Logo of Lusca Caribbean International Fantastic Film Fest

01 Aug 2016

Published: 12 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lusca Caribbean International Fantastic Film Fest

Lusca Caribbean International Fantastic Film Fest

San Juan, Puerto Rico

LUSCA Film Fest (former Puerto Rico Horror Film Fest.) is one of Latin America’s premier fantastic film festival. LUSCA is open to the public. Accredited national and international press, as well as TV and film buyers and distributors also participate.

In addition to showcasing the best genre films that indie moviemaking has to offer, this exotic fest also features a number of special events, including an exposition of Bizarre Artwork exhibition, Cosplay Contests, Cinema Arcade and Musical Events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Versi di Luce Festival

08 Feb 2016

Published: 11 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Versi di Luce Festival

Versi di Luce Festival

modica, Italy

Beautiful festival that takes place in Modica and Gela - ITALY.. Modica is the birthplace of Salvatore Quasimodo and the festival is dedicated to him, the Nobel Prize for poetry. The festival has reached its 16th edition and welcomes poets, videographers, directors, writers and any artist who deals with the theme of the Festival: Cinema and Poetry. The cinema section is for short films of videopoetry, short films of fiction, videoclips and feature films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Guimarães Cinema Som International Film Festival

17 Jul 2016

Published: 11 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Guimarães Cinema Som International Film Festival

Guimarães Cinema Som International Film Festival

Lisboa, Portugal

Guimarães Cinema Som is an international film festival that regards sound as a structural element of a film, taking in consideration its elements beyond musical soundtrack. The festival focuses on films that offer an authentic perspective on sound. At the same time, the festival also seeks to provide the audience with a larger knowledge of the sound element through the history of cinema, from the silent era to contemporary films, considering its different dimensions. There are two main competitions — films and film soundtracks — followed by non-competitive screenings, including silent films. The selection criterion is based on the quality of the soundtrack, considering the use of music (or its absence), sound/image dialectics and the general importance of sound concept within the singular universe of each film. The soundtrack competition is a challenging opportunity for creators to produce an original soundtrack for one of three silent films (selected by the festival), which can be musical/instrumental or non-musical/instrumental — with only voice and bruitage elements.

Guimarães Cinema Som offers a unique experience through a new concept of film festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Student Cuts film festival

01 Apr 2016

Published: 11 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Student Cuts film festival

Student Cuts film festival

Maribor, Slovenia

Student Cuts film festival is aimed at young authors in the early stages of their film careers. Their independence lets them work on unconventional, creative, energetic and subtle ideas. Such films are an important insight into the local environments and everyday themes seen from a different perspective. By joining Student Cuts network the authors not only gain access to the big screen, but a network of audiences all over Europe, contacts with experts and simply gain exposure. In the end, films are made to be watched.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Montecatini International Short Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 11 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Montecatini International Short Film Festival

Montecatini International Short Film Festival

Montecatini Terme, Italy

Montecatini International Short Film Festival, promosso dalla Federazione Italiana Cineclub (Fedic), con le sue 68 edizioni è uno dei festival di cortometraggi più longevi in Europa.

All'inizio, era principalmente destinato alle opere nazionali, ma a partire dagli anni '90, quando il Concorso Nazionale spostato in un'altra piccola città della Toscana, San Giovanni Valdarno, Montecatini si è affermata come vetrina di riferimento a livello internazionale, desiderosa di presentare un enorme panorama di nuove produzioni incentrate su diversi generi e tendenze.

L'obiettivo principale del Montecatini Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio è quello di dare una visione completa del corto nel panorama cinematografico internazionale, nella sua estensione più ampia, puntando sempre alla qualità dei film e non all'aspetto glamour offrendo una bellissima location in Toscana dove discutere e magari trovare collegamenti per lavori futuri.

Ogni anno il Presidente della Repubblica italiana concede la sua adesione e la sua medaglia al Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Montecatini.

Ultimo ma non meno importante: registi come Franco Piavoli e Nanni Moretti sono da segnalare tra i registi emergenti nei primi 60ties a Montecatini International Short Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of IVAHM // Video Arts Festival Madrid

15 Feb 2016

Published: 11 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner IVAHM // Video Arts Festival Madrid

IVAHM // Video Arts Festival Madrid

Madrid, Spain

The International Video Art House Madrid is an initiative to support contemporary video artists and promote their work internationally.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Other  Experimental

Logo of 19th Addis International Film Festival

30 Mar 2016

Published: 10 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 19th Addis International Film Festival

19th Addis International Film Festival

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Addis International Film Festival (AIFF) is an annual film festival created by Initiative Africa in 2007 and held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The festival is the largest independent documentary cinema festival in Africa and it was established as a unique initiative seeking to use the power of documentary films to support innovative ways of creating awareness on social issues.

