IndiFest is festival organized by alterNativa in collaboration with CLACPI (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas), with the aim of giving its own voice to the indigenous peoples and to demand the fulfillment of their Rights.
The Festival’s main objective is to promote the Identity and the Rights of the indigenous peoples through audiovisual tools. The festival includes screenings at physical venues as well as an online week event.
IndiFest is complemented with other activities such as political incidence and conversations with indigenous leaders.
A commitment that enhances the decentralization of cultural habits as well as the communication of indigenous peoples concerning their Rights and intercultural relations.
In the 2024 edition of the Quibdó Africa Film Festival, we delve into a unique and vibrant space where Africa and its Diaspora converge. This festival is more than just a series of film screenings – it's a comprehensive cultural experience featuring workshops, conferences, and artistic exhibitions. It's an odyssey that traverses the realms of the unknown, journeying through time – from past to present and into the future. This event is not just about showcasing films; it's about exploring a space that embodies both memory and representation, a space that prompts us to reflect on our history and the myriad ways we have evolved.
The 2024 festival is set to be a grand assembly of avant-garde Afro filmmakers, representing a dynamic artistic and cultural movement that boldly reimagines new identities through the fusion of art and historical fantasy. These creators engage in a vibrant dialogue within this artistic whirlwind, challenging and redefining conventional narratives.
At the heart of our vision for 2024 is the concept of "afrodisruptive" cinema. This genre is meant to startle and challenge, to be potent, impactful, and unsettling. It aims to disrupt the tranquility of the status quo, upending and reinvigorating it. This revolutionary artistic concept spans 360 degrees, offering a critical reexamination and reinterpretation of African traditions and narratives.
In essence, the Quibdó Africa Film Festival 2024 is not just an event; it's a cultural revolution, a reawakening of perspectives, and a celebration of the relentless spirit of Afro cinema and artistry.
The International Film Festival with Alternative Media (FICMA) encourages and disseminates the creation of films and audiovisual projects with new digital narratives and disruptive technologies made with various devices such as smartphones, DSLR cameras, GoPro cameras, Black magic pocket, drones, among others. Using technologies such as virtual reality, digital animation, artificial intelligence, among others. Having exhibition media such as projection, transmedia narratives, VR viewers, website and Streaming platforms.
The theme of this edition will be the convergence of media and pop culture, where we will reflect on how in today's world with a saturation of information the various media, increasingly merge creating new formats of consumption, analyzing how it has influenced the Mexican and universal popular culture and what interactions they have with the cinema today.
FICMA will be held from November 26 to December 5, 2025 in Mexico City.
The registration and participation of a film or project implies full acceptance of FICMA's rules, conditions and regulations.
Film Festival Ponferrada renews its objectives to specialize in the dissemination and promotion of short films anywhere in the world without taking into account its production, distribution, exhibition, category, gender or theme format.
We also want to value the short film as an audiovisual, current or historical document, which reflects the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of any region of the world as part of the memory of the most unknown universal audiovisual heritage and heritage.
The main objective of the Short Film Festival is the dissemination of ecosystems and biological heritage through cinematographic and audiovisual works selected through quality criteria.
Se abre la convocatoria para la 5º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023. La inscripción es gratuita y está abierta a:
a) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as colombianos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).
b) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad que sean una coproducción entre Colombia y otro país.
c) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad cuya temática esté relacionada con Colombia.
d) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as argentinos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).
¡No pierdas la oportunidad de pasar tu película en el 4º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023!
The Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Cine y Video Documental Independiente: Contra el Silencio Todas las Voces is a space to travel through various realities and aesthetics of Mexico and Latin America.
Contra el Silencio it has its first edition in the year 2000, when practically the only film festivals that existed in Mexico were Guadalajara (1986) and Guanajuato (1998), and in general, at Latin America the situation was not very different, there were very few spaces that disseminated and gave recognition to the social documentary.
From this same spirit and commitment to promote and support the documentary creation is that we come pleasantly to the twelfth edition to be held from November 4 to 12, 2022. In which we will have projections of the competitive sections, special functions, as well as academic activities and of training that promote criticism and reflection.
The 8th edition of the International Independent Film Festival of Ibiza has developed several seus in the 5 municipalities of the Island, for first time with institutional support from the 5 City Councils, and the online version on the Filmin platform. The institutional support in Ibiza is total by adding the Departments of Culture and Tourism of the Consell Insular of Ibiza more various private sponsors in the Island.
