Festival start: 26 September 2023
Festival end: 10 October 2023
The organiser of the is the International Film Festival in Gornji Milanovac is Cultural Centre “Mija Aleksi “ in Gornji Milanovac, Knez Mihailov trg, 1, 32300 Gornji Milanovac, the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: Organiser).
The International film Festival in Gornji Milanovac (hereinafter: the Festival) will be held from the 26th September to the 10th October 2023 in Gornji Milanovac, The Republic of Serbia. The Festival is an event that in its programme cherishes and promotes artistic values of the contemporary film–making.
The Festival aspires to present main directions and genres in film creation, to initiate contacts between film–makers, authors, audience... and to present the newest realisations in film production. The Festival is aimed at all film lovers.
The main aim of the Festival is promotion of film as well as education in audio – visual culture.
After having viewed all the films presented in the competition programme, the Jury for the competition category Films for You and Short Form awards:
- The reward for the best film in the category of Films for You
- The reward for the best film in the category Short Form.
The Jury can also award special commendations and recognitions in the stipulated categories.
After having viewed all the films shown in the cimpetition programme of this category, the Jury for the Film-making by the Young awards the following rewards:
- The best film in the category of Film- making by the Young,
- The best film made by a young person (up to 15 years of age),
- The best film made by a young person ( 15 to 19 years of age).
The Jury can also award special commendations and recognitions in the stipulated categories.
The organiser of the is the International Film Festival in Gornji Milanovac is Cultural Centre “Mija Aleksi “ in Gornji Milanovac, Knez Mihailov trg, 1, 32300 Gornji Milanovac, the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: Organiser).
The International film Festival in Gornji Milanovac (hereinafter: the Festival) will be held from the 26th September to the 10th October 2023 in Gornji Milanovac, The Republic of Serbia. The Festival is an event that in its programme cherishes and promotes artistic values of the contemporary film–making.
The Festival aspires to present main directions and genres in film creation, to initiate contacts between film–makers, authors, audience... and to present the newest realisations in film production. The Festival is aimed at all film lovers.
The main aim of the Festival is promotion of film as well as education in audio – visual culture.
The Festival is international. Official languages of the Festival are Serbian and english.
The Festival consists of two parts: competitive and review.
Competition categories of the Festival are:
1 Films for You (European feature-length and documentary films)
2 Short Form (short films, up to 15min)
3 Film-making by the Young (up to 19 years of age; film duration up ti 15min.)
SELECTION AND REGISTRATION OF FILMS (according to competitive categories):
1 Films for You (European feature-length and documentary films)
The films for this competitive category programme are selected by the Festival Selector. The Selector of this genre of films will take into consideration topical films , dynamic and diverse, presenting the most recent realisation of European cinematography;
2 Short Form (short films lasting up to 15min);
3 Film-making by the Young (lasting up to 15min; age limit is 19 years of age);
Only films that corespond to the formal requests/frame of the Festival can be registered for the competition, their premiers must be after January 1st 2022.
Films for the Festival can be registered by all interested authors, directors, producers, distributors, film schools, and cineclubs (individual and corporate bodies; herein after: Bodies).
NOTE: It is mandatory to state the category for which the film is registered in the registration form.
Review part of the programme consists of review film contents, educational workshops, panel discussions, exhibitions, and the accompanying artistic events.
Closing date for the registration of films for the competition is 15th August 2023. The Organiser has the right to prolong the closing date.
Films of racist and porn nature, as well as films promoting violence and hatred, shall be rejected and shall not be presented in any of the Festival programmes.
In case a registered film does not formally belong to the category it was registered for, the Selection Boards of the Festival can shift it to the corresponding category.
The film registration is free of charge.
The Organiser does not pay any fee for the showing of the films in the competition programme.
Management Board of the Festival
Management Board of the Festival appoints:
Members of the Selection Boards of the Festival (at the proposal of the Festival Manager)
Members of the Jury of the Festival (at the proposal of the Festival Manager)
The Management Board adopts:
Regulations of the Festival
Operating Procedures of the Jury
The Management board of the Organizer, at the proposal of the Festival Director, decides on:
Fees of the members of the Jury and the Selection Boards.
Festival bodies are: Festival Director, Festival Manager, Selection Boards of the Festival, and the Festival Jury.
The director of the Cultural Centre in G. Milanovac is, by his authority, the Festival Director.
