(APCBolivia).- El martes 12 y miércoles 13 de diciembre se tiene previsto el gran Lanzamiento de la 10ma. Versión del Premio Internacional Anaconda en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, en el Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española – AECID, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, ubicado en la calle Arenales Nº 583.
La primera noche se tendrá el Lanzamiento Oficial de la 10ma Versión del Premio Anaconda junto con el estreno del Largometraje de Ficción “Guirandiyu, Camino de Libertad”, película que muestra la lucha del pueblo guaraní por liberarse de la semi esclavitud en las haciendas en la región del sur de los Departamentos de Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca y los desafíos para una participación plena de las mujeres y de construcción de una educación descolonizadora.
La segunda noche se tendrá una muestra audiovisual de la obras audiovisuales destacas de las versiones anteriores del Premio Anaconda, junto con una selección del del concurso “Desde nuestras miradas contamos historias” organizada por la OIT.
Dichas actividades se llevarán a cabo a partir de las 19:00 con ingreso libre para todo el público.
Anaconda comprende una propuesta pionera en su género porque promueve la defensa y difusión amplia de derechos, la organización comunitaria, el derecho a la comunicación y la producción audiovisual y cinematográfica propia, además de desarrollar un fomento directo, además de acentuar el protagonismo comunitario y de Jurados Locales en la definición de las obras ganadoras.
En nueve versiones anteriores del Premio Anaconda (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2018, 2020) participaron cerca de 1600 realizaciones de y sobre los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes, provenientes de 20 países.
Se menciona que la versión 8va tuvo como sede principal a Paraguay entre 2017 y 2018. Por su parte las actividades de lanzamiento de la 9na versión tuvieron lugar en julio de 2019 en Cuba, en coordinación con el Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión y la Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano con sede en La Habana. Por diversos motivos, incluyendo la pandemia, la premiación se desarrolló en La Paz, Bolivia en diciembre de 2021.
Lo más distintivo del Premio Anaconda es su carácter de rotación itinerante y su principio participativo comunitario dado que una actividad principal es la Muestra Internacional Comunitaria en la que Jurados Locales elegidos por cada comunidad, visionan las obras junto a la comunidad y reflexionan sobre las realidades reflejadas en estas obras, definen las obras ganadoras principales de este Premio y elaboran su Acta de Jurado. En cada territorio o país sede se aprovecha este evento de resonancia internacional para fortalecer las capacidades locales indígenas y afro descendientes en comunicación, de dialogo y establecimiento de alianzas y uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación y redes sociales.
¿Por qué ANACONDA en el chaco argentino?
La situación de los pueblos indígenas en Argentina revela un preocupante retroceso, marcado por la falta de desarrollo de políticas y leyes dirigidas a la protección efectiva de sus derechos, así como por la adopción de medidas que han violado gravemente esos derechos, particularmente el derecho a la tierra y el territorio, el derecho a la consulta, a la participación y a la organización, el acceso a la justicia y el derecho a la identidad cultural y a la educación.
Premio Anaconda en su 10ma Versión
Se menciona que el Premio Anaconda en su 10ma versión se propone incentivar la reflexión, debate, divulgación y sensibilización sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades afrodescendientes, haciendo énfasis en la realidad , derechos, aspiraciones y propuestas de los pueblos indígenas del chaco Argentino, dando a conocer ampliamente la realidad de los pueblos Q’om Mocoví y Wichí, y a fin de contribuir al reconocimiento, valoración y respeto de la pluralidad, como elementos positivos y sustanciales para el logro de la convivencia armónica y la plena vigencia del derecho a la comunicación.
El Premio Anaconda en su 10ma versión estará abierto a los diferentes géneros de producción y a todas las temáticas referentes a la realidad, derechos y culturas de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes y resaltando la Categoría Especial (Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes) que también es definida en su premiación, junto al Gran Premio Anaconda, por la participación de comunidades y Jurados Locales.
Estas acciones comprenden una coordinación, articulación y presencia de diferentes Organizaciones indígenas originarias del norte argentino, de Bolivia y de otros países articuladas ya desde hace muchos años en torno a iniciativas de CLACPI y en el caso de Bolivia a la labor del Sistema Plurinacional de Comunicación Indígena Originario Campesino Intercultural. Se cuenta con una alianza estratégica con la Asociación Comunitaria Indígena de Comunicación ACIC.
