RURÉFILOS, International Film and Rural World Festival is a multidisciplinary meeting point in which, through audiovisual language, a space is provided for debate and creative reflection on the past, present and future of the rural world.
The First Outdoor Fantastic Film Festival from Uruguay is celebrating it's 11th Edition
And we are preparing a big party to celebrate it.
Enjoy with us!
The NOX FILM FEST is a fun cinematic experience that takes place in the South American summer.
The festival accepts genre films like: Horror-Fantasy-Sci-Fi and subgenres.
It's an open-air festival with free admission that every year receives thousands of young people and families whom enjoy their events.
The 11th Edition will take place from 10 to 17 January 2026
The NOX FILM FEST will offer fun and attractive activities like:
Marathon of films
Live performances
Master classes
NOX for kids
Book's presentations
Special guests
'Not we are alone' sessions.
Developing lab and more atractions
The NOX FILM FEST has an International Competition of feature films, medium-length films and short films.
It accepts submisions films from all over the world and awards prizes and special mentions in the following categories:
Best International Feature Film
Best Ibero-American Feature Film
Best Medium-length Film
Best Short Film (different sections)
Films made by women (FILM MADE BY WOMEN)
Special awards for direction, acting and screenplay.
Welcome to Borobudur International Film Festival. Borobudur Temple is the biggest Buddhism temple and UNESCO World Heritage Site. This unique historical building is a pyramidal shape that built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty, and the structure is a mix of the Javanese Buddhist architecture, and the Buddhist concept, and located in the southern part of Central Java, at the center of the island of Java, Indonesia.
The Festival is established in honoring the glorious time of the past, to preserve the culture, and to popularize the history of human civilization, especially the Borobudur Temple to the international world through filmmaking.
Filmmakers, travelers, and history lover, artist, and students are welcome to submit their work.
We are searching for a high-quality films/documentaries with outstanding cinematography and touching stories that go inline with the vision of the festival, and carrying themes about historical places, tradition, ancient story, history, heroism, mystical, religious stories from the past, prehistoric, archaeology, folklore, verbal tradition, kingdoms, art, literature, and culture.
We are also looking for artist, sculpture, art maker, musician, dancer, painter, and people who care about ancient tradition to submit their work.
EDITA is a festival of short films for social transformation that aims, through audiovisual creation, to increase critical capacity, involve citizens in the promotion of rights and make viewers feel called and challenged to action for social change.
With this event, ASAD wants to get to know and disseminate new social imaginaries, look from other perspectives and approach non-hegemonic proposals that are committed to gender equality, cultural diversity and climate action.
This event is committed to cultural promotion and the diversity of artistic expressions while raising awareness and mobilisation on social issues and the 2030 Agenda in the communities. It is constituted as an itinerant edition seeking social participation in rural areas.
The contest “EDITA 2024” is included in the proyect #RuralizArte por los ODS: Fortaleciendo el compromiso del mundo rural con la Agenda 2023 a través de procesos culturales participativos of Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo (ASAD) funded by la Diputación de Granada
The Alternative Film Festival is a quarterly event that is committed to bringing filmmakers of all levels - even beginners - a chance at taking home a festival award. We are an IMDb eligible festival meaning filmmakers will be able to post their nominations and wins on their IMDb profiles.
We are the ALTERNATIVE FILM FESTIVAL - we are not your typical film awards! Our quarterly event is different - it is an awards event where we will be announcing the Winners of each of the many categories within Feature Films, Short Films and Super Short Films. Filmmakers around the world can join us for the awards announcements via Facebook Live! Make sure you follow us on Facebook at to watch.
WE SCREEN THE 6 BEST FILM FINALISTS FOR EACH QUARTER AT OUR QUARTERLY EVENT. All other Finalists (in many different categories) are in the running to win our IMDb-eligible awards.
DIGO – I International Film Festival on Gender and Sexual Diversity of Goiás, is the first film festival in the heart of Brazil to address issues such as Diversity, Gender and Sexuality, by showcasing contemporary audiovisual work and urging historical reviews. Our main goal is to raise awareness on this topic, in order to promote inclusion, social change and respect for others. As an international event, the DIGO team also believes in the importance of cross cultural communication.
Animalada, Seville Animation Festival announces its fith Animation Short Film Competition.
Animalada Sevilla’s main objective is to bring the world of animation from all areas to the public in general.Also intends to create a meeting point and discussion for fans and industry professionals, promoting the exchange of ideas, coworking between companies and producing and showing the potential of our community to the world.
Finally, the project was created with the intent to arouse the interest of young creatives in the animation as a valid professional commitment to their future by providing training and bringing them closer to the higher schools worldwide.
Animalada Sevilla is born to become a reference in our community as a meeting place between professional and novice artists who aspire to enter the sector, thereby promoting industry growth and the addition of new talent.