The Festival Manager, the editor of the film programme of the Cultural Centre ̋ Mija Aleksić ̋ in Gornji Milanovac, is in charge of the organisation and coordination of all activities concerning realisation of the Festival.
The Festival Manager is also the Selector of the competition category: Films for You.
The Festival Manager also.
- proposes Festival Regulations to the Management Board of the Festival
- proposes members of the Selection Boards to the Management Board.
- proposes members of the Jury to the Management Board
- proposes the Operation Procedures of the work of the Jury to the Management Board
- decides on the competition and review programme of the Festival
- promotes the Festival
- does other jobs connected to the Festival.
The Festival has a Selector and two Selection Boards:
1 Selector for the competition category Films for You. The Selector, who acts as the Festival Manager, selects films for the competition category Films for You.
2 Selection Board for the competition category of short film, Short Form, and the Selection Board for te competition category Film –making by the Young (up to 19 years of age).
Members of the Selection Boards are appointed for just one Festival.
Selection Boards shall view each film registered by the closing date and decide which film to accept for the competition programme.
Selection Boards shall not take into account the registration forms that arrived after the stipulated date.
The films which are rejected for the competition programme by the Selection Board, can be shown in some of non-competition review programmes of the Festival. The decisions made by the Selection Boards are final and irrevocable.
The official Festival programme shall be announced on the official Festival site (http://www.shortform.org.rs) not later than September 1st 2023.
There are two juries in the Festival:
1- the Jury for the competition categories Films for You and Short Form, and
2- the Jury for Film-making by the Young and Short Form, and the Jury for Film-making. Both juries are international. Members of the Jury are reputable film-makers, theoreticians, critics, journalists, with the established carrers.
Members of the jury are appointed for only one festival.
The Organiser can establish a Youth Jury by a special decision.
The Jury has to follow the Operation Procedures.
After having viewed all the films presented in the competition programme, the Jury for the competition category Films for You and Short Form awards:
- The reward for the best film in the category of Films for You
- The reward for the best film in the category Short Form.
The Jury can also award special commendations and recognitions in the stipulated categories.
After having viewed all the films shown in the cimpetition programme of this category, the Jury for the Film-making by the Young awards the following rewards:
- The best film in the category of Film- making by the Young,
- The best film made by a young person (up to 15 years of age),
- The best film made by a young person ( 15 to 19 years of age).
The Jury can also award special commendations and recognitions in the stipulated categories.
The following awarded films shall be nominated for a prestigious international Youth Cinema Network Award:
- The best film in the category of Film- making by the Young
- The best film made by a young person ( up to 15 years of age)
The best film made by a young person (15 to 19).
The person(s) who registered the stipulated films will be duly notified by the Organiser about the time and place of the films presentation/show.
The Jury decisions are made by the majority of votes in favour. The awards are awarded to the authors/ directors of the films.
Awards may not be awarded in all competition categories. There is also the Audience Award for the best film in each category. The Audience Award is awarded on base of the voting of the Festival visitors.
The Organiser welcome Serbian or foreign organisations, companies or institutions to award their own rewards.
In case the Organiser awards pecuniary rewards, the rewards need not be paid out if the winners do not duly submit correct papers/documents for the reward pay out regulated by the National Bank of Serbia and the Treasury Management.
The awards need not be rewarded in case of force majeure.
In the stipulated cases, the money provided for these rewards is to be returned to the sponsors or donors.
Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities
Every person who registers a film guarantees that the author is the bearer of copyrights, that they have all the copyrights concerning the registered film regulated and that they are authorised to register the film for the Festival.
Every person who registers a film for the Festival is obliged to provide all necessary licences for showing the film by third parties prior to registration of the film for the Festival.
The Organiser does not verify whether the person who registers a film has acquired all the stipulated licences.
Every person who registers a film guarantees to have all necessary literary, drama, music, and other copyrights for the material used in the film.
The Organiser does not verify whether the person who registers the film(s) has acquired all the stipulated licences for the material used in the film(s)- literary, drama, music rights, as well as archives material or any other elements whose use might hinder the already existing author rights.
The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any illegal use of such materials in the film in question. It is a sole responsibility of the author of the film, or the person who registers the film for the Festival.
Everyone who registers the film for the Festival is obliged to allow the film to be shown without any financial compensation for it.
The Organiser shall use and publish photographs, materials that accompany the registration of the film and the information from the registration form in the Festival catalogue and on the official site of the Festival. The Organiser shall use photographs, trailers or inserts from the film lasting 10% of the total time of the film duration.