Esta propuesta comprende el desarrollo de acciones de lanzamiento de la Convocatoria en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra , selección de la Muestra Oficial y de apoyo a la presentación de la Muestra Itinerante de Anaconda en comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes en la región del chaco, amazonia y los bosques tropicales de América Latina, en coordinación con organizaciones integrantes o cercanas a CLACPI y el desarrollo de 3 sesiones de Muestra y Premiación y un Seminario Taller en la ciudad de Resistencia, Argentina en julio 2024.
Etapas de Trabajo (letras)
La 10ª versión del Premio Anaconda al Vídeo Indígena Amazónico, del Chaco y Bosques Tropicales de América Latina y el Caribe con el siguiente detalle de acciones:
Presentación y lanzamiento oficial del Premio Anaconda al Video Indígena Amazónico, del Chaco y los Bosques Tropicales de América Latina y el Caribe. 12 y 13 diciembre 2023.
Divulgación, circulación masiva de las bases de la Convocatoria y recepción de obras. Hasta el 28 de febrero de 2024.
Proceso de pre-selección de obras. Marzo de 2023
Muestra Itinerante Internacional Gran Premio Anaconda, calificación de Comunidades Indígenas De Marzo a mayo de 2024.
Definición de Premios y Menciones Jurado Internacional Junio 2024
Acto Especial de Muestra, Seminario y Premiación. Resistencia, chaco argentino, julio de 2024.
One-minute short film festival that aims to promote awareness and social commitment, using audiovisual language.
It is a citizen participation tool, where participants express their point of view on the great challenges we face, such as hunger, poverty, climate change or the defense of Human Rights.
Aqua Film Festival – International Film Festival organized by UNIVERSI ACQUA , Association with environmental, social, and territory enhancement purposes – selects short films, of any category and nationality, focused on the theme of WATER, and able to use the language of cinema to illustrate and interpret the social, ecological, cultural, naturalistic, and artistic aspects of this extraordinary and vital element.
The Eighth edition of Aqua Film Festival will take place from June 6th to 9th, 2024.
The films will be screened on Mymovies; The award ceremony will take place in Rome, on June 8th, in live streaming.
The INVITATION to participate to the selections of the Eighth edition of AquaFilmFestival is open from September 15th, 2023; deadline to send works is April 11th, 2024.
7th Amazonía del Plata Film Festival arises from the homonymous plastic / audiovisual exhibition that was held in Tigre in 2019 and seeks to address audiovisual works of inhabitants and contexts of basins, islets, cenotes, meanders, coasts and all those amphibious territories resulting from the conflict between hydric nature and its relationship with civilization.
The 7th Amazonia del Plata film festival will be held in Tigre and Quilmes in 3-6 April 2025.
International Star Film Festival Awards is an amalgamation of unleash cinematic creativity & madness of cine-goers of world. India is a culturally rich & destination of many budding filmmakers since past century. The festival objective is to give momentum to the cinema & to foster the growth of new breed of filmmakers.
The festival is dedicated to serve the short filmmakers specifically from all parts of India as well as world.
ISFFA is an International Film Festival and award event.
The festival objective is to create films culture, promotion of upcoming filmmakers.
VISIONI FANTASTICHE (Fantastic Visions) is a film festival addressed to schools of all types and levels focusing on fantastic cinema and all its declinations, ranging from sci-fi to fairy-tale, mystery, adventure, fantasy, using specific languages depending on targeted ages. As specified by Plan Mic – MIM, the purpose of VISIONI FANTASTICHE is to contribute contrasting iconic illiteracy through a Festival project where the educational, formative and spectacular elements find their point of conjunction.
We know how hard it may be, for filmmakers, to produce and distribute their works, especially if those are short films and independent productions. TRANSILVANIA SHORTS [International Short Film Festival] is the useful tool for every filmmaker, in order to further showcase their films, and get their deserved public feedback and recognition. The films selected in the festival competition are further on promoted, screened at the festival, and evaluated by a team of experts in the industry. Transilvania Shorts supports filmmakers in gaining the recognition of the public passionate about cinema, and that of mass-media, and, also, in being rewarded for their work.
Come celebrate and share your passion for cinema! Held in beautiful and medieval cities like Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Braṣov, and Târgu Mureș, Transilvania Shorts brings short films, from all over the world, to beautiful Transilvania. In the future, the festival will be extended, in order to be present in all major cities of Transilvania. This year’s Festival Program will showcase a wide variety of international short films, in the categories of: Narrative, Animation, Student, Commercial Video, Documentary, Experimental, Music Video, Stop-Motion.
