Welcome to the 2nd International Contest of Photography and Short Films on Rare Diseases organized by UVEME with the sponsorship of CHIESI Spain and under the collaboration of MPS Lisosomales, this year also dedicated to Alpha Mannosidosis. A contest aimed at both photography and film enthusiasts, as well as health professionals. We want you to be creative, to interpret what it means to you, in a symbolic way, to suffer from a rare disease. Explore your creativity. Express yourself with freedom and emotion. Put yourself in the shoes of a patient, a family member, a caregiver, a nurse, a doctor or a friend of a person with a rare disease... and through your look, surprise us.
IMPORTANT. Register your short film through the website www.certamenraras.com
The Monterrey International Film Festival, ficmonterrey, opens its call for the submission of feature films and short films for the selection of its twentieth edition, which will take place from September 25 to October 2, 2024.
The Competitive Selection is made up of the following categories:
International Feature Film — Fiction/Animation*
International Feature Film — Documentary
Mexican Feature Film — Fiction/Animation*
Mexican Feature Film — Documentary
International Short Film — Fiction/Animation*
International Short Film — Documentary
Mexican Short Film — Fiction/Animation*
Mexican Short Film — Documentary
Mexican Student Short Film Competition — Any Genre
*In the case of submitting animations whose content coincides with the documentary, the Selection Committee reserves the right to select it in the most convenient category.
Nuevo León Competition — Any Gender
Category made by the Selection Committee, it is not opened as a separate category, but registration is indirect through the Mexican categories —see more in the Regulations through our website.
The registration dates go from the publication of this call, until its closing, on July 7, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (GMT-6) without any possibility of extension. Feature film works (from 60 minutes onwards) and short films (between 1 and less than 30 minutes in length) will be received through the Festhome platform exclusively.
Selected participants will be notified via email during the first or second week of August and they will be informed of the continuity of the process. The Committee's selection is final. By registering, all participants who are selected agree to send all the required materials in a timely manner, as detailed in the Regulations and as they will be requested from their notification until the closing of the ficmonterrey. The registration of any material in this call confirms the acceptance of it and the attached rules. For this reason, before starting the process, we ask you to READ IN DETAIL the Registration Regulations available through the WEBSITE.
The festival will make public the final list of the films that will make up its competitive Official Selection starting in September 2024 on the Festival's official website: https://monterreyfilmfestival.com/
The ficmonterrey is in a constant search for human narratives that rely on views that emerge from a world in constant movement and transformation, in interconnection and innovation for its selection.
The Festival seeks films with the power to reside in the collective memory of audiences, with the power to move and create dialogue with them.
One of the key interests of the ficmonterrey organizing team is to encourage new perspectives, those who are young not because of their age, but because they are fresh, for remaining critical, for achieving themselves with innovation and venturing into various risks.
The general objective of ficmonterrey is to bring together in Nuevo León an in-person audience, and a virtual one throughout Mexico, before a selection of contemporary Mexican and international cinema created by filmmakers with diverse, fresh, risky, critical, and innovative visions. Likewise, we are interested in providing a training space that promotes the meeting between filmmakers, films and the audience; and activities that promote film production, especially women's and regional ones.
The Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival is organised by Les Films du Spectre, a non-profit making association dedicated to genre cinema, which includes fantasy, horror, science-fiction and thrillers.
In addition to the Festival’s international prizes, as a member of the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation, it also awards the Silver Méliès for the best European fantastic film.
Patagonia Eco Film Fest, calls filmmakers from all over the world to participate in the 9th International Environmental Film Festival of Patagonia which will take place in Puerto Madryn city, Chubut, Argentina from September 5-10, 2024.
The festival will accept documentary, fiction, animation films, about environmental issues.
Pandemic Film Week, held for the first time in Mexico. Dedicated to collecting and screening films that address the issue of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.
Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.
See you Around & Fest Regards
Rujan is creating two Anthology film, composed of short films with water as the central axis, we'd love to have you on this journey! The selected projects will receive an investment proposal to complement the funding
1) Fantasy Short Films
The film seeks to bring, from the union of different narratives, enclosed in five short films, a possibility of using fear and mystery as a way of expressing feelings. The horror, suspense and science fiction genres travel on the psychological, questioning human fears and rules, related through the contemporary and the anxieties that arise with modern life.
