Film Festival “Seize the Film“ is focus on projections of films related to the topic of disability/at least one actor is disabled person and it has editions in Novi Sad (Serbia), Rijeka (Croatia), and Kotor (Montenegro).
In addition to screenings of films on the topic of disability, the Festival also has accompanying programs and post-production - Film Caravan, which includes screenings in cultural spaces, schools, other festivals and „Seize the film Kids“ - screenings of films suitable for children aged 7-12 (in Serbia).
The 12th Annual Toyama International Film Festival will take place in June of 2025 in Toyama Prefecture. With such great success in previous years, we are excited to once again share the visions of filmmakers from all over the world with our local community in the countryside of Japan.
Submissions will be open until April 14th, 2025.
The Annual Toyama International Film Festival (TIFF) began in the rural prefecture of Toyama, Japan. Started by a few English teachers in the area, we hoped to reach people not just in Japan, but around the globe.
The first TIFF took place in a small room inside of a shopping center, where about 70 people watched the 10 films we had received. The following year was a tremendous success with over 100 submissions from different countries, quite a step from our first year. The event was held in the city of Toyama at a local independently-owned venue, Bodegas-Mambo with around 80-100 guests coming to view the films. Every year since, we hope to expand even further and provide an even larger venue for participants and the movie-going community in Japan.
Today, with over 3000 submissions each year from countries around the world, TIFF has become a highly-anticipated annual event and a staple of Toyama's international community.
Note: Due to time constraints, we cannot accept films that run over 10 minutes. However, any genre of short film will be considered for exhibition.
Ipiales Cine Sin Fronteras as an audiovisual scenario promotes the development of projects or independent production and supports the production of audiovisual arts, as well as highlighting their role in the formation of audiences.
The Benin City Film Festival was launched in November 2018, as a new entity that offers a platform encouraging and promoting the works of local (community based) as well as National, and International emerging filmmakers. It is a cost friendly platform for showcasing these works in an environment where they have access to experienced industry professionals. BCFF is the only independent film festival in Edo State, and the only film festival that takes place in Benin City. BCFF screens premieres of international and national feature films, short films and documentaries on social issues. This year edition, with the theme CREATIVE INDUSTRY BEYOUND THE PANDEMIC is scheduled to take place at Film House Cinema, Benin City.
At least 50% of our festival schedule is dedicated to foreign films, which broadens the film culture experience to all who attend the screenings in Benin City during the festivals duration.
The Benin City Film Festival is a team of people who work effortlessly to deliver a quality service to emerging filmmakers. We will give festival contributors access to some of the Industries most prolific names, both nationally and internationally.
The primary objectives of the Festival are to provide a resourceful platform:
1. Where the business and craft of Nigerian films are enhanced and marketed to the film content consuming world by attracting quality film resource persons, buyers and critics from all over Nigeria and around the world to BCFF events every year.
2. for viewing some of the best of feature films, documentaries, shorts, and experimental projects for the entertainment and instructions of attendees and participants at the BCFF annually.
To this end, BCFF is committed to being:
A. A place for dialogues, healthy discussions and trainings to film business and film craft professionals and amateurs in and around the world by ensuring that BCFF is attractive to international film and motion picture contents directors to help enrich festival and participants through insights from their works and about the art of filmmaking
B. A machinery for exposing the ancient City of Benin in particular and the entire Edo State in general to a sustainable long term to a long term patronage of its vast tourism realities and potential to resourceful global creative business and craft audiences.
Finally BCFF is geared towards encouraging co-production relationships in films, TV shows, Documentaries and any other rewarding motion picture content between local players.
The film festival pursues these objectives by making local and international visitors at the festival engage in the creative film-making process discussions through symposia seminars, trainings, screenings, content critiques, tourism events and workshops as well as providing quality entertainment (music, local , and sundry other events).
---The FilmmakerDay is one of the main stages of the Torino Underground ---
Welcome back Filmmaker to the 9° edition!!
After the great success of the latest edition, submissions to the eighth edition of FilmmakerDay are now open.
The event is taking place in October 2023 in the wonderful setting of Turin, a city that has become one of the undisputed centres of the art of cinema. FilmmakerDay summons many authors from every corner of the world, as well as a wide audience of cinema lovers.
A great number of high-quality films have taken part in FilmmakerDay. Among them: News Neighbors by Bayley, directly from Sundance Film Festival; A Gentle Night by Qiu Yang, winner of Cannes Palme d'Or; In the Hills by Hamid Ahmadi, an official selection at Toronto International Film Festival.
The ninth edition of FILMMAKER DAY is now organized by the Systemout Association and ArtInMovimento Association as an event whose intention is to give value to filmmakers’ creativity.
This festival is dedicated to short and feature films of any genre and runtime. There are no rules or limitations.
The ninth edition of Filmmaker Day is taking place in Turin, at the end of october 2023, at the prestigious " Cinema Baretti".
The event derives from the need of giving space and visibility to films coming from all over the world.
Apart from the Best Film, ArtInMovimento Magazine and Italia Che Cambia, two magazines that are both Media Partner of the event, will also give special attention to the most deserving films.
- Films selected by a qualified jury
- Selected films will screen at the
end of October, 2023
El Festival Audiovisual Terrícola nace con la idea de difundir el trabajo de artistas del ámbito audiovisual de nuestro país, y de la región patagónica en particular, haciendo foco en aspectos que involucran a la sociedad. Esta primera edición del festival se desarrollará los días 14 y 15 de abril de 2023 en la localidad de Lago Puelo, provincia del Chubut y las temáticas elegidas son el cuidado del medioambiente, la agroecología, el trabajo y las economías regionales.
El festival busca fomentar el potencial que tienen las realizaciones audiovisuales para difundir y tratar temáticas importantes en la actualidad, apostando a sumar espacios de interdisciplinariedad entre áreas de la comunicación audiovisual y otras relacionadas a problemáticas sociales. Durante el evento, además de proyecciones, se podrá asistir a charlas y talleres relacionados a estas temáticas.
En nuestro país, desde hace tiempo se viene planteando un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a la producción de alimentos saludables a pequeña y mediana escala, vinculada al desarrollo de economías regionales. La agroecología es un enfoque interdisciplinario que promueve el desarrollo de modelos más participativos, de bajo impacto ambiental, respetando la biodiversidad y el acervo cultural de los habitantes.
De entrada libre y gratuita, la muestra está organizada por Aguafuertes Cooperativa Audiovisual, una cooperativa formada por estudiantes y graduados/as de la Lic. en Diseño Artístico Audiovisual de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro.
Además, cuenta con el apoyo del INCAA - Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, y de la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación de la Municipalidad de Lago Puelo.
Se encuentra abierta la convocatoria para la categoría de Muestra No Competitiva de Cortometrajes Nacionales desde el 1º de febrero y hasta el 17 de marzo inclusive. Las bases de la convocatoria y el formulario para la inscripción de obras se encuentran en el perfil de Instagram de la Cooperativa
Más información sobre la programación y actividades del Festival Audiovisual Terrícola será publicada en las redes sociales de la cooperativa, en Instagram y Facebook como Aguafuertes Cooperativa Audiovisual. Para comunicarse con la organización, escribir por correo electrónico a
21th LesBiGayTrans Film Fest International in Paraguay
Aireana, a lesbian rights group, organizer of the 21th edition of the LesBiGayTrans International Film Festival of Asunción welcomes you.
Entries may be submitted until May 15, 2025.
Now open for new entries for our Brazil Premiere event taking place September 2023!
See our most recent festival trailer at
Trails Film celebrates trail stories to inspire a global community that loves trails. We consider all types of film media including feature-length, short, documentary, educational, animation, and others. Our awards recognize filmmakers for their work as storytellers, myth-makers, and advocates for trails.
We are happy to announce that the 2023 premiere will take place at the 2nd Brazilian Trail Congress in September 2023! As a nomadic festival, the selection of our exact premiere date and screening locations are determined collaboratively with local hosts and in partnership of global trail community gatherings. More information will be coming in 2023.
Trails weave through our lives in many ways, from spiritual pathways to recreational or everyday transit. They are political, transformational, connect us to nature, reveal history, fight climate change, bring healing, and bridge communities. We invite you to submit films that reflect any story or any relationship to trails.