Ibizacinefest has renewed its commitment to Ibiza and culture with a program of 132 national and international titles, exclusive premieres in Spain and with 90% of premieres in the Balearic Islands, targeted activities to professionals, shortfilms contests to discover and boost the local and Balearic talent, educational program with special screenings per students and children to create new audiences.
The reflection has also covered his space through 19 conferences after screenings with his creators and creators on his creative process and the relationship between films and problems sociocultural realities. We have arrived at 75 guests, 18 internationals.
Short films are once again the protagonists of IBZCF24 with a qualifier for the Goya Awards 2024 by curtmetratges and colaboration with the European Film Academy with the Short Films on Tour.
Activities like our first golf session or the special one dedicated to Quinqui Cinema with the collaboration of the UNED of the Balearic Islands University.
They have been completely successful.The commitment to the industry is materialized with the Masterclass fees of first national level by Ion de Sosa and Laura Ferrés that even more. We have noticeably increased our in-person audience, by 38 sessions, with online tot l´estat thanks to our 14 program llargmetratges, 3 d'ells of Balearic production, to Filmin, with the presence in communication media, with international articles and a notable increase in impacts respect to the 2023 edition. We will continue to believe in committed author films, bothnecessary views, which is poden moure in fons i form at the margins of the norms of commercial cinema, with total freedom creative.
Xavi Herrero
Director and programmer IBZCF2-European Film Academy Member
Horror Minutes 2023
Minutes of Terror 2023
Bases of participation 2023
The call is open from April 2 to June 30, 2023.
All those interested in the genre of Suspense, Horror and Sci-Fi may participate without restriction of age or professional career.
In this fourteenth edition we are
Short films produced or co-produced in Mexico will compete for the "Juan Mora Catlett" award in honor of the director.
Each team or participant may present an unlimited number of works.
Dormir es una actividad absolutamente necesaria. Mientras dormimos se llevan a cabo funciones fisiológicas imprescindibles para la restauración del equilibrio psíquico y físico de los individuos. Por el contrario, la ausencia de un sueño normalizado puede alterar el humor, crear dificultad para la concentración y falta de atención, somnolencia, cansancio físico y mental, estado general de nerviosismo, tensión, tristeza e irritabilidad, impactando de manera distinta a cada persona.
Expuesto lo anterior, aflora el tema del presente concurso de cortometrajes. A través de las distintas situaciones que se pueden dar en la vida real, queremos promover y concienciar sobre la importancia para nuestras vidas de tener y disfrutar de un sueño reparador y de calidad.
El concurso "BUENAS NOCHES, GENTE DESPIERTA" surge para proponer la creación de cortos relacionados con el buen sueño y el buen descanso. Relacionado con esta idea, los cortometrajes deberían, a modo de ejemplo, tratar sobre:
• Disfrutar de un descanso reponedor
• Recrear imágenes y fantasías mientras dormimos de una manera saludable
• Cumplir nuestras metas y sueños (gente vital porque ha descansado bien)
Newcastle International Short Film Festival or NiSFF is an IMDb registered short film festival open to submissions of short films in multiple genres and categories from international, Australian and regional New South Wales (NSW) film-makers. Finalists for the best film in their regional category will be screened at the Royal Exchange Hybrid Performance Space/Cinema in Newcastle Australia in mid November each year. The overall Best Short Film winner will be selected from all the various category winners regardless of its length.
No screening fees are paid to selected films and no DCP is required. If your film is understandable for a mainly English speaking audience without subtitles then English subtitles are not required.
In the Castellón town of Tales, in the heart of the Sierra de Espadá natural area, the 2nd Espadá Rural Film Festival is being held, organized by CASDA, the Castelló Citizen Association against AIDS.
This festival has various awareness and dissemination activities both on the current environmental, ecological and social situation in the towns and in general in the world, as well as on the current social situation of people living with HIV. This year the novelty is that the theme of both the works and everything that is the festival will revolve around the figure of MOTHERS.
It will be through projections of documentaries and short films on social themes, as we have indicated, preferably on the theme of MOTHERS, and a Table for the Exchange of Experiences of different groups and associations that have participated in this project.
The screenings will take place over three different days, which will run from Thursday to Sunday.
Registration for the festival is completely free and must be done following the rules.
We organize this festival in order to create a new reason to produce and introduce films and any other work of art that concentrate on the world’s problems and riches, and to pioneer the creation of a free platform and reward these works. We live in an era where too much information, and input that cannot be considered as information flow at a disconcertingly rapid pace in every plausible channel. We organize this festival so that we could all seek what is more local and smaller, and more importantly the one that is true and genuine together.