2) Water Short Films
Water as a metaphor, capable of narrating people's deepest feelings. The water does not hesitate. It follows a descending path, looking for the depth, always attached to the earth, and meets up with more water because its course flows into the depths. Know the cracks in the rocks and the interior of each of our cells. But water also knows the highest mountains, those that it covers with snow and then with ice.
13th edition of the RIURAU FILM FESTIVAL
-Production date after 01/01/2023.
-Duration of short films: less than 20 minutes.
-Only fiction short films.
-Subtitles in English, Spanish and Valencian according to rules.
-Dance Film (multiperspective+fragmentation+continuity)
-General Fiction (free themed)
-Social Diversity Fiction (cultural, functional, gender, sexual, age...)
-Sustainability Fiction (environmental, economic, socio-cultural)
-Ficció in Valencià (free themed)
-Fiction El Nostre Cinema (linked to La Marina Alta region in Alicante)
€4,100 in prizes: 8 monetary rewarded prizes and statuette + 1 specific prize for Short Film directed by a woman + 7 Diplomas
This is an excerpt from the bases. Consult the complete rules in the call and also on the website: riuraufilmfestival.com
Fantasy Filmfest is one of the largest film-events in Germany swell as a renowned platform for genre titles and very much supported by the local film industry. Fantasy Filmfest is based on a traveling concept touring 7 major German cities September each year.
Our program’s focus is on a hand-picked and high quality selection of about 40 features and 10 short films. The continuously increasing number of visitors confirms the festival’s reputation as one of the biggest genre events worldwide.
Fantasy Filmfest is well-respected among distributors for being a link between them and producers as well as sales companies. German buyers and distribution companies consider the festival an extraordinary market and a promotional opportunity, often attending each festival city to get an up close impression of the audience’s reaction. It is therefore considered an important nationwide event and a testing ground for audience reception. It is not uncommon for films to get picked up by German distributors after inclusion in the festival’s program.
For more information, please click here or visit our homepage: www.fantasyfilmfest.com
Feelmotion UDIT International Short Film Festival is a shortfilm festival for university students organized by UDIT University in Madrid.
Originally conceived as a film festival for university students, the festival celebrates its first edition in 2012, born from the initiative of the students and Raúl San Julián, director of the festival and professor at UDIT. Since then the festival has celebrated a total of twelve editions, with more than 3000 participating short films from over 50 universities in 33 countries around the world and a total of more than 5000 university students who have participated or collaborated with the festival.
Thanks to the support of our partners, our finalists have been able to use Feelmotion to give themselves momentum and reach such important festivals as the San Sebastian International Film Festival, the New York International Independent Film & Video Fest or the 3D Wire.
Among the outstanding participants are our alumni Diego Porral, nominated for the Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film 2018 for "Un día en el parque" which was selected as Best Feelmotion Short Film 2017 and currently has more than 40 awards and 200 nominations; and José Herrera, winner of the Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film 2019 for "Cazatalentos".
In each of its editions, Feelmotion has relied on a large team of professionals and volunteers from the student body to organize both the contest and its corresponding awards gala and the numerous thematic events of each edition. In total, more than 200 students from different UDIT grades have collaborated with their efforts to make Feelmotion happen.
Feelmotion has also counted on great professionals from the film industry to be part of the juries that each year choose the winners. Professionals such as directors and screenwriters Juan Carlos Rulfo, Borja Cobeaga, Paco Martínez Velasco, Hector Hercé, María Pérez Sanz or Alex Rodrigo; producers and academics Marichu Corugedo, Txepe Lara, José Nolla; actors Tristan Ulloa, Natalie Poza, Olivia Molina, Ana Arias or Jon Viar among others; and a long list of journalists, technicians, academics, etc.
FESCISE; It is a film festival that rewards the complexity of making a sequence shot, the works will have a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes (including credits); with a minimum continuous sequence shot of 3 minutes 30 seconds in the development of the short.
CFF is the first outdoors film festival of its kind in Lebanon. The festival, which was launched in 2009 by “Laboratoire D’art”, has become an annual short film event which celebrates and promotes local and international short films as an independent form of art in a non-competitive public event, away from competition, prizes and entrance fees.