Cortoons Gandia is the International Animated Film Festival of Gandia, organized by Cortoons Festival, the city of Gandia, la Generalitat Valenciana, through the Institut Valenciá de Cultura (Culturarts), and the participation of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Campus de Gandia.
In the 2016, after 12 years of great success in Rome, Cortoons international festival of animated films, he moved to Spain in the beautiful town of Gandia in the province of Valencia.
The 21th Cortoons Festival Gandia edition will be a great festival of animated films for professionals, animation film funs and all the general public.
The competition categories are:
International animated short film from 1 to 4 minutes
International animated short film from 4 to 20 minutes
Spanish animated short film
Spanish animated short films produced in the
Valencian Community
Graduation animated film
Works may take place after January 1st, 2023.
The deadline is September 01, 2025
There is no entry fee
Contact us:
We are LISBIFF • Lisboa Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with screening events from the enchanting Lisbon, Portugal, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Lisbon (LISBIFF), Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here in Festhome.
LISBIFF shares the mission of its associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.
Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental works of any genre and subject are welcome!
SorsiCorti is a Short Film Festival that combines conviviality and interest in the art of the short film.
SorsiCorti was born from passion for cinema and desire to explore innovative and experimental trails of short films.
Careful and accurative selection carried out by an evaluation committee made up of experts cinephiles, allows that only high quality short films access the program projection.
SorsiCorti has developed a strong collaboration with the young cultural reality of the Piccolo Teatro Patafisico in Palermo, who also became the official location of the live screenings. However, various events are realized around in town.
The InFest Film Festival is a 2-day freak short film Festival which is held in Rubí, a city of asphalt, industry and smoke located in the Valles Occidental, a region located near Barcelona (Spain).
The InFest festival emerges as a firm and clear proposal: that Rubí be known as the Rubiwood of the Vallés district. During the last 9 years, InFest has organized the best possible short film experience: outdoors screenings, concerts, bar service and all kinds of activities related to cinema. What else can we ask for?
The InFest is devoted to showcase new short films (produced after year 2020) showing Sci-Fi, Fantastic, Freak and Horror elements. Short films cannot exceed 15 minutes length (credits excluded). Foreign films MUST be dubbed or subtitled in Spanish or Catalan, or the film will not be accepted.
In 2025, InFest will celebrate its 10th annual edition. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the InFest was moved to the amphitheater of The castle of Rubí ("El Castell"), a defensive construction from the 13th century, which can host public events with more than 2000 people. The amphitheater features seats, stage and bar! Jury Prize and Audience Award will receive 1000 and 250 euros, respectively.
In 2021, “The Biggest Little Fest In Europe” was heralded as "One of the World's Leading Indie Film Fests"- The Hollywood Reporter
Rated among the top 5 Film Festivals worldwide for Independent Films by American film critic Chris Gore in his esteemed “Ultimate Film Festival Guide”, and ranked “Top 25 Coolest Festivals in the World” by MovieMaker, Oldenburg has fostered its success with a strong commitment to innovative and Independent filmmaking.
“If there's anything that could be considered the Promised Land of Independent Cinema in Europe today, it is Oldenburg.” - Accred - L'actualité des festivals de cinéma
Labelled ‘the German Sundance’ by Variety, Hollywood Reporter, and Screen International, amongst others, Oldenburg has evolved while preserving its intimate atmosphere and founding purpose: to celebrate and support the diverse voices and visions of independent filmmakers, to honor the creativity of the artists upon which the Festival depends, and to create a unique experience and inspiring meeting place for filmmakers, audiences, and media professionals.
“Oldenburg - renown for its determination, cinephilia, and openness for the extremes - impresses with its brilliant programming.” - GRIP
Additionally, in an effort to raise awareness and build bridges between worlds through the common language of film, Oldenburg is the only Film Festival in the world that annually screens part of its regular program to incarcerated individuals who share the experience with members of the general public in an actual high-security Prison environment, known as ‘The Alcatraz of the North’.