The Aguilar de Campoo Short Film Festival is consolidated as one of the most veteran and relevant film citations in our country in its genre. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts of Spain, includes it as one of the key festivals for the selection of short films that will compete in the Goya Awards. Throughout the last editions the festival has been making important decisions that commit it to the cinema of our country. In his thirteenth edition he published his manifesto where he exhibited his philosophy and commitment to film. He made the decision to pay for selection to the selected short films thus eliminating economic competition in order to encourage artistic creation and production. Its screening rooms are open to international cinema including all genres, fiction, documentary animation and experimental cinema. In 2016 the festival received recognition from the AIC (Short Film Industry Association). This certificate is an annual distinction to differentiate and reward festivals that perform an exemplary role in the dissemination, protection and professionalization of cinema and its industry, and especially of the short film. This is the first time this certification has been granted and is the result of more than a year of work tables and conversations with festivals, filmmakers and other professionals from across the country in order to develop a guide to good behaviors towards the short film and its creators. The basic objectives of this distinction are to educate new generations of filmmakers and protect model festivals, recognizing their dedication and rigor. We seek the encounter and exchange between professionals and the public as a form of cultural enrichment.
La muestra forma parte de las propuestas de difusión y fomento que apuntan a la difusión de la cultura audiovisual en la región norte de la República Argentina de Wayruro Comunicación Popular y de la Red Kalipa TV, y él cuenta con el apoyo del INCAA, de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Provincia de Jujuy, entre otros, y cuenta con el acompañamiento de la Red Focos, el Espacio Norte Audiovisual y CONTAR.
Cinema allows us to meet. The cinema makes it possible to travel kilometers in seconds, and move in time regardless of the time. Get to know other cultures, feel close despite the distances.
For 18 years, the Lapacho Latin American Short Film Festival has strengthened its roots with the exhibition of regional, national and international short films, sharing experiences and promoting meetings between filmmakers from the province of Chaco to the country and the world.
The 2022 edition will take place in mixed mode: in person and virtually simultaneously. In addition to the functions in the theater respecting the care and prevention measures, and for the third consecutive year, the Festival will take place virtually through the page, where the complete grid, talks, workshops will be available. and master classes.
As always we will try to promote the meeting between performers, their projects and perspectives towards the future. The actors and actresses, the producers, the technicians, and also the other arts integrated in various forms will have their space in this festival of cinema. And of course, the prominent place will always be for the public that joins us from their seats and from the comfort of their homes.
Memorimage, International Film Festival of Reus is a Festival targeting films that use archival moving images.
The 19th edition of Memorimage will be celebrated from the 6th to the 9th of November 2024.
THE HUECC FESTIVAL is a film festival that seeks through itself a space for the construction of new community film schools. It was born from the Homonimo project carried out in 2018 TO MAKE A FILM SCHOOL, a space where different Latin American audiovisual groups came together to lay the foundations to create a film school in Solano/Quilmes.
Currently, this initial experience and through the festival could give shape to the ARROYO SCHOOL, which brings together 40 boys, girls and young people from the neighborhoods on one side of the Las Piedras stream.
Everything raised by this festival is intended to continue with the community film experience and the future construction of the first community film school in Argentina.
All genres, formats and durations are accepted. A selection will be made for the best organization and programming of the Festival. We will take into account formal experimentation and aesthetic risk
We freely accept all kinds of short and feature films without restriction on the production date.
Only for Latinamerican film-makers // Solo para cineastas latinoamericanos y se abrió un capitulo para España y lenguas extrangeras con subtitulos en español para el 7º festival 2023.
The 9th Ajayu International Animation Festival is a cultural event organized by Sapa Inti Studios and the Ajayu Cinematographic Association. For the ninth consecutive year, it stands as the only animation festival in Peru, carrying out hybrid film and educational activities from the highest point of the Peruvian highlands to the world.
This event, which also includes various cultural activities, has become a crucial event for the Animation industry in our country over the years, also promoting the cultural and tourist industry in the southern region of Peru. Additionally, through our in-person activities, we aim to boost tourism in our region by creating a tourist route with a cultural and historical focus.
This year's festival will take place from October 2 to October 5, 2024, renewing the commitment to showcase the artistic expression of animation.
Participants include artists from the animated audiovisual field and other disciplines, from the Puno region, Peru, and various countries around the world, who through their expression make each edition a contemporary Andean experience.
The INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY FILM FESTIVAL ÀNEC has three basic objectives. First, an inclusive objective of visualization and awareness through the exposure of the reality of people with disabilities and the different therapies developed in this regard. Second, the dissemination and promotion of films and short films of artistic category that contribute to reflect this reality. And third, invite citizens to participate in the challenge of achieving a more just and inclusive society.
LAN Workers' Theme Film Festival is a platform that makes visible and values audiovisual projects that reflect the feelings of the so-called working class, its identity traits, its aesthetics, its social and associative framework, its architecture, its capacity for struggle and adaptation and, above all, historical and collective memory.
For LAN 08 edition that will take place in June 2025 we will focus on the workers' struggle and the different conflicts generated in the defense of work in the face of the various situations that have caused the closure of numerous factories and industries.
The Cultural Area of the Guadalcanal City Council (Seville) announces the VI Edition of the GUADALCANAL EN CORTO Short Film Festival 'Sonria, por favor', which will be held from October 24th to 26th, 2024.
La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak is one of the most relevant and inviting cultural event in La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We settled 20 years ago with the idea of showing and giving premiere to films and authors that don't usually get in theaters and others screens well as reviewing greatest masters of cinema's filmography. Our 20º edition will take place in October 2024.
Here, you can find the information of the last edition:
Cinefest Gato Preto ("Black Cat") is a short-film festival for Brazilians film makers.
We will have a specific focus, trying to give attencion to all areas in cinema: art direction, sound design, editing, scrict, direction, acting, photography and production.