at our red carpet event for family, friends, and industry professionals, followed by filmmaker Q&A and an After Party, where our sponsors will present "The Leo" to our winner.
Thank you for your submission.
DaVinci Film Festival