The festival is a celebratory and educational event showcasing a carefully curated selection of films from both seasoned and emerging filmmakers addressing a wide range of themes such as peace building, inequality, women empowerment, children's rights, and much more.

The 18th Edition of the Addis International Film Festival (AIFF). As Ethiopia's established social activist, Initiative Africa will be hosting a five-day documentary film festival starting May 15th to May 19th, 2024, bringing more than 30 local and international movies, under the themes of Action for Peace, Security, and Reconciliation, Gender Equality and Inclusivity, Food and Environmental Security, and Health Care which will be taking place at the Alliance Ethio-Française, Hager Fikir Theater, Goethe-Institut Äthiopien and Italian Cultural institute in Addis Ababa.

The audience of the festival are mostly the youth and educated community who have the courage to change their society. We screen the films for free with no payment required for entrance.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Winchester Film Festival

11 Oct 2016

Published: 09 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Winchester Film Festival

Winchester Film Festival

Winchester, United Kingdom

The 9th edition of the Winchester Film Festival is now open for submissions!

As a festival, we pride ourselves on really working for our filmmakers, with open and clear communication and a professional, friendly and approachable team. We offer substantial prize money, packed out screenings and a glitzy black tie award ceremony.

If you are considering entering your film for competition this year, please be sure to read the terms & conditions of the festival, and read all about which categories you can enter your film into below.

The 2020 Winchester Film Festival will be the 9th edition, and is open to both British and foreign filmmakers. The festival boasts even more screenings than ever before, giving you the chance to have the general public, peers, and industry professionals view your film in the historic cultural city of Winchester, England. Alongside film screenings, we also offer top prizes of £500 to Best British Short Film, £500 to Best Foreign Short Film, as well as industry mentoring and experience prizes, media coverage and more for the Best Animated Short Film, Best British New Director and Best Foreign New Director awards.

We are also offering red carpet screenings at a prestigious Winchester venues for UK premieres of selected feature films from any country.

If you are a talented short film maker, whether you’re part of an experienced team working on a larger production or working to a reduced budget, then our esteemed judges are on the lookout for you!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of 19_NAFF - Neum Animated Film Festival

15 Apr 2016

Published: 09 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of 19_NAFF - Neum Animated Film Festival

Banner 19_NAFF - Neum Animated Film Festival

19_NAFF - Neum Animated Film Festival

Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The tenders are invited for the Neum Animated Film Festival 2024.

The Tenders are invited for the participation in the Competition Part of Neum Animated Film festival 2024. Deadline is antil 01.04.2024. The Neum Animated Film Festival shall take place from 30.08. till 03.09.2024. in Neum

Animated films (duration 15 minutes) can participate. Author can report 3 films. Films that propagandize racism and pornography will not enter competition program. All registrations must fulfill next: 1.HD file of film 2. Filled and signed entry form 3. Photography and biography of director 4. 3 photos from film (minim.) 5. Declaration of author if he is willing to work with children during the camp.


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Zed Fest Film Festival & Screenplay Competition 2025

30 Sep 2016

Published: 09 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Zed Fest Film Festival & Screenplay Competition 2025

Zed Fest Film Festival & Screenplay Competition 2025

Burbank, United States

Zed Fest Film Festival & Screenplay Competition was founded to encourage and support independent low and big budget, filmmakers, who work in the horror, suspense, science fiction, drama, action, adventure, and art house genres.

After participating in Zed Fest Film Festival, many of our filmmakers have been able to advance their careers develop their next projects. We take pride in the fact that we are able to maintain relationships with participants, encourage and help them develop and promote their future endeavors.


****ZED FEST FILM FESTIVAL is an IMDB award Listing Qualifier****

Please visit our website for more information

For News & Updates please follow us on Social Media:


For information about us please visit us
www.zedfest.org or our new FAQ Submissions Info page http://www.zedfest.org/faq.html
to learn more about our special Awards:

The Top Zed Fest Film Festival 2024
Prizes: Over $5000 in Cash & Prizes will be Divided among winners

-Bonus Top Prize winners Movie Magic Screenwriter software
-Inktip Listing
Get your scripts in front of producers, agents, and managers today.
Writers use InkTip every day to connect with industry professionals looking for writers to hire, scripts to produce and writers to represent. Whether you're breaking into the industry or are an established writer, InkTip can help you further your career.

InkTip Script Listing: A listing of your script on InkTip so that producers and reps can find you. 
InkTip Magazine: Publication of your logline in InkTip's magazine sent
to nearly 15000 producers and reps.

