The 5th Socio-environmental Festival "VIVIENDO CINE" is a space that promotes the environmental and social rights of our communities and native peoples, likewise seeks to sensitize, inform, dialogue and make natural diversity visible with a social and intercultural approach, promoting critical cinema that contributes to social transformation.
The Festival values cinema as a transmitting agent of culture and development, since it is a vehicle capable of moving, moving, motivating reflection and action, it considers the creativity of artists, as fundamental elements to understand the socio-cultural reality and the multiple environmental crises that we face nationally and globally.
(En español debajo)
The HFF is the first short film festival in Hendaye. Since its creation in 2013, on the initiative of the association Begiradak, this Festival focuses on the distribution of films that value differences (both linguistically and culturally and socially):
The presented works can participate and be judged by a jury of recognized professionals of the sector.
An international official section.
In addition, short films and documentaries out of competition will be presented in the context of a focus, a tribute, a previews or exceptional sessions.-------------------------------------------------
El HFF es el primer festival de cortometrajes en Hendaya. Desde su creación en 2013, por iniciativa de la asociación Begiradak, este Festival se centra en la distribución de películas que valoran las diferencias (tanto lingüísticas como culturales y sociales):
Los trabajos presentados pueden participar y ser juzgados por un jurado de reconocidos profesionales del sector.
Una sección oficial internacional.
Además, cortometrajes y documentales fuera de concurso se presentarán en el contexto de un enfoque, un homenaje, una vista previa o sesiones excepcionales.
As part of the 16th edition of the Urban Films
Festival organized by the association RStyle,
and to be held in Paris which will take place from 7 to 10 October 2021, the association launches its call for entries until June 30,2021.
What is the urban film ? : ”Films devoted to the city and to all the practices and ways of life that come from it. Through urban films, true stories, whether somber or funny, find their common denominator in their scenery: the street, from Seoul to Rio, and passing by Seattle or Ouagadougou. The urban movies rediscover the city in a broad sense: history, dance, movement, community, streets cultures, sports, all of the aspects of the city and urban cultures are represented.”
Transhumant Festival is an engaged cinema event to do the social transformation.
It aims to reach audiences far away from culture, both geographically and by social circumstances to make them participants and show topics that concern society and that are not sufficiently disseminated in movie theatres, media or usual audiovisual distribution channels.
It will showcase national and international cinematographic works and photojournalism reportages that focus on:
- Social, political, environmental, mountain, journalistic or historical research.
- Showing some form of activism in favour of human rights and respect for the environment.
- Valuing positive human relations and diversity of cultures.
- Valuing the equity between women and men.
Description of the festival (Edition: 2020)
Festival Start: August 06, 2020
End Festival: August 08, 2020
FECINEU opens its inscriptions for the official 2020 competition, which in its V edition is renewed and presents its categories:
- Free Category + 13 to 90 min.
- Free Category + 18 to 120 min
- LGBT Category and Gender up to 120 min
- Human Rights category up to 120 min
- Videodance category up to 10 min
- Best Screenplay, Director, Actor / Actress, Photography and Original Music.
The Neuquén International Independent Film Festival -FECINEU- has as its main objective to spread Latin American Film Productions and as a general objective to establish a link between the filmmakers and the public, being an International Cinematographic meeting point.
FECINEU is committed to the distribution and training of independent film audiences in Patagonia and in Latin America in general; For what has been proposed in 2018 to launch the FECINEU International Circuit, which aims to break the borders of the Festival, organizing projections in different cities of the continent such as Barranquilla (Colombia), Villa El Chocón (Argentina) and soon Bogotá and many more.
Director: Ricardo de la Vega Taillant.
Executive Director: Ricardo de la Vega.
The 23rd Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival [2019. 07.17 – 2019.07.21]:
International Animated Film Festival is now live for with a call for entries.
Greetings from the SICAF International Animated Film Festival!
The SICAF International Animated Film Festival is one of the most renowned animation festivals in Asia. The 23rd Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival hopes to not only preserve past traditions but also discover with new, exciting trends within the animation industry. With that, the SICAF International Animated Film Festival (7.17-7.21 at Seoul) would like to open its call for entries. We look forward to your participation in the following categories of the official competition: Feature, Short, Student, KID and Online & Commissioned.
Минский международный фестиваль короткометражных фильмов «Киносмена» – ежегодное культурное событие Республики Беларусь. Фестиваль проходит под патронажем белорусского союза кинематографистов и одобрен министерством культуры Республики Беларусь.
Организаторы приглашают режиссеров и представителей фильмов и обеспечивают им бесплатное проживание в комфортабельной гостинице г. Минска на время проведения фестиваля.
В конкурсную программу отбирается 30 лучших из нескольких тысяч присылаемых на фестиваль премьер короткометражных фильмов со всего мира.
Фестиваль представляет работы отечественных и зарубежных кинематографистов, отобранных членами жюри, как лучшие, и вместе со зрителями выбирает победителя. Также предусматривается внеконкурсная программа из фильмов, не вошедших в основной конкурс, но представляющих интерес для зрителей.
Фестиваль проходит в сети кинотеатров "Silver Screen" города Минска и параллельно в 10-ти городах Беларуси.
The Minsk International Short Film Festival "Kinosmena" is an annual cultural event of the Republic of Belarus. The festival is supported by the Belarusian Union of cinematographers and approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.
The organizers invite film directors and representatives of the films and provide them with free accommodation in a comfortable hotel in Minsk for the duration of the festival.
From several thousands of short films that sent to us from all over the world, 30 best films are selected in the contest program of the festival. The festival is supported by the Belarusian Union of cinematographers and approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.
The festival will present the works of national and foreign filmmakers, selected by the jury as the best, and then together with the audience will choose the winners. There is also a non-contest program of films that are not included in the main contest program, but they are of interest to the audience. The festival will be held in the cinema chain "Silver Screen" in Minsk and 10 other cities of Belarus.
Mister Vorky is an International Festival of One-Minute and Short films, which promotes the best one-minute and short films from all continents. The organizers of the festival is the Independent Film Center Vorky Team, which in this way pays tribute to the great Serbian-American film artist Slavko Vorkapich-Vorky.
GIFF - G International Film Festival is a short, long short and feature film competition festival screened in 1-9 July, 2022.
Its aim is to provide quality films to our festival audience with attention to live-action and animated works which hold particular attention to the craft of performance, cinematography, sound and score, and editing.
We are seeking shorts, long shorts and features in documentary, animation, live action and narrative films up to 150 mins there are no restrictions on when or where the film was made as long as the film itself can be classified into a general audience rating.
If you have an interesting live action or animated film, we warmly welcome you to submit to our film section of our festival. With many best wishes - the GIFF Committee.
"Segunda Edición de Muestra de cortometrajes hechos por jóvenes directoras asturianas y que se realizará en el Salón de la Escuela de Comercio de Gijón.
Este proyecto se realiza a través de la colaboración entre el Conseyu de la Mocedá de Xixón y CortoGijón."
CFF is the first outdoors film festival of its kind in Lebanon. The festival, which was launched in 2009 by “Laboratoire D’art”, has become an annual short film event which celebrates and promotes local and international short films as an independent form of art in a non-competitive public event, away from competition, prizes and entrance fees.
Cabriolet Film Festival next year’s topic is centered around the concept of "DISOBEY".
In a world often dominated by conformity and convention, “Disobey” embodies the courage to forge your own path, challenge norms, and stand up for what you believe in. It is about breaking free from societal expectations, daring to be different, and embracing the resilience it takes to remain authentic, even when the road is difficult.
We invite filmmakers from around the globe to explore the multifaceted dimensions of disobedience: as a form of personal liberation, a statement of identity, and an unwavering commitment to a cause. Your short films can capture stories of those who resist, challenge authority, push boundaries, and refuse to compromise their beliefs.
Whether subtle or bold, peaceful or provocative, stories of disobedience are tales of empowerment, persistence, and individuality. Through this theme, we seek to celebrate the transformative power of “disobedience” and the voices that rise above conformity.
Join us on June 6, 7, and 8, 2025, to showcase films that challenge, inspire, and empower.
Let’s celebrate the beauty of rebellion and the freedom found in following your own path.
Within the framework of the multiple activities presented and organized by Andares: Cinematographic Actions, we are pleased to present the third edition of our Contemporary Film Festival. Another short, careful and compact edition to celebrate cinephilia in the peruvian fall.
Dona i Cinema aims to generate a live space of artistic and social creation and investigation. A space led by women, which divulgates their works and productions, promoting equal opportunities in Performing Arts and fostering the end of discriminative practices towards women.
For this reason since 2011 we run the International Biennal Dona i Cinema – Mujer y Cine – Woman & Film, a week dedicated to cinema made by and for women, with the exhibition of a selection of features, shorts, documentaries, animation and video art. All made by women.
15th Medium-Length International Film Festival LA CABINA, taking place in València (Spain) between 8th and 18th November 2022.
The XI edition of the Guayaquil International Film Festival will be celebrated in from july 30th – august 6th, 2025 from the city of Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador. With screenings in theatres and workshops, forums, and master classes. The biggest filmmaking experience in town.
Monfilmat is an international film festival where the landscape has a specific weight in the development of the plot, in fiction, the documentary, the creation of author or children's entertainment.
Stop by our Facebook page
From june 19th to 22th, 2025, in Amposta.
Discover Festival PROTESTA, where cinema ignites social change.
This international event celebrates films that challenge, question, and inspire. With a diverse lineup of documentaries, fiction, and animation in both feature and short film formats, Protesta is a crucible for filmmakers committed to questioning and challenging the status quo.
We embrace creativity, positive social impact and innovative storytelling. With more than 11 editions, PROTESTA is the primary social impact festival in Catalonia and a main player in social cinema in Spain. Join us next October in the culturally vibrant town Vic in a series of parallel activities designed to enrich, educate, and inspire.
International Shorts is a year round film festival which screens selected movies at the end of each season (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter). Best of the Festival films will be screened at Business Factory in Castelldefels, Catalonia, Spain