No trail activity is off-limits—it could be traveling on foot, by bike, with horses, or in canoes! Or your film could feature creating trails, uncovering lost trails, or the history of places along trails. All we ask is you take us deep into your chosen story—we'll follow you all the way.
Trails Film is a worldwide festival and initiative of the World Trails Network. Trails Film is created by and for trail-loving communities. We are inspired by nature and culture and want to make an impact on the future of trails and our planet. We are in awe of the human spirit and all that is wild. To all of this, we dedicate our festival.
Trails Film is in its third iteration. Our second festival took place in Skiathos, Greece in September 2022 and our inaugural event took place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in 2018. Through rich cinematography, selected films explored themes including trail creation, adventure, spirituality, healing, and diversity in nature and culture.
We all need trails. And trails need us.
Accepted films will be shown at our premiere festival (location and date TBA) and have the potential to join the Trails Film World Tour, a traveling festival that screens films in theaters and along trail sides across the world.
The World Trails Network (WTN) is a global non-profit association of the world’s leading trails and trail destinations. Together, WTN advocates for the promotion, preservation, and enjoyment of trails for all people. Our partnership with WTN creates a dynamic gathering space for sharing and telling trail stories, meeting leaders in the field, and being inspired by remarkable trail projects.
For more information, visit
Trails Film is produced by the World Trails Network’s Trails & Media Task Team with support from a dedicated group of professionals, volunteers, and global sponsors.
Discount coupons will be available to filmmakers based upon the economic conditions in which they reside. Email for more information.
International call for official short and feature film competition 11th international film festival in the mountains.
International Fantastic Film Festival of Castilla y León "Terroríficamente Cortos" born from enthusiasm and love for the cinema of palencian young and the need to boost the cultural and leisure in the city of Palencia on it involving institutional and business sector of the Spanish province.
The Calzada de Calatrava International Film Festival opens its period for the presentation of films in the categories of feature films and short films.
Feature Films to which directors from all over the world can attend, and short films in the categories of Documentary, Fiction in a humorous tone, "Made in Castilla la Mancha", short films with themes of gender violence, feminism, equality and the fight of women for their rights: HIPARQUIA section.
Exhibitions, workshops, conferences, parallel sections, contests.
The Esoteric International Film Festival collects the best esoteric films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the Russian audience.
We admit only the esoteric films, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where esoteric world is an important part of the synopsis.
Esoteric International Film Festival invite filmmakers who make films and documentaries about ghosts and spirits, brownies and witches, fairies and sorcerers, exorcism and parapsychology, telekinesis and transmission of thoughts at a distance, prophetic dreams and premonitions, alchemy, amulets, amulets, non-traditional religious cults, voodoo religion, animism, shamanism, theosophy and anthroposophy, the hidden edges of reality and other dimensions; self-discovery, the search for the meaning of life, the search for yourself in this world and your mission, life after death, human energy, chakras, aura, meditation, yoga, retreats, spiritual practices, spiritual teachers and ashrams, reincarnation and the recollection of past lives, the power of thoughts and the work of the subconscious; alternative medicine and non-standard methods of treatment, the universal mind, the energies of the new time, high vibrations, etc.
All films must be in English (orRussian). Alternatively, have the English or Russian subtitles (with the exception of all films without words), regardless of the country of production.
All best films that were selected for the vscreening, will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on February 07-08, 2026 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best Esoteric film". As well as for the oteric in the standalone nominations.
Sevil International Women's Documentary Film Festival is the independent documentary film festival in Azerbaijan, focusing on women's issues, operating since 2020.
The particular difference of the festival is the venue (place) and target audience of the project.
Unlike other big artistic projects, Sevil Film Festival intends to organize the festival outside of the capital.
Two main concerns such as lack of documentary film festival culture in the country, and increasing gender-based crimes and issues brought us to put them together under the Women's Film Festival Project, in 2020. This upcoming year we want to present this project at The Sevil Film Festival.
Our festival is named by the play of Jafar Jabbarli called Sevil which focused on the theme of the role of women, their oppression, struggle, and ultimately, victory over dated patriarchal tradition in 1928. After watching the play many women discarded their veils in Azerbaijan back in the time. Therefore, our name symbolically refuses the patriarchal traditions and encourages society to be open to different perspectives.