“Oldenburg thrives as a discovery channel.” - Screen International
In addition to supporting the discovery of new artists, Oldenburg has hosted the German Premieres of films by such acclaimed filmmakers as Darren Aronofsky, Brian De Palma, Steven Soderbergh, Michael Polish, Johnnie To, Chan-wook Park, Monte Hellmann, & Takeshi Kitano amongst others. Guests of honor have included Jim McBride, Larry Clark, Philippe de Broca, Andrzej Zulawski, Ken Russell, Jerry Schatzberg, James Toback, Radley Metzger, Ted Kotcheff, Phedon Papmichael, George Armitage, Christophe Honoré, Edward R. Pressman, Bruce Robinson, William Freidkin, Ovidio Assonitis, and Peter & John Hyams who have all attended the festival for Retrospectives of their work.
“Just as impressive as the films was the festival itself, which, under the inspired direction of Torsten Neumann, combined intelligent cinephilia with a laid-back atmosphere of democratic equality.” - Sight and Sound
Nicolas Cage, Seymour Cassel, Asia Argento, Keira Knightley, Deborah Kara Unger, Mira Sorvino, Bobcat Goldthwait, Michael Wadleigh, Joanna Cassidy, Luke Wilson, Ben Gazzara, Stacy Keach, Amanda Plummer, Keith Carradine, Matthew Modine, Sean Baker, Andrea Rau, Mattie Do & Noémie Merlant are amongst many who have attended as honored guests or for Tributes in their honor.
“Alongside Venice and Toronto, Oldenburg is considered one of the most important Autumn Festivals for Independent Cinema” - de Telegraaf
Rated #1 in Germany on The Most Important Autumn Film Festivals List for and by the German Film Industry (Blickpunkt Film), and #3 internationally after Venice & TIFF, Oldenburg is regarded as “one of the most important European festivals for independent cinema" (Tagesschau).
“Oldenburg is a pilgrimage for cineastes.”- Die Zeit
JIFF 2025 will be a Greatest Edition in the World Cinema History
JIFF is the World's Biggest Competitive Film Festival (in fiction films).
The Jaipur International Film Festival, the world's fastest growing film festival, is held every year in January in Jaipur, India
Launched in January 2009, Jaipur International Film Festival -JIFF became expanding establishing name in organizing world film festival every year in Rajasthan.
The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas & culture between India & other nations in context of their social and cultural ethos. JIFF also promotes friendship and co-operation among people of the world through the medium of films & documentaries.
Though the film festivals have became a regular affair in most countries yet most of them cater only to selected audience as well as entertain the commercially successful film makers and related personalities. However, JIFF intends to organize a festival that connects the film fans & movie goers with the world, especially the serious filmmakers & their associates so as to bring about greater understanding of the art of film making.
The Sixteenth JIFF 2024 received 2971 films from 82+ countries and 329 films nominated for screening.
The Fifteenth JIFF 2023 received 2205 films from 63+ countries and 282 films nominated for screening.
The Fourteen JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)The Fourteen JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)
The Thirteen JIFF 2021 received 2121 films from 85+ countries and 266 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Online Edition)
The Twelfth JIFF 2020 has received 2411 films from 100+ countries and 240 films nominated in competition for screening.
The Eleventh Aryan JIFF 2019 has received 2221 films from 103 countries and 232 films nominated for screening.
The Tenth JIFF 2018 has received 2019 films from 100+ countries and 136 films nominated for screening.
The Ninth JIFF 2017 has received 2004 films from 100+ countries.
The Eighth JIFF 2016 has received 2176 films from 100+ countries.
The Seventh JIFF 2015 has received 1807 films from 100+ countries.
The Sixth JIFF 2014 has received 1587 films from 90+ countries.
The Fifth JIFF 2013 has received 1397 films from 90 countries.
The Fourth JIFF 2012 has received 902 films from 70 countries.
18000 film lovers and film makers visited the festival.
The third JIFF 2011 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.
The second JIFF 2010 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.
The first JIFF 2009 was a first milestone towards success.
Sridevi JIFF Indian Panorama (All submitted films will be included automatically in this panorama from India only without any additional fee or you can submit directly in this panorama only, made/produced in all regional languages) new from JIFF 2019
Focus Country, Guest Country, Tribute, Retrospective and more - By Invitation Only
(You can submit according to your submission eligibility or write us for any support at myjiffindia@gmail.com)
JAIPUR CRITICS – For feature fiction films only, best film award from film critics. Total nominations: Around 5 films.