The ecological problems are increasing and becoming more and more varied; however, we also witness hope-inspiring developments. We organize this festival in order to create a platform that nurtures this hope. We hope that through our festival, the residents of Bozcaada, farmers, producers, scientists, artists, and all our guests will be informed about the current technological developments, environmental disasters and innovations, the most recent documentary techniques and also about each other’s existence. We hope that our festival will contribute to nurture solidarity.
You’ve chosen to film. Chosen to put together a visual piece of art if we may say so. Today when anyone with a camera can, in theory, make a film... how will you make your short film stand out? What you intend to do with your film is what the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival is all about. We will be what you create.
After the tremendous success that was BISFF 2024, we are all set to host the 15th edition. Just as every year, this is an attempt to understand the medium a little better and go a little further in inventing new forms of storytelling as filmmakers.
This year the Festival will be a HYBRID Version, having both Online and Venue Screenings. Online Screenings will be only for INDIAN Geography
The festival showcases shorts from across the world, creating a physical space for a great audience experience and bringing together a keen audience for the filmmakers. BISFF also exhibits works by past masters who have dabbled in short filmmaking that today is viewed as an art form that needs a unique approach. Additionally, the festival presents talks and panel discussions with leading thinkers and industry practitioners, enabling budding makers to interact with the best in the industry. BISFF also includes hands on learning experiences in workshops and demonstrations by professionals, putting together an exclusive audience experience and perhaps space for makers to find what they are looking for.
LIMA ALTERNA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is a Peruvian film event that disseminates the best alternative, independent and auteur cinema from all over the world. It invites Lima's audience to discover the current panorama of cinema at a global level in the different filmmaking aspects that are being developed.
We are setting up a unique 2nd YEAR , iDEAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL iIFF in the world famous state of Maharashtra (INDIA), at city located close to the Ajanta Caves. and the birthplace of saints/artists. Keeping this in mind that this will be a separate platform for small and big artists, efforts will always be made to take the ideal festival to new heights. iDEAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL iIFF is established to cherish the emerging talent in the fields of art and films. The main objective is to give platform to the All artists and actors to potray their talent. iDEAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has a modern theme. Films in various categories such as World Competition, Marathi Competition, Global Cinema, Country Focus and Retrospective, from various countries and cultures are introduced. A recognised jury panel decides awards for films in the competitive sections.
iDEAL INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL looks forward for participation of actors,film makers as well as the emerging artists to platform their talent to the world.
El 14 FIC CLACPI se organiza en varias actividades de formación, difusión y promoción:
Muestras itinerantes: en todo el territorio del Ecuador se exhibirán películas reconocidas en los anteriores Festivales CLACPI, así como películas de Pueblos Indígenas del país anfitrión.
Encuentro de Realizadores y Realizadoras de Pueblos y Nacionalidades: alrededor de 50 personas nos reunimos a finales de marzo e inicios de abril para reflexionar el trabajo audiovisual desde una construcción propia, todo esto reforzando las ideas y corazonares base de nuestro caminar hacia el evento central del 14 FIC CLACPI 2022.
Laboratorio de cine para mujeres y disidencias: el audiovisual desde, con y para las mujeres y disidencias es necesario para contrarrestar la visión colonial y patriarcal del cine, para ello en julio del 2022 delegadas nacionales e internacionales serán parte de esta construcción colectiva con enfoque de género, generacional, diversa e intersectorial.
Seminario internacional de cine de Pueblos y Nacionalidades: la colonialidad del saber es una de las formas para encasillar y subordinar el quehacer audiovisual de los Pueblos Originarios, bajo la visión antropológica, paternalista y colonizadora se crearon categorías como “video indígena”, “cine indigenista comunitario”; es el momento para reconocer categorías propias que responden a nuestras formas de hacer, sentir y producir el audiovisual. En septiembre del 2022, con la participación nacional e internacional, nos juntamos a pensar y repensar nuestro cine.
Evento Central: comprende la muestra central del 14 Festival, los espacios de debate, laboratorios y muestras especiales durante 7 días en noviembre del 2022 en Quito, Ecuador. Este encuentro central tiene a la vez el evento de Inauguración y Clausura, acompañados de manifestaciones artísticas nacionales e internacionales.
Asamblea de CLACPI: la reflexión general, alcances y logros de quienes caminamos en el cine y la comunicación confluyen en este espacio para renovar los compromisos y las agendas de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos indígenas.