Sevil Film Festival will create an opportunity for local and international filmmakers to be a part of the regional events, where they raise awareness on the documentary film industry and the gender problems among the local population.
Exchange of experiences, cultural penetration in a unique way, and many other opportunities are anticipated from the program of the event.
The project includes regional development and raising activity.
The EXTRAMUROS Festival is an annual celebration dedicated to showing a cinema created from the provinces, peripheries or any point outside the capitals of the world, usually excluded from conventional screens. Its content revolves around the non-commercial, poetic, human, social, environmental reality, of human rights and of the Latin American peoples and the world.
It is a space of recognition for all those people or groups that, through their audiovisual works, communicate their view of the world.
The main headquarters of EXTRAMUROS is located at and its social networks and the dates scheduled for the exhibition are from March 28 to April 2, 2022. In this second version it will be done in a hybrid way, for this reason , we have requested the I.
Municipality of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua, province of Cachapoal, be the epicenter of this great event. In addition, there will be face-to-face exhibitions in Madrid, Berlin, Mexico City, and the Peruvian Amazon.
The production of the EXTRAMUROS Festival will be in charge of the CASA BUKOWSKI CULTURAL NGO.
1. Long film (61 up to 120 minutes)
2. Short Documentary (7 up to 12 minutes)
3. Cinemetáfora: Category created by and for the EXTRAMUROS Festival. Specially dedicated to poetry and literary text, which does not exclude the oneiric or the audiovisual essay that does not exceed 10 minutes in length.
4. Shortfilm (1 up to 7 minutes)
The works must be in Spanish or with subtitles in this language.
15th edition of the International Film Festival for children and teenagers "AniFestROZAFA2024" October 8-12, 2024 in Shkodër, Albania.
The International Jury of the AniFestROZAFA2024 festival will be established in cooperation with the European Children's Film Association ECFA.
The main objectives of the festival organizers will be to stimulate films for children.
The evaluation of the artistic values will be done by an international jury and by a special jury consisting of 23 children aged 8-12 years.
Films to compete in the 14th edition of the Films to compete in the 15th edition of the International Film Festival for Children and Teenagers must have been produced after June 1, 2022.
Competitors are notified that online registration, based on the regulation, at FestHome.
A short film not longer than 17 minutes is accepted.
There are no restrictions on the number of movies you record.
Before you fill in the Entry Form, please read the regulation of the " AniFestROZAFA2024 ".
( The Events and Editions of the Festival have been designed, organized, and carried out by the non-profit organization, "AniFest".
The project is equipped with the Certificate of Registration of Authors’ Rights (Copyright) No. 99, RDA, dated 19. 06. 2013, on the category of works of art, “Projects”, Article 7; Letter b.
It also has the Certificate of Registration of the Activity. Certificate of Registration of the Object of Activity No. 202, RDA, dated 03. 06. 2013.
The project is equipped with the Certificate of Registration of Authors’ Rights (Copyright) No. 99, RDA, dated 19. 06. 2013, on the category of works of art, “Projects”, Article 7; Letter b.
It also has the Certificate of Registration of the Activity. Certificate of Registration of the Object of Activity No. 202, RDA, dated 03. 06. 2013.
The list of films selected for the final will be published on September 10, 2024, on the official website of the festival:
► imdb official list
Turin Underground Distribution is born.
For its 12th edition, the festival event will last 12 days, allowing more time for in-depth discussions with the authors. TUC12 will take place in a very important location for the Turin "Cinema" universe, located in the heart of the city, at the wonderful Cinema Baretti.
The 12th Torino Underground Cinefest, taking place from September 26th to October 7th, will continue this year's partnership with, aiming to increase the distribution of independent films it receives each year.
Films selected at Torino Underground 2025 will automatically be considered for potential distribution through Sooner. Torino Underground Distribution is an opportunity for directors to take their work to the next level. It's the real chance to distribute your film on and consequently on Amazon Germany and Amazon UK. In recent years, many of the films selected at TUC have been distributed by the German company with whom we have strengthened our partnership. This includes, for example, the Danish film "Needle boy" by Alexander Bak Sagmo, the Iranian "Numb" by director Amir Toodehroosta, "The Exam" by Iraqi director Shawkat Amin Korki, "SOMEHOW" by the German collective Aki T. Weisshaus, and many others. features the best of independent cinema from: Achtung Berlin, DOK Leipzig, Diagonale, FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS PREIS, MEC film, RAPID EYES MOVIES, SWISS films, Kinoherz, Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, Märchenfilme, alles Kino, and more...
Cash prizes will be awarded for Best Feature Film, Best Short Film, and Best Documentary. In addition, special awards will be presented for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Best Sound Design. An Audience Award and mentions from our media partners are also planned.
The festival is supported by media partnerships and cultural organizations from the region.
“It is obvious that art cannot teach anyone anything, since in four thousand years humanity has learnt nothing at all.”
― Andrei Tarkovsky
The competition is organized by:
la Prefettura di Pescara
Tribunale di Pescara
Procura della Repubblica di Pescara
Curia arcivescovile di Pescara-Penne
Provincia di Pescara
Comune di Pescara
Questura di Pescara
Guardia di Finanza
Polizia Penitenziaria
Vigili del Fuoco
Aeronautica Militare
Direzione Marittima
Università UdA – Facoltà di Architettura
Multimedia products (short films, documentaries, digital storytelling, video projects) can participate in the competition and will be pre-selected by a technical jury, while the winners will be decreed by the institutional jury.
The competition sections of the Festival are:
Section reserved for Italian short films, with a specific theme, belonging to the fiction or documentary genre.
Section for short films made and/or set in Pescara and/or in Abruzzo.
17th SiciliAmbiente Film Festival - July 14-19, 2025
The aim of SiciliAmbiente Film Festival is to promote independent and documentary cinema, encouraging creative exchange and networking among filmmakers.
The Festival is organized and sponsored by Demetra Produzioni SAS and the CANTIERE 7 Cultural Association, made possible by public and private partners and sponsors who share the ethical principles of the Festival.
Films addressing the following themes may participate in the Festival:
Environment / Anthropology / Human Rights / Biodiversity / War / Integration / Civil Rights / Sustainable Development / The Relationship between Humans and the Environment
The Festival is divided into the following sections:
• Documentary Film Contest (minimum runtime: 31 minutes)
• Fiction Feature Film Contest (minimum runtime: 70 minutes)
• Short Film Contest for Fiction and Documentary Shorts (maximum runtime: 31 minutes)
• Animated Short Film Contest (maximum runtime: 31 minutes)
• Overview of documentaries, fiction films, short films, tributes, retrospectives, seminars, and panel discussions
The Selection Committee will evaluate films based on the quality of writing, imagery, and the use of a creative language that characterizes artistic documentary cinema.
*** Submissions for the 2024 Short Film Slam, presented by The Madlab Post will be opening in the Spring. If you are interested in submitting your live action, animation, documentary or experimental film, Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to hear about the Call for Entries for our 2024 season - ***
The Short Film Slam is a bimonthly competition presented by The Madlab Post that focuses on providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work. Each round, a selection of up to twelve short films will be screened for local audiences who get to cast a vote for their favorite film. The highest rated film at live screenings will be declared "Movie of the Month" during the following month. The highest rated "in-competition" films from each live and online screening room will advance to the final round. All finalists get to compete for a total of $1,000 in prize money during the final round and festivities preceding the 2023 shnit Cinemas screening in Philadelphia.
Since 2012, The Madlab Post has promoted community outreach and engagement through film, screening dozens of exceptional short films from around the world to local audiences; including the Academy Award nominated short film A SINGLE LIFE, Clermond-Ferrand International Film Festival Special Jury Prize winner THE BATHTUB and Sundance Grand Jury Prize nominee Et ta prostate, ça va? (HOW'S YOUR PROSTATE). Main venues include the historic Bok building and Taller Puertorriqueño's state-of-the-art El Corazón Cultural Center.
¡Hola! We are VALÈIFF • València Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with quarterly screening events in València - Spain, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF), Lisbon (LISBIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here, in Festhome!
VALÈIFF shares the mission of its associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.
Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental works of any genre and subject are welcome!