The Organiser is responsible for the copy of the film from the moment of its receipt.
The Organiser shall not be held responsible for the copies damaged or lost in transport unless the loss is the Organiser’s responsibility.
Registration procedure
The number of films that can be registered for the Festival is unlimited. Should more than one film by the same author be registered, separate registration forms must be filled in for each one.
Films with dialogues or narration in other than the Serbian language must have an english subtitle and a dialogue list (with time codes).
Once registered , films cannot be withdrawn from the Festival.
Films can be shown at the invitation of the Organiser.
Other information should be submitted together with the Registration Form:
Biography and filmography of the film director, at least two photographs from the film (min.300dpi resolution), synopsis of the film. In case some of the stipulated material is missing when registering the film, the Organiser can request their urgent delivery if the film is selected for the Festival programme.
The copy of the film submitted for the selection must be the final version of the film.
A web link of the film can be sent as a preview for the selection with a valid entering code (preview). If there is no link for the preview, the film should be submitted in one of the digital formats: HD, mp4, through online file transfer (www.wetransfer.com) to the e-mail of the Festival: festival@shortform.org.rs, or in DVD format by regular mail, to the Organiser’s address (with the notice) NON-COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL USE ONLY.
Should more than one film by the same author be registered, each film must be on a separate disk or as a separate file.
The film for selection can be registered in one of the following ways:
Electronically – online through partner web platforms for film registration: FestHome.
In electronic online registration form a link or code for downloading and viewing the film should be given.
Each of the stipulated partner web platforms has their own rules and conditions under which a person should register films for the Festival. For more information on rules and conditions of registrations through the mentioned web platforms visit their official web sites.
If, for any reason, the film cannot be registered through already mentioned ways, a Registration form can be found on the web site of the Festival:www.shortform.org.rs
Such registration form should be filled in carefully, in printed letters, signed, and together with the rest of the material and the film copy for the selection, sent by post to the following address:
Kulturni centar “Mija Aleksić” Gornji Milanovac (for the Festival),
Knez Mihailov trg 1, P.O.Box 92
32 300 Gornji Milanovac, The Republic of Serbia
All registration and mailing costs of all the material and film copy (copies) are paid by the sender. The Organiser shall not bear the costs of accepting the registration, other materials and copy (copies) of the film(s) sent COD (cash on delivery).
The Registration form and other materials remain in the archives of the Festival.
The Organiser shall not return the selection copy of the film but shall keep it in the Festival Videolibrary. In order to keep the films safe, they may be entered into a digital data base. The Organiser shall use the films exclusively in non-commercial, documentary, cultural and educational purposes.
The person who registers the film for the Festival, by registration, accepts all the conditions stipulated in the Festival Regulations.
The registration is valid if submitted online, without a seal or signature.
Selected films will be shown in their original languages. Films with dialogue and narration not in the Serbian language must be subtitled in english and must have a dialogue list (with time codes).
The film(s) selected for the Festival competition programme must be submitted to the Organiser not later than September 1st 2023.
If possible, films should be submitted in DCP format, or in digital file (HD, mp4), resolution (1920 x 1080).
The Organiser can reject the copy of a poor technical quality. Copies of the film can be sent by post or courier service to the address of the Organiser:
Kulturni centar “Mija Aleksić” Gornji Milanovac (for the Film Festival)
Knez Mihailov trg 1, P.O.Box 92
32 300 Gornji Milanovac, The Republic of Serbia
Mandatory notice: ON-COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL USE ONLY, or online by sending a link for downloading, or through the service for sending big files: wetransfer (www.wetransfer.com) to the e-mail address of the Festival: festival@shortform.org.rs
The sender pays all the costs of sending a DCP copy of the film selected for the competition programme of the Festival. The Organiser covers the return costs.
A DCP copy of the film shall be returned to the sender to the address stipulated in the Registration form. The sender is required to inform the Organiser of the way and date of the sanding of the copy for showing at the Festival.
The copies sent by post or courier service must have a visible notice: NON-COMMERCIAL VALUE, FOR CULTURAL USE ONLY.
Changes and amendments to these Regulations shall be made in the same way they were accepted. The Regulations are written in Serbian and english. In case of unintelligibility the Serbian version will be taken into account.
These Rules come into force on the day they are accepted by the Management Board of the Organiser.
Short Films 15'<
No Fee
Submissions deadline
15 Aug 23
Save up
Film-making by the Young (lasting up to 15min; age limit is 19 years of age)