The International Film Festival of Pedesina was born in 2016 from an idea by Rondi Luigi with the aim of creating an international film event that included films from various countries around the world. In the same historical period, various realities were born that offer film festivals under a new guise. Thanks to these, Italy, and therefore Pedesina, becomes a place in which to learn about new trends and a new way of understanding cinema.
The 19th GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival(GISFF2021, former Asiana International Short Film Festival) is presented by the GwangHwaMun Executive Committee.
Menorca Doc is a film and documentary photography festival that aims to show aspects of society that are not disseminated in cinemas, the media or the usual audiovisual distribution channels. The festival aims to raise public awareness through the documentary genre, understanding it as a tool to reflect on socio-political, environmental and human changes. In short, about our situation in the world.
Based on these interests, a series of annual calls are proposed in order to configure the official program for the V edition of the festival, which will be held between October 4 and November 1, 2024 in Menorca (Balearic Islands).
ULLASTRE AWARD ·documentary short film.
AWARD Short Balearic documentary film.
Born in 2009 in order to highlight and encourage artistic expression, film and cultural identity of the region. Promoting the permanence of cultures and strengthening the cultural policies of the city as a mechanism for citizen and community participation; thus supporting the development, exhibition and dissemination of film and the visual arts in the city of Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca; proposing dialogue between the various expressions of art today and their participation mechanisms mainly in the youth population. This festival seeks to create spaces for discussion, artistic and audiovisual creation in a participatory manner.
The festival became the first event of its kind in this area, for display, training, capacity building and collective on the subject of film and visual arts in Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca.
ITALIAN HORROR FANTASY FEST is the new name of the Festival organized by Lu.Pa. Film in Rome, which holds all the rights to the title and logo of the event.
Previously known as ITALIAN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL and ITALIAN HORROR FEST, the name change was officially confirmed for the 2021 edition, embracing the fantasy genre in all its variations.
The festival aims to draw attention to the finest expressions of Italian and international horror, thriller, and fantasy cinema, celebrating and paying tribute to both the great masters whose works have contributed to spreading Italian cinematography worldwide and the young authors continuing this glorious artistic tradition. Simultaneously, the festival intends to be a meeting and discussion point for various genre cinematographies.
This idea is implemented by the artistic director, producer and film director Luigi Pastore, who coordinates the harmonization of the program and makes use of an expert commission appointed by him. Based on respective delegations, Pastore assigns responsibility for specific sections to each member of the commission.
Cerdanya Film Festival, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, is a Festival specialized in the documentary, fiction and animation genre, short and feature films, consisting of competitive international sections, non-competitive sections and parallel activities. All the films that are part of the different sections will be selected by the Festival programmers.
Cerdanya Film Festival qualifies for Premios Goya – Spanish Film Academy in Best Spanish Shortfilm, in Fiction, Animation and Documentary categories.
The 16th edition of the Cerdanya Film Festival will be held from 28th July to 17th August 2025.
Cinema Show Lo + Prohibido, the exhibition where censored, banned, extreme, cursed, unusual, annoying, singular, morbid, violent and politically incorrect cinema comes together.
Here anything it´s possible.
Our first and only rule: PROHIBITED PROHIBIT
Our association Pulp Vision, which brings together students interested in cinema, is organising the 12th edition of its short film festival "Tournez-court", which will take place on 25 September 2024. This year's theme is blue, and we'll be showing not only French but also international short films. It's a special edition because we're partnering with the Envie d'Sup association, which works to give secondary school students from priority education areas access to a variety of cultural events. So our festival is keen to contribute to this initiative and give a boost to Rouen's cultural life.
The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival (HKKFF) is an annually film festival to showcase innovative independent film makers and artists from around the world.
HKKFF is aiming to inspire, motivate and award new talent.
The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival accepts all forms and genres: short films, medium length films, feature films, drama, experimental, comedy, horror, slow cinema, sci fi, fantasy, animation, and documentary.
About White Unicorn International Film Festival
Film is nothing but a creative art. It express the function people like information, education, entertainment and transmission of culture. In every individual has a story. Stories that mesmerize us, stories that make us think, stories that make us believe, give us hope and inspiration. ‘White Unicorn International Film Festival a venture of ‘FPS’ is an assemblage of such stories.
WUIFF is a monthly film festival held in the heart of Kolkata, the City of Joy. It celebrates films from all around the world with awards in different categories and genres. WUIFF gives opportunity to indie filmmakers to compete their dream project with other ingenious filmmakers around the world. FPS has its own mission, as a certain amount from each and every project submission in the Festival will be utilized for social cause and at the end of the year during Annual Gala Fest of WUIFF the amount will be handed over to any of the social organizations/ NGO WUIFF also has taken responsibility to outspread the art of cinema among large scale and to execute this goal our team has decided to screen its monthly winning projects in different places across India. ‘White Unicorn International Film Festival’ is more than just a film festival; it is an endless and powerful connection among all filmmakers and film lovers around the globe.