$500 1st Place Screenplay
$300 2nd Place Screenplay

Top Zed Fest Film Festival Filmmaker and Screenplay Awards:

Zed Fest Film Festival Independent Spirit Award is bestowed each year to a filmmaker that Pursues their filmmaking vision from concept to film.

This award has been inspired by Independent Filmmaking Pioneers Robot Monster (1953) Director Phil Tucker, Jim Jarmusch, John Waters, Elaine May, John Cassavetes, and Penelope Spheeris,Wes Anderson.

These filmmakers followed their passion for filmmaking. They embraced the love of filmmaking as an art form. They used their creativity and ingenuity in their filmmaking and did not let their budget stand in the way of their film projects. That is very inspirational to us and we hope to today's emerging filmmakers.

Feature Film Golden Marquee Award -
The Feature Film Golden Marquee is for the highest achievement award in recognition of the Feature Film that displays exemplary technical proficiencies in filmmaking and storytelling.

Short Film Golden Marquee Award -
The Short Film Golden Marquee is for the highest achievement award in recognition to the Short Film that displays exemplary technical proficiencies in filmmaking and storytelling.

The Pickford Award -
This Award is to Highlight Women in The Film Arts. We call it the "The Pickford Award" In honor of the Great Mary Pickford Silent Film Pioneer.

Early Bird Deadline Feb 28, 2025
Spring Deadline April 28, 2025
Regular Deadline July 30, 2025
Deadline July 30, 2025
Final Film Deadline September 30, 2025
Notification Date October 30, 2025

Science Fiction
Music Videos
Super 8

Enter your music Video any music genre, we play top winners at the Zed Fest Film Festival 2025 Event in November to be held in Regal Noho West, North Hollywood, California on Nov 12-17,2025


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Arusha African Film Festival

15 May 2016

Published: 09 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Arusha African Film Festival

Arusha African Film Festival

Tacomaa, United States

The Arusha African Film Festival (AAFF) is an international platform for the exhibition and celebration of films by filmmakers from around the world whose works are Africa-oriented.

AAFF is significantly a global traveling film festival, bent on promoting the understanding of Africa through film in all the regions of the world.

AAFF is also a forum for film education, production, distribution, marketing and networking.

The festival brings from around the world, filmmakers, actors, producers, commissioning editors, distributors, scholars, poets, performing artists, cinema enthusiasts, students, and the public together for the common purpose of understanding Africa through film.

AAFF is an eclectic, Africa-worldly cinematic niche that serves as a creative universe for the awakening of the African chi, memory, counter-memory, remembrance, and the symbiotic representations of our collective unconscious. These sensibilities are richly explored in the films we screen.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of 24fps International Short Film Festival

12 Aug 2016

Published: 09 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 24fps International Short Film Festival

24fps International Short Film Festival

Abilene, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Clorofilla Film Festival

10 Apr 2016

Published: 08 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Clorofilla Film Festival

Clorofilla Film Festival

Grosseto, Italy


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Rubber International Festival of the Music on Cinema

25 Mar 2016

Published: 08 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rubber Festival Internacional de la Música en el Cine

Rubber International Festival of the Music on Cinema

Distrito Federal, Mexico

Zapoteco Group: Cinema, Music and Independent Arts, Bad Taste Filmzine, TimeCode Media, Inferno Pictures and El Imperio Negro are pleased to present INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC ON CINEMA in its third edition to be held July 29th, 2015 – August 5th, 2015.

Rubber: International Festival of Music on the Cinema, has as goal give a space for the promotion of documentary and fiction films about the musical diversity of the world cultures, the importance of the soundtrack on the cinema, also the revalidation of work and life of classic composers and bands that have been mandatory benchmark of the popular culture.

For its third edition in 2016, RUBBER FIMC invites directors of national and international cinema, to be part of our call for entries for official selection for Competition and Exhibition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Aysen Patagonia Film Festival FECIPA

31 Jan 2016

Published: 06 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine de la Patagonia Aysén FECIPA

Aysen Patagonia Film Festival FECIPA

Coyhaique, Chile

- Chilean or Argentinian Film-makers, or foreign film-makers who was shooting in Patagponian region.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Cortodino Film Festival Xiv Edizione 2024

30 Jun 2016

Published: 06 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cortodino Film Festival XIV Edizione 2024

Cortodino Film Festival Xiv Edizione 2024

Torre Annunziata, Italy

The Esseoesse Cultural Association announces the competition "CortoDino Film Festival Dino De Laurentiis 2024 - XIV Edition", a competition that stems from desire to remember and celebrate, in his native land and in commemorative and propositive terms, the figure and work of Dino De Laurentis. The Metropolitan city of Naples, Vesuvian areas, “Giorgio De Chirico’s Secondary School of Art and Communication”, the others secondary schools of the area and the main cultural associations of the Vesuvian and Campanian areas will collaborate in the event.