Cabriolet Film Festival next year’s topic is centered around the concept of "DISOBEY".
In a world often dominated by conformity and convention, “Disobey” embodies the courage to forge your own path, challenge norms, and stand up for what you believe in. It is about breaking free from societal expectations, daring to be different, and embracing the resilience it takes to remain authentic, even when the road is difficult.
We invite filmmakers from around the globe to explore the multifaceted dimensions of disobedience: as a form of personal liberation, a statement of identity, and an unwavering commitment to a cause. Your short films can capture stories of those who resist, challenge authority, push boundaries, and refuse to compromise their beliefs.
Whether subtle or bold, peaceful or provocative, stories of disobedience are tales of empowerment, persistence, and individuality. Through this theme, we seek to celebrate the transformative power of “disobedience” and the voices that rise above conformity.
Join us on June 6, 7, and 8, 2025, to showcase films that challenge, inspire, and empower.
Let’s celebrate the beauty of rebellion and the freedom found in following your own path.
MOONWATCHERS Association for Cinematographic Culture from Statte (Taranto, Italy) organizes the “Moonwatchers Film Festival” contest for Directors and Film-makers from all the world, who produced their works from January 1st, 2020 onwards. The deadline to send the movies is set to May 31st, 2023.
Atlántida: Locación de Cine
Desde los años 40 se vienen filmando películas en Atlántida, producciones argentinas, norteamericanas y uruguayas han tenido como paisaje y protagonista distintos espacios de la ciudad.
Desde "La casta Susana", con Mirtha Legrand, hasta "Miami Vice", la playa y las construcciones costeñas han otorgado un set de rodaje realmente inspirador para realizadores y público. Sin duda la infraestructura y las bellezas de Atlántida permiten el feliz rodaje de films de las más variadas facturas.
Aquí verán fotos de algunos de los rodajes, seguramente faltan varios pero los podremos agregar si ustedes nos envían los registros.
Recientemente descubrimos a la gente de Uruguay desde lo alto quienes, como no podía ser de otra forma, han cubierto Atlántida desde el cielo.
under fest ACTION
IMPORTANT: MOVIES MUST CONTAIN SUBTITLES IN SPANISH UNLESS THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE IS SPANISH. Printed in the video image or in perfect sync with the online player attached in the Festhome platform ( YOUTUBE , VIMEO, etc... )
Films that do not complete this regulation will need the subtitles ready to send to the Festival if the film is selected.
Films from the undergound, self-managed, decentralized and free distribution. Environmental and audiovisual tools used for pure joy, happiness, disinformation, emotional connection, television detoxification, collective cooperation, social creation of art, the multiplication of free cinema and more ...
The festival is a social tool viewable and controlled. It is an annual event, managed in a friendly network in cities across the continent, which displays unpublished, experimental or out of the system, linking non-conventional spaces, creating a common grid and a shared mission, fruit of a collective intelligence and the freedom of speech.
The festival is a social tool for visibility and coordination. It is an annual event, produced in a network, in several cities of the continent, which allows to display unpublished audiovisual productions, experimental or outside the industrial system and, in coordination, to contact non-traditional exhibition spaces generating a common grid and a fruit object / text of the collective Intelligence put into operation and manifestation.
This year the festival is not absent, we believe that it is more than ever necessary to maintain the premises for which the festival was created, understanding us as a counter-information tool, during these 14 years the dynamics of the festival has traveled unusual sites for what is understood as the official circuit of film festivals in conventional rooms for projections but in this way we have created walls, floors, cultural centers, neighborhoods, squares, streets, settlements, meeting spaces to see what is happening underneath the surface.
This edition has 2 OBJECTIVES
It is 16 years to accompany the under scene, this space that changes year after year, which takes new form when it is possible to see what is being filmed accompanying the new languages of this time. This experimental scene began to leave experiences that we were channeling in the conurbano, in the occupation and the promotion, in if in sharing, that nourished something that today is a few steps and that is one of the great objectives that has this edition 2024 .
we are already away from the commercial circuits or day-to-day broadcasting and we are looking for the construction of the cinema school in the Covi neighborhood of Solano, where we hold the film festival and believe that the TRECE will be a great kick for this experience that we support and we have been part since its inception.
The productions chosen, will be part of the retrospective that we will be projecting in a route that will unite different points of Argentina.
The film festival will become itinerant.
Here we see cinema, we talk about cinema, we make cinema. We experiment with the form and structure of the festival, always. We want to rotate the transparency of the impeccable narratives. We are self-management, we have great reasons to criticize from a clear political position our sociocultural context of audiovisual production. We seek to see that which is hidden beyond the superficial, without red carpets.
International film festival for films of young filmmakers up to 26 years old!
«A truly wonderfully and unique experience. Incredible! I have traveled the world extensively making films and attending festivals and have never experienced such a loving, poignant and profound time as this one. Your dedication to media activism and global media literacy is astounding. May NUFF spreads it wings and fly!» (Paolo Davanzo, experimental filmmaker, USA)
Nordic Young Film Festival - NUFF is an annual short film festival for young filmmakers up to 26 years old from the Nordic countries & the world with short films (max 20 min) made in the last 2 years.
NUFF has been an important international platform for youth film and a meeting place for many young filmmakers since 2003.
Based at the youth culture house Tvibit in Tromsø, Northern Norway, NUFF has already a long success-story. Started by the wish to support young local filmmakers and to get an idea how our neighbours are making films and telling stories, NUFF discovered the world of Youth Cinema and all of the exciting potential that came with it.
The quality of submitted films has steadily been increasing and so too has the incredible atmosphere of the workshops and the growing network of filmmakers, partners and projects. All of this is making NUFF a unique summer event above the polar circle and under the overwhelming midnight sun.
Nordic film competition
International film competition
International film workshop
International film network
International film seminars, discussions and a lot of fun!
«NUFF has been one of my life’s best weeks» (Stian Skjelstad, Norway)
NUFF has two film competitions for short films made in the last two years (with a max length of 20 minutes) by filmmakers under the age limit of 26 years old. All genres are accepted!
For the Nordic film competition the films have to be produced in a Nordic country or the filmmaker comes from or lives in a Nordic Country. Nordic Countries are defined as Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Island, Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland.
For the International film competition the films have to be produced outside the Nordic countries or the filmmaker comes from or lives outside the Nordic countries.
The submission deadline for both competitions is June 1st!
The Melbourne Underground Film Festival (M.U.F.F.) is a cutting edge premiere showcase for Independent cinema from around the world. It is known for its radical, adventurous and iconoclastic programming decisions, in addition to its support of different voices from independent, alternative, underground and student filmmakers worldwide. The festival focuses on both Australian and International cinema. M.U.F.F. plays many shorts every year and a lot of features, plus an exciting array of documentaries and curated retrospectives. M.U.F.F. is an essential forum for new cinema that will look beyond production values, and find the hidden talent within. M.U.F.F. has been the launching board and incubator for many talented and famous filmmakers including James Wan, Scott Ryan, Jenna Fisher, Jim VanBebber, Bruce LaBruce, Peter Christopherson, Stuart Simpson, Shannon Young, Kel Dolen, Steven Kastrissios, Ivan Kavanagh, Mark Savage, Anna Brownfield, Patrick Hughes, Jeremey DeCeglie, Gregory Pakis and many, many others.
This festival is held to screen films that make us think, awaken our consciousness towards a human future, to reflect the social and cultural and ecological diversity of humanity, witness to human rights violations and create a forum for courageous individuals, showing the highlight and talented bright of hope on Human Rights.
This is the goal of our Festival. New York Human Rights Film Festival, which this year will celebrate his sixth edition festival in a movie theater in the heart of Manhattan.
Very close to the UN headquarters from where the universal values of Human Rights are projected.
Our mission is promoting the understanding of every form of expression relevant to cinema and Human Rights.
To consolidate the Human Rights Film Festival, headquartered in NYC, as a world reference in this genre, where you can enjoy the films complemented with panel discussions, q&a’s, and forums on Human Rights.
Festival twinned with the 20 Barcelona Human Rights Film Festival.
The Festival is an independent organization not influenced, or in affiliation to any political or religious entity.
The 3M Festival is a short film competition for everyone, where the originality of the story takes precedence over the technical aspect of the productions.
The concept of the Festival revolves around "3M":
participants must produce in less than 3 Months a film of less than 3 Minutes 33 containing the 3 Words of the edition.