Our Mission
The mission of ‘White Unicorn International Film Festival’ is to provide support to independent film makers around the world through reviewing, judging and distribution networking. WUIFF wants to help you to put your dream project on the path to success with all the recognition, notoriety and accolades that you and your project deserve.
Only for Colombian Film-makers. FESTIVAL LABERINTO is a film festival for those who live and breath cinema, wether as film critics, productors or cinephiles. We want to build new possibilities for audiovisual arts in general, so the inherent diversity of our ideas and sensibilities can be expressed. Open social environments are required to reach the objectives of this festival; our purpose is to create such environments, especially in Boyacá, and potentially in the rest of the country. Coming from a formative, divulgative and creative standpoint, we extend an invitation to all of the people interested in filmaking.
We want you to put your imagination in motion.
Bolder and more complex ways of living and exploring cinema are just around the corner. We would like to explore those new possibilities with you. Those who are interested in our event will be able to submit their work in the folllowing open calls.
Feelmotion UDIT International Short Film Festival is a shortfilm festival for university students organized by UDIT University in Madrid.
Originally conceived as a film festival for university students, the festival celebrates its first edition in 2012, born from the initiative of the students and Raúl San Julián, director of the festival and professor at UDIT. Since then the festival has celebrated a total of twelve editions, with more than 3000 participating short films from over 50 universities in 33 countries around the world and a total of more than 5000 university students who have participated or collaborated with the festival.
Thanks to the support of our partners, our finalists have been able to use Feelmotion to give themselves momentum and reach such important festivals as the San Sebastian International Film Festival, the New York International Independent Film & Video Fest or the 3D Wire.
Among the outstanding participants are our alumni Diego Porral, nominated for the Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film 2018 for "Un día en el parque" which was selected as Best Feelmotion Short Film 2017 and currently has more than 40 awards and 200 nominations; and José Herrera, winner of the Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film 2019 for "Cazatalentos".
In each of its editions, Feelmotion has relied on a large team of professionals and volunteers from the student body to organize both the contest and its corresponding awards gala and the numerous thematic events of each edition. In total, more than 200 students from different UDIT grades have collaborated with their efforts to make Feelmotion happen.
Feelmotion has also counted on great professionals from the film industry to be part of the juries that each year choose the winners. Professionals such as directors and screenwriters Juan Carlos Rulfo, Borja Cobeaga, Paco Martínez Velasco, Hector Hercé, María Pérez Sanz or Alex Rodrigo; producers and academics Marichu Corugedo, Txepe Lara, José Nolla; actors Tristan Ulloa, Natalie Poza, Olivia Molina, Ana Arias or Jon Viar among others; and a long list of journalists, technicians, academics, etc.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Numérique de Cotonou est organisé par FICNC PRODUCTION un regroupement de jeunes cinéastes et techniciens de l’audiovisuel issus d'Afrique et d'Europe, agissant pour le soutien à la réalisation et à la diffusion de la nouvelle création cinématographique numérique.
Le Festival International du Cinéma Numérique de Cotonou prépare d’ores et déjà sa 9è édition, qui se tiendra du 09 au 16 Décembre 2022.
Pour sa 9ème Edition, le Festival International du Cinéma Numérique se propose encore de faire découvrir au public la très grande diversité de la création cinématographique issue du numérique. Sachant que l’apparition du numérique dans le cinéma a vu naître une nouvelle génération de cinéastes qui se réapproprie les formes d’expression audiovisuelle, les réinvente pour enfin porter ses propres regards sur le monde. Il en résulte une effervescence de productions et de réalisations à laquelle participent assidument les jeunes cinéastes africains aux côtés de leurs homologues des autres continents.
Le festival, à la découverte des talents les plus créatifs, va devoir présenter une abondante sélection internationale de films en provenance de l’Afrique, de l’Asie, de l’Europe, des Amériques. Des fictions, documentaires, animations, clips, films d’école, courts ou longs métrages, tous genres feront la fête.
Atelier de formation au bénéfice de la jeunesse: « Atelier de Réalisation Documentaire ».
• Atelier-cours au bénéfice de la jeunesse: « Film de Poche ». Animateur : Jean AHONTO, Réalisateur et Producteur togolais.
• Réalisations de film trop-court de 01mn à 03 mn à tourner par les apprenants.
• Rencontres avec les réalisateurs et professionnels de l’audiovisuel.
• Visites touristiques.
The Cotonou International Digital Cinema Festival is organized by FICNC PRODUCTION, a group of young filmmakers and audiovisual technicians from Africa and Europe, acting to support the production and dissemination of new digital cinematographic creation. .
The Cotonou International Digital Cinema Festival is already preparing its 9th edition, which will take place from December 9 to 16, 2022.
For its 9th Edition, the International Festival of Digital Cinema still proposes to make the public discover the very great diversity of cinematographic creation resulting from digital. Knowing that the emergence of digital technology in cinema has seen the birth of a new generation of filmmakers who are reappropriating audiovisual forms of expression, reinventing them in order to finally cast their own eyes on the world. The result is an effervescence of productions and productions in which young African filmmakers participate assiduously alongside their counterparts from other continents.
The festival, in search of the most creative talents, will have to present an abundant international selection of films from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Fictions, documentaries, animations, clips, school films, short or feature films, all genres will celebrate.
Training workshop for the benefit of young people: "Documentary Production Workshop".
• Workshop-course for the benefit of young people: “Pocket Film”. Host: Jean AHONTO, Togolese Director and Producer.
• Achievements of too-short film from 01mn to 03mn to be shot by the learners.
• Meetings with directors and audiovisual professionals.
• Tourist visits.
Seoul Metro International subway Film Festival(SMIFF) with cooperation of Shinhancard introduces various world-wide extreme-short films on Seoul and Barcelona subway monitors and aims to contribute in making cosmopolitan cultural environment where anyone can enjoy movies in various places beyond cinemas.
The Center for Common Memory for Democracy and Peace, a national association that campaigns for universal human values and defends human rights, including the right to "a dignified life to the end", cannot remain insensitive to the current debate on the environment and the search by international community for practical solutions to curb its worrying deterioration.
While the right to life is an irreversible achievement, the emergence of the fourth generation of rights associates human well-being with "a healthy life in a healthy environment". So any degradation of the environment means a degradation of the quality of life.
The theme of "The Memory of the sky and the ground", chosen as the unifying theme of the 13th edition of the International Festival of Cinema and Shared Memory, to be held in Nador from 5 to 11 october 2024, is part of efforts to raise awareness, through art in general and cinema in particular, of a devastating scourge that threatens humanity.
The festival organizing committee is therefore calling for:
1- Documentary films that tackle issues such as:
- The ravages of global warming
- The destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems
- The depletion of natural resources
- The consequences of deforestation
- Water and air pollution
- Disasters caused by industrial activities
- The damaging effects of excessive industrialization
- Over-exploitation of natural resources
2- Short and feature films which, without being subject to the unifying theme of the edition:
- Tackle memory or human rights;
- Deal with human causes using new approaches;
- Propose new themes with a modern vision.
CINEfoot - International Football Film Festival is the first film festival in Brazil and Latin America with unique curatorial and conceptual approaches about football. The event aims the promotion, diffusion, reflection and appreciation of football films from all over the world.
Bendita Tú is an International Film Festival based in Argentina and Spain dedicated to showcasing short films made by women, trans, and non-binary individuals.
The festival is a space for the dissemination of experimental, essayistic, and non-fiction audiovisual works with a formally and conceptually committed proposal, addressing gender perspectives and diversity of identities. We select films that allow for the exploration of non-hegemonic, situated, and embodied approaches, creating bonds between people from different countries through intersectional feminism.
The objective is to showcase emerging audiovisual pieces and debut works that, due to their limited opportunities for exhibition and distribution, remain invisible. At the same time, we promote dialogues between these works and those of established female directors, focusing on intergenerational relationships and the importance of genealogies in the world of cinema.
In this VII Edition, water is a form of resistance and revolution, manifested through audiovisual creation. Throughout history, various authors have used this powerful transparent medium as a symbol of strength. For example, Gloria Anzaldúa describes the river as an element that challenges oppressive structures and represents the fluidity of identities and cultures. Bell Hooks considered water as a metaphor for transformation and resilience, in relation to the experience of being a black woman in the United States. Judith Butler interprets this liquid as an icon of fluidity and resistance to binary gender norms.
Therefore, alongside these authors, we reclaim this vital element as an ally, a refuge where we can feel safe and from which we can express our ideas and imagine other possible futures. This year, the tide rises and propels us towards a political record that demands change. For this reason, we seek works that surpass the limits of the audiovisual medium, vibrant creations that convey the need for a challenging, fluid, and collective existence.
Make a film and Video Festival to foster the creation and production of National filmmakers, foreigners and school students in Chile. And allow provide a space for dissemination and discussion of the geographies postponed for hegemony
media, along with promoting the audiovisual and cultural production of each people.
SMIfest is the festival of Asian AV experimentation, art-house cinema, and art video from Asia that takes place in Madrid (Spain). It is especially dedicated to emerging Asian filmmakers and artists, but with an eye always on classics and pioneers. It is an ideal platform to present the most relevant and avant-garde current audiovisual works and creators from China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia. As well as making them dialogue with their emerging Spanish and Latin American colleagues.