So, the main aim of the initiative is to create an opportunity for meeting, confrontation and knowledge of young filmmakers who enter the cinematographic sector, in which the influence left by the illustrious “Torrese” has certainly been significant, promoting cinematographic culture through the inclusion of disadvantaged people and the research and promotion of works by talents from Campania, and also national and international.

The presence of the world of solidarity, cultural associations and of school is the clearest sign of the purpose of connecting in particular with the world of young people.
Cortodino Film Festival XIV edition will take place in November 2024. Cities, places and days of the event will be subsequently communicated.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia Shh...

30 Apr 2016

Published: 06 Jan 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Montaña Ushuaia Shh...

International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia Shh...

Ushuaia, Argentina

International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia SHH... is a cultural and educative event born in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. We aim to contribute to a culture of care for nature and sustainable development of human society, specially in mountain environments. Annually and without commercial purposes we set a complex program of screenings, cultural and educational activities such as exhibitions, lectures, live music, visual and performing arts, food tasting and mountain sports to highlight, build and consolidate the genre of mountain cinema in the region. FICMUS is the Latinamérica regional representative of International Alliance for Mountain Film (IAMF) networking with other Mountain Film Festivals and events of the regions to promote mountain culture.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of BASFF Bariloche Short Fantastic Film Festival

31 Aug 2016

Published: 05 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner BASFF Bariloche Short Fantastic Film Festival

BASFF Bariloche Short Fantastic Film Festival

Bariloche, Argentina

The festival brings together directors, producers, screenwriters, editors, actors, technicians, cultural managers and professionals related to horror movies, science fiction, fantasy and thriller (among other genres).

The purpose of the group will disseminate and promote Argentine film genre to encourage their production, distribution and exhibition.

We created the "BA Fantastic Shorts" as a way to keep abreast of what is produced in the world and spread it in our country.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Brain Film Fest - Solé Tura Award

05 Jul 2016

Published: 05 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Brain Film Fest - Premio Solé Tura

Brain Film Fest - Solé Tura Award

Barcelona, Spain

1. Brain Film Fest

The Brain Film Fest (BFF) is an international film festival dedicated to highlighting and promoting the creation and dissemination of feature films and short films about any aspect of the brain, from its amazing abilities and conditions to its pathologies. The BFF is jointly organized by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and Minimal Films. In addition to being a film competition, the BFF will also organize throughout the festival other in-person and online social, cultural and/or scientific events that focus on the brain.

The 8th edition of the Brain Film Fest will be held from March 12 to 16, 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Film Noir Festival

30 Sep 2016

Published: 05 Jan 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Film Noir Festival

Film Noir Festival

Dorignies Douai, France

Since 2013, the association 'The Alibis' organizes every year in November, the FILM NOIR FESTIVAL. The festival takes place in Vincennes (near Paris) in France.

The Film Noir Festival is the 1st French film fest dedicated to the Film Noir with a retrospective of feature films, premieres and an international short films contest.

Competing films are submitted to the judgment of professionals, a jury of students and the audience.

More information on our website: www.filmnoirfestival.com


Depuis 2013, l’association « Les Alibis » organise le Film Noir Festival, un festival de films ayant pour thème le Film Noir. Il s’agit du premier et du seul festival en France ayant pour thème ce genre cinématographique.

Lors des premières éditions, le Film Noir Festival s’était donné comme objectif d’éclairer le public sur le courant cinématographique qu’est le Film Noir.
Durant 4 jours, ce sont plus de 30 films de jeunes réalisateurs, au travers de la compétition internationale de courts métrages soumise au regard du jury des professionnels, mais aussi de cinéastes plus confirmés par le biais de la rétrospective généraliste de longs métrages et des avant-premières nationales, qui ont été présentés à un large public éclectique et de tout âge.

En octobre 2013, le Film Noir Festival s’est associé à la Film Noir Foundation de San Francisco créée et présidée par Eddie Muller, spécialiste mondial du Film Noir et fondateur du festival Noir City à San Francisco, à qui elle a décerné son premier Prix d'honneur en décembre 2013.

Pour sa quatrième édition, qui se tiendra du 24 au 27 novembre 2016 au cinéma "Le Vincennes" (94), le Film Noir Festival poursuivra son éclairage sur le Film Noir en proposant de nouveau une programmation de films inédits ou rares au travers de la rétrospective de 10 longs métrages, des avant-premières en ouverture et en clôture du Festival, des hommages à des réalisateurs, des acteurs ou des compositeurs emblématiques du Film Noir mais également au travers de la compétition internationale de courts métrages.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental