Festival start: 15 December 2021
Festival end: 30 December 2021
Documentaries, fictions, animations and experimental.
Political, social, racial, gender issues, etc.
Best short, medium and feature films in different categories.
10th Cinecipó - Socioenvironmental Film Festival
I - The 10th Cinecipó will take place:
In December 2021, online, on a platform to be defined. If the sanitary conditions are favorable, face-to-face sessions may take place.
Art. 2 - PURPOSE
I - The purpose of Cinecipó is to disseminate and exhibit audiovisual works of short, media and feature films; fiction, documentary, animation, experimental, among other genres, with socio-environmental and ethnographic themes produced in any country. In addition to promoting training and capacity building actions in the areas of audiovisual and environmental education. As well as stimulating debate and environmental preservation.
II - Promote a competitive exhibition of short, medium and long films to be chosen by the official jury of the festival.
I - They are able to register works with a socio-environmental theme, of material and immaterial and ethnographic heritage, lgbtqi and political themes carried out from January 1, 2020.
II - Foreign films should preferably have subtitles in Portuguese.
III - The emphasis on curatorship and a free cinema, capable of confronting unique thinking and dealing with themes that allow a socio-environmental, ethnographic and gender reading that address gender issues, agrarian and urban reform, indigenous issues, among others.
Art. 4 - REGISTRATION deadline
I - Registration is free and will be open from 01/05/2021 to 05/30/2021 through the form accessible on the website www.cinecipo.com.br
II - The person responsible must fill in the online registration form, whose submission implies acceptance of this regulation.
III - Registrations can also be made through www.festhome.com
A selection jury, appointed by the organizers, had selected, from among the works entered, those that will compose the festival's exhibition grid. The festival reserves the right to invite works that have not been entered.
The producers (s) / directors (s) of the selected works will be informed of the selection on 11/1/2021, this period being extendable at the discretion of the Festival organization.
The Festival will not be responsible for images and / or music from third parties used in the submitted works, and any and all charges for copyright problems will fall exclusively on the director and / or producer of the film and / or the person responsible for the registration.
The organization of the Festival reserves the right to exhibit, free of charge, in cinema, television, internet and other means of excerpt (maximum 30 ”) or photo of the selected work, for the purpose of publicizing the Festival.
Art. 9
The omissions in this regulation will be resolved by the Festival organization, the decision being irrevocable.
Art. 10
Enrolled participants agree to free the right to display their films for the sessions of the 10th Cinecipó and in extra non-profit sessions organized or supported by Cinecipó, held in any location and on any date.
Belo Horizonte, May 2021
Cinecipó Coordination
Cinecipó - Internacional Insurgent Film Festival
Short Films
No Fee
Submissions deadline
04 Jun 21
Save up
Films with environmental themes produced anywhere in the world (agrarian and urban reform, social movements, environment, public policy, LGBT, gender, etc.).