Construir Cine is the only International Labor Film Festival in Argentina. Its next edition will take place in Buenos Aires in May 2024, in a hybrid mode (face-to-face and online).
Construir Cine celebrates national and international cinema aiming to recognize and support filmmakers and to improve knowledge, accessibility, and understanding of socio-labor issues among a wide and diverse public.
Construir Cine is an event organized by UOCRA Foundation for the Education of Construction Workers’ TV channel, —hereinafter, the Organizer, with support from the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) and its on-demand platform CINE.AR, and sponsored by UOCRA CULTURA and Construyendo Arte. This festival is part of the Global Labor Film Festival, an organization that brings together labor film festivals from around the world, and belongs to “RAFMA”: Argentine Network of Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions.
“CONSTRUIR CINE” is a groundbreaking proposal aimed at offering quality entertainment with social consciousness. A sensitive and insightful view of the world of work and labor.
Internationally, the Festival will award the Best Film, among the first three feature films of a director who has not yet made the fourth, with the Pre-Columbian Circle in its Gold, Silver and Bronze categories. As well as the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle for Best Director, Best Social Documentary, Art and the Environment.
At local level, the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle will be awarded for Best Colombian Film short and feature films.
Non-competitive categories: International Short Films, Animation, Sacred Films, Films for Children and Blinds.
A Prefeitura do Município de Araraquara, através da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e FUNDART, comunica que estão abertas as inscrições para edital de premiação em produções audiovisuais a integrarem a 10ª Mostra Audiovisual “Wallace Leal Valentin Rodrigues”.
Será a segunda edição da Mostra Wallace em meio a uma pandemia global que impactou significativamente a maneira de nos relacionar, que nos fez estabelecer novas relações com o tempo e o espaço e modificou significativamente o modo de fazer e de usufruir o audiovisual.
A percepção da história é a de que os momentos de crise seguem para um processo inerente de transformações e a arte é um dos primeiros movimentos a procurar traduzir esses recomeços, a construção de novos mundos. De um cenário de incertezas e desequilíbrio no qual estamos, de um momento em que começamos a vislumbrar um possível (e cuidadoso!) retorno a esse mundo que já não é mais o mesmo, interessa a esta edição da Mostra Wallace as histórias de sobrevivências, os recomeços e reinvenções e as estratégias de luta frente ao desmonte.
Estaremos atentes às diversidades, aos processos de coletivos e a elaboração comunitária. Após o intenso período de experimentações on-line, queremos dialogar sobre as fronteiras entre virtual e o presencial, as novas linguagens e formatos, a criação para além da reprodutibilidade técnica e compartilhamento descontrolado.
This cultural proposal takes place within the framework of the commemoration of a new anniversary of Punta del Este, celebrating the best independent cinema from around the world. It began as a Mercosur cinema and grew to become an international festival. Cine del Mar has been declared of Presidential Interest and is sponsored and supported by the Ministry of Tourism, the Municipality of Maldonado, the Municipality of Punta del Este, the Ministry of Education and Culture through ACAU (Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Association), and the embassies of the participating countries.
India International Film Festival is being organised by group of active filmmakers through a charitable non profit organisation, Vikas India Trust, whose mission is to cultivate and promote the art and science of film through education, audience participation and cross cultural cinema experience. Our principal objective is to enrich, to educate, to entertain, to initiate cultural dialogue and celebrate cinematic experience.
Pune being very close to the film capital of India, Bollywood Mumbai and Pune a vibrant, buzzing with youth , a cultural educational technological centre of India where there is a culmination of producers Investors Distributers and renowned film personalities. Which will present the submitters with future opportunities to advance their films and further careers.
The finalist short films will make up the competitive exhibition. This will be screened in the various screening spaces scheduled for this year's edition of the 2024 Festival.
As part of the festival's decentralized activities, this finalist screening may be programmed in audiovisual and cultural events organized or co-organized by the Cinco Minutos Cinco association.
CineFem, the First International Women's Film Festival of Uruguay, whose first edition was held in Salto (Uruguay) but that from then on was permanently developed in Punta del Este, is a space to reflect on the role of women in cinema and in our society. CineFem, the woman's view.
The "Golden Flower Award" Beijing International Children's Film Festival, supported by the Children's Science and Education Committee of China's largest Children's Culture and Arts Promotion Association, was held in 2018. Now it has become the largest children's film festival in China. Partners in the Asian market are invited to recommend excellent films to promote cultural exchanges, cooperation and distribution. This year, we will expand the number of screening and forum exchange activities of young filmmakers to other venues on the basis of past successes. Launch richer and more meaningful new projects, such as public services in mountain villages and campus screening.
The Beijing International Children's Film Festival is a non-profit film festival supported by the Red Cross Foundation of China. open to films from all over the world. More than 200 films were screened every year, with more than 5 million young people and children watching online. "Child friendly" offline screenings were held in Chinese cinemas, schools and art centers. At the same time, round tables, art exhibitions, drinking parties and other activities were held
Public services: The expenses of the film festival are used for organizing activities, and in cooperation with the Red Cross Society and other foundations, the festival donates film watching activities and cultural facilities for disabled children and left behind children.
the BRICS competition unit will be added, which will be supported by TV BRICS. BRICS countries will select 5 awards and hold special screening activities
For more information, please find on the official website:
Prokuplje Short Film Festival, founded in 2011, is the youngest film festival in Serbia. In Prokplje is event where audience can see the best from the field of documentary, experimental, animated and fiction from around the world. Thousands of films from all over the world arrive at the festival's address, and it has been reflected by the numerous audiences in Prokuplje, but also in other cities in Serbia and the region,because the team organizes Tour in which the best films are presented in over 30 cities. The lack of the Cinema, as well as the lack of a movie as a subject at school, prevents young people from learning about this art.
In order to see something of this content, the young people must go to Nis, or even to Belgrade. This is an opportunity to see the latest short film achievements from all around the world in Prokuplje. In recent years, according to research, there is a decline in audience attendance at the festivals all over the world. So because of that and because of the introduction of the film to young people, we brought the work with them, in all primary and secondary schools, which are potential audiences and will be animated by the presentation of festival films and the discussion on the significance of the Festival. In addition to work with young people in Prokuplje,the Film Club Prokuplje is the first to start animating the audience from the rural areas, which are completely excluded from all events, especially cultural events.
The International Film Festival "Piriápolis de Película" is an event that has consolidated itself as an essential space for the meeting of the independent production of national and international filmmakers. It is characterized by exhibiting, completely free of charge, a selection of outstanding audiovisual productions, short, medium and feature films of all genres. It also has an Iberoamerican Short Film Contest, whose objective is to stimulate and disseminate the production of short films in the region and the continent, adorned by an outstanding international jury.
Due to the Pandemic, there will be no screenings of Films and no Exhibition of Works of Art in theaters, it will be a Virtual Festival from October 30 to 31 BA2025.
Art Non Stop Festival, is the International Film and Art Festival born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which takes place from October 26 to 28. Organized by the Producer Arte Non Stop, combining Cinema, Painting and Sculpture under the exclusive theme of cinema.
The reason for the Festival is to Promote Art in all its Expressions. Providing a new space year after year to the Artists and Sculptors, to interact their works of art together with the Films of Art and Fiction that participate from all over the world in different contests and categories, with functions and exhibitions open to all public.
It is an Official Independent Festival, free exhibitions and with itinerant venues that it renews year after year - Non-conventional Projection, Not in Cinemas - because its seeking to discover and promote new Art Spaces and create new viewers.
That is why it calls the Artists to Carry out Workshops live to create Works of Art intervened by all the Artists present, with the idea that they are Donated to beneficial institutions
Making Films and Art Works Exhibitions, Free exhibitions from October 30 to 31.
1 -Competencia Oficial Largometraje Internacional
Para aquellos realizadores que cuenten con 2 (dos) o más películas de largometraje (nacional y/o internacional) de ficción, animación y/o documental (Realizado en cualquier formato). Duración Superior a los 60 (sesenta) minutos.-
-Competition Official International Feature Film
For those filmmakers who have 2 (two) or more feature films (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration exceeding 60 (sixty) minutes. -Títulos Incluídos-
2 -Official Competition Debut Film
For those filmmakers who present their first feature film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format) Duration of more than 60 (sixty) minutes. -Including Titles
3 -Competition Official Animation
For those filmmakers who present their feature film (national and / or international) of fiction and / or animation made in any format. Free run time. -Including Titles
4 -Official Documentary Competition
For those filmmakers of documentary (national and / or international) of fiction documentary, animation documentary and / or real documentary (made in any format). Duration exceeding 45 (forty-five) minutes. -Including Titles-
5 -Competition Medium-length Official Competition
For those filmmakers who present their film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (Made in any format). Duration from 10 (ten) minutes to 44 (forty four) minutes -including titles
6 -Competition Official Short film
For those filmmakers who present their short film (national and / or international) of fiction, animation and / or documentary (made in any format). Duration LESS than 10 (ten) minutes -including titles-
The Museo do Pobo Galego (Museum of Galician People) organises the Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico - Ethnographic Film Festival. 20th Mostra de Cinema Etnográfico Museo do Pobo Galego will run 12-16 March, 2025 in Santiago
de Compostela.
Call for entries from December 4,2024 to December 30,2024.
We understand ethnographic cinema in a broad sense; it refers to those productions
whose main aim is to show different aspects related to sociocultural realities as well as
a community’s way of life. It comprises films with the main focus on people, social groups and relevant historical processes that are related to anthropology and ethnography.
Lucca Film Festival is an annual event that celebrates and promotes cinematographic culture. Through screenings, exhibitions, conferences and performances, the Festival has been able to captivate an ever-increasing audience with a program that ranges from experimental to mainstream films. Through the years, Lucca Film Festival has carved out a niche for itself, standing apart from the many other festivals thanks to its bold yet carefully studied programming. Over the years, great names of international filmmakers and well-known celebrities have attended Lucca Film Festival as invited guests; David Lynch, Oliver Stone, Jeremy Irons, Willem Dafoe, George Romero, Terry Gilliam, William Friedkin, Alfonso Cuarón, John Boorman, Rutger Hauer, Joe Dante and Peter Greenaway, just to name a few. At the same time, the Festival has offered retrospectives of “old” glories while unearthing new talents. To top it all off, breathtaking Lucca serve as a stunning backdrop to an event that has now firmly established itself, becoming a highly anticipated and not-to-be-missed appointment in Italy and in Europe: the Lucca Film Festival.
Since its creation, the festival has always been committed to promoting contemporary films.
Therefore, directors from all over the world can submit their films to the competitive section of the festival through the dedicated call for entries. The 2022 edition of Lucca Film Festival will be held from 23 Semptember to 1 October, both in cinemas and online.
The 2023 will be the 8th edition of the Lucca Film Festival International Feature Film Competition. In the previous editions important personalities of cinema like Cristi Puiu, Rutger Hauer, Philip Groening and Claudio Giovannesi had been part of the international jury.
The films shown during this competition are Italian premieres and last edition was won by "Yamabuki" di Juichiro Yamasaki.
There are three awards: Best feature film prize (3000€), awarded by a jury of renowned guests from both the cinematographic and academic worlds; and Best feature film – university jury prize (awarded by an university jury), Best feature film - Popular jury and the Marcello Petrozziello Award.
For those who are interested in this competition, the last day for submissions is July 14 2023, until midnight.
There are no limitations to the genre or topic of the films. The only requirements are the following: the films must be at least 60 minutes long and must have been produced in 2022. Moreover, they must be Italian premieres, so they cannot have been presented in any other Italian festival, shown on any online open platform or distributed in any other way in Italy.
For the 18th year in a row, it will take place the historic short films competition, whose winner will receive a 500€ prize. Every year, the selection committee of this competition receives more than 300 films to evaluate. Among the directors who took part in earlier editions, there are celebrities like Adan Jodorowsky, son of the famous Chilean filmmaker.
Even though the “free experimentation” is the fil rouge of this year's edition, the films have no limitations in genre and topic. The only requirement is that they cannot last more than 29 minutes. For the short films competition, the last day for submissions is July 28, 2023, until midnight.
Lucca Film Festival launches, for the 2023 edition, a new short film competition, "Lucca Film Festival for Future", which was born thanks to the collaboration with the Sofidel Group, 2nd producer in Europe and 7th in the world for production capacity in the sector of paper for hygienic and domestic use (known in particular for the Regina brand), which has made sustainability a strategic lever of development and responsible growth to reduce its impact on natural capital and favour the transition towards a low carbon impact economy. The prize is 1000€.
List of the selected films will be published on the festival’s website within September 15, 2023. During the festival the movies will be shown in the cinemas taking part in the event and on demand online.
The Lucca Film Festival, coordinated by Nicola Borrelli, is one of the key events organized and sponsored by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.
The event's main sponsors are Banca Generali and Banca Pictet, whereas the exhibits are produced with the support of Banca Société Générale. The organization of the Lucca Film Festival has also been possible thanks to the funding from Funder35 and the support of Gesam Gas & Luce S.p.A Istituto Luce Cinecittà S.r.l., Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Baldini Vernici, Lucar S.p.A Lions Club Lucca Le Mura, Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A, Luccaorganizza, Il Ciocco S.p.A, MiBACT (the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism), the Region of Tuscany, the City of Lucca, the Province of Lucca with the collaboration and co-production of the Giglio Theatre in Lucca, Consociazione Nazionale donatori di sangue Fratres, Fondazione Giacomo Puccini e Museo Puccini – Casa Natale, Fondazione Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Fondazione Mario Tobino, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Martinelli Luce, CG Entertainment, Fondazione Centro Arti Visive e Fondazione UIBI. Thanks also to Lucca Comics & Games, Trenitalia Regional Management, Unicoop Firenze and to the Degree Course in Performing Arts and Civilization Department of Communication and Forms of Knowledge at the University of Pisa, Photolux Festival and App18 for their collaboration.
Come to the Lucca Film Festival and experience a full 360° immersion in both the cinema and the heart of Tuscany.
HICFF Film Awards is a quarterly based film competition with annual screenings open to film makers and film lovers, recognising and awarding the work of independent film makers worldwide.
Our mission is to honour, celebrate and award the best talent in the global film making community.
Our vision is to promote films, helping filmmakers to improve their careers. Each quarter, our Jury will award the best films through private screenings.
All quarterly winners will be automatically nominated for the prestigious ANNUAL GURU DRONACHARYA GOLDEN AWARDS and they will be invited to attend our Annual Live Screening Gala in presence of juries, critics, film scholars and eminent movie personalities from across the globe.
The first quarterly event date is 30th June 2021 for which entries are open till 17th June 2021. Click here to see all competition categories for submitting your film.
Films entered in multiple categories may win multiple awards!
The officially selected projects in each quarter receive HICFF laurel and are announced on our website.
All quarterly Winners receive HICFF laurel and certificate and are rated at their respective IMDb pages (if applicable).
ACTRUM is a non-profit Cultural Association that works in all areas of the artistic sector.
In this festival, the finalist works will be screened online and it will be open to the public, who will have to vote through our website for their 3 favorite shorts/feature films from each section to award the public prizes.
Register your project! We accept any gender.
About the festival:
The International Short Film Festival "Movie Mouse" is an ANNUAL short film competition with an official award ceremony for the winners.
The festival organizers reserve the right to hold the award ceremony in any format, including physically at the venue, online, or as a simple announcement of the results on the festival's website and mailing diplomas and awards to participants.
The festival was created to identify talented filmmakers and promote short films.
The organizers of the festival are the film company "Mouse and Husband production" /
The date of the THIRD SEASON of the festival is January 10-12, 2025*
, the date of announcement of the results for the stages
December 15, 2024.
*The date and venue of the next festival is indicated on the official website of the film festival and on the application platforms and can be changed by the organizers no later than 12/15/2024
Feature films
Animated films
Documentary films
1-DRAMA - The best feature film-drama (feature short film in the genre of drama/ melodrama/ psychological drama) lasting from 10 to 40 minutes
2-SUPER-SHORT is the best drama Feature Film (a short feature film in the genre of drama/ melodrama/ psychological drama) lasting up to 10 minutes.
3 - Best ACTION Feature Film (Detective/Horror/Action Short Film) - Category 18+
4- COMEDY - Best Feature Film-Comedy (feature short film in the comedy genre)
5-DOC - Best Documentary (documentary short film of any genre)
6-ANIMATION - The best animated film (animated short film of any genre)
7- DEBUT - The Best feature debut and student Film
8- CHILDREN - Best Short Film for children and teenagers (category 0+)
9- TRAILER - The best trailer of an existing short film (up to 2 minutes in length)
Additional nominations:
Best Director
The best scenario
Best Actor/Actress
Best Cinematography
The best technical solution (special award "KinoMuzH")
The audience voting prize (determined by the number of likes on the poster at 12:00 on the day preceding the day of the Closing Ceremony of the festival - voting takes place on the festival website)
* Submitted projects are reviewed and evaluated by a professional jury consisting of at least three Russian and international experts in the field of cinematography.
All films sent by cinematographers are reviewed by the jury members, after which some of them separately in each category are included in the official selection (LONGLIST).
Depending on the number of films that have been officially selected, further selection stages are formed in each category – QUARTERFINAL, SEMIFINAL, final (SHORT LIST), nominees (NOMINEE) for the award, winner (WINNER) - the Grand Prix of the festival.
The organizers of the festival reserve the right to carry out the selection both sequentially in all stages, and skip some of them, depending on the number of participants in each category.
Semi-finalists in each category are invited to the award ceremony (if it is physically held) on the festival's website. All authors who have sent a film to participate in the competition program can also apply to the organizers of the festival to attend the official award ceremony.
The winner of the Grand Prix in each category (the winner in the nomination) is announced from among the nominees. Awarding in additional nominations is at the discretion of the organizers. (The organizers can choose the winners in all or in some categories at their discretion or not choose them at all).
As an international and independent film festival we accept submissions of all genres and from all corners of life. The festival is a hub for local filmmakers to celebrate their premieres.The main objective is to give platform to the new artists and actors to portray their talent.
The festival is a creative event which stands with all the artists involved in filmmaking.
FIC RIO (International Short Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro) is a film festival for independent filmmakers from all over the world and for short films produced in any year.
After the great reach and success of the first edition, we came back even stronger and willing to take independent cinema to an even larger audience.
In addition to offering an alternative to the experience of commercial cinema, FIC RIO aims to celebrate independence, creativity and diversity in the Seventh Art, giving voice and space to independent filmmakers and their works, within the genres of fiction, documentary, animation.
The exhibition of our second edition will take place between the 25th and 30th of April 2022, still fully online.
With three new categories, Best LGBTQIA+ Film, Best Music Video and Best Micro Short (1 to 5 minutes), the 2nd FIC RIO will award a total of 27 categories.
Come join the FIC RIO family!