HONORARY ASIA - We welcome you in JIFF 2024 as senior and experienced film producer and director. This category is only for Asian continent for feature fiction films, who have produced/directed minimum 5 films in their respective career, we request you please submit your film/s produced/released/un released after 1st Jan. 2022 or film in post-production. It is non-competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.
WELCOME REGARD - For directors and producers 1st feature fiction film, in other words this submission should be first project/film as a director or producer. It is competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.
OLD IS GOLD - screenings (by invitation only)
Classic World (Classical films from India and the world) – By Invitation Only
Films made by Crowdfunding (mention in the submission form)
Films made by/with Co-Production (mention in the submission form)
Web Series (up to 30 minute/s)
Mobile Film Making on Social Issues (film should be shoot by mobile camera, up to 30 minute/s)
Submit Song/Ad Film//Music/Album/Poster/Live performance
Top 10 Dialogue.
Films Nominated at Oscar 2025 (Short Fiction/Live Action) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2025 (Short Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2025 (Feature Fiction) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2025 (Feature Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2025 (Academy Awards, USA)
from different countries as official entry to the Oscars and official nominations through various ways, will be directly part of the competition in JIFF 2025. The awards will be separate for these categories and will be finalized by international jury members (World cinema leaders). Few top films will be screened in JIFF 2025 for global audience. Other rules will be the same as film submission in JIFF 2025.
The International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST, held in Valencia since 2008, is one of the main initiatives promoted by the Fundación por la Justicia. Its aim is to bring audiovisual culture closer to both the general public and especially vulnerable audiences, while advocating for human rights and denouncing their violations worldwide. Additionally, it features a series of activities with a social focus.
The 16th edition of HUMANS FEST will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2025.
The only film festival in the world held in the impressive setting of the dome of the UNLP Planetarium.
The Gritos en el Planetario festival was born in 2022 with the conviction of promoting and disseminating Latin American production of genre films, while also bringing teenagers and young people closer to the world of scientific outreach, such as the university planetarium.
In its 2024 edition, the festival will take place from October 30 to November 2 at the UNLP Planetarium.
For more information, please visit https://gritosenelplanetario.com.ar/.
From the creators of the NOLA Horror Film Fest (selected as one of the "World's 50 Best Genre Film Festivals" by MovieMaker Magazine) comes QUEER SCREAMS FILM FESTIVAL. QUEER SCREAMS is a celebration of LGBTQ+ genre cinema from emerging and established queer artists within the community – locally, nationally and internationally. The festival will present opportunities to connect with LGBTQ+ horror/sci-fi/fantasy/thriller fans through film screenings, as well as personal interaction. We strive to contribute to an evergrowing community of genre film lovers by engaging in “the conversation” and the pursuit of positive queer representation in media.
QUEER SCREAMS is an “In Person” ONLY film festival with LIVE screenings. The festival proper is Saturday & Sunday, with a special theater sponsored genre (classic) screening Friday night. QSFF will present (but not be limited to): Live film screenings. Filmmaker’s Q&A. Special event screening. Award ceremony brunch. Networking opportunities. Special guests. Filmmakers of selected films receive two complimentary festival badges for ALL (festival sponsored) film screenings and events.
Visiting filmmakers can expect to experience the beauty and awesomeness of Portland, OR. Portland is a vibrant and scenic city, famed for its huge expanses of green space, from parks and forests to breathtaking mountaintops. Portland is best known for being a sustainability-minded, bike-friendly city with easy access to nature; plentiful coffee, art, craft beer, delicious food. And of course its slogan “Keep Portland Weird.”
A landmark of Portland cinema history, The Clinton Street Theater is one of the oldest operating movie houses in the United States. The Clinton Street Theater has always been about community. Famous for its long-standing exhibition of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, the theater is currently a magnet for independent/revival films, live music, theater productions, dance performances, sex positive theater & film, drag shows, comedy, burlesque, and more.
Horror / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Thriller / Suspense / Action / Gothic / Horror Comedy / B-Movie / Campy Genre / Genre Documentary / Genre Music Video
It's time to scream, Queens!
The Human Rights Film Festival Brazil is an international festival of short films of up to 25 minutes that address the theme of Human Rights in their plot. Whether it is the fight to guarantee the rights of humanity or denouncing disrespect for these universal rights.
International queer film festival Merlinka is organized every year from 2009 in Belgrade Serbia.
For five days we screen short, documentary and featured LGBT-themed films.
Only gay, lesbian, bisexual, trangender, transsexual-themed films.