Logo of AZYL Shorts – International Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 02 Feb 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner AZYL Shorts – International Short Film Festival

AZYL Shorts – International Short Film Festival

Bratislava, Slovakia

AZYL SHORTS is a unique event in Slovakia as well as in Central Europe. We create a space for presenting the authors of short films and music videos. Our main goal is not only to carefully prepare the competition itself, but to create a platform which will ensure the promotion of the artists to the professional and general public alike.

We have three competitive categories:
- 1 Minute Films
- 5 Minute Films
- Music videos

There will be screenings of not only the competitive sections of the festival, but also the best shorts from Oscars, Cannes and other well–known film festivals.

Our jurors from V4 countries will be the programmers for the V4 shorts section choosing the best films from their countries.

We are preparing great side events – masterclasses, discussion, film workshop for young filmmakers and of course evening off-program as concerts and parties.

The best movies from the festival will be presented not only in Slovakia, but also at different parts of the world, such as Hungary, Poland or Czech Republic, where the viewers will be able to see the best-ranked movies of the current year – The Best of AZYL 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Rural Affinity Film Festival Andalucia RAFFA

22 May 2022

Published: 02 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Rural Affinity Film Festival Andalucia RAFFA

Rural Affinity Film Festival Andalucia RAFFA

Canillas de Aceituno, Spain

Part of a series of events and festivals promoting the inland rural areas of Spain. to be screened in the Axarquia region of Andalucia, southern Spain. Our base is the town of Canillas de Aceituno, located 50 minutes from Malaga airport, 25 minutes from the coast, and which sits at 650metres above sea level. Rural Affinity Film Festival is promoting short format films with a rural theme. This year's theme is Exploring within the rural world. Related to Rural travel-Rural adventures-
Rural community experiences. Spanish with English subtitles or English with Spanish subtitles.

The films will be no longer than 45 mins and will have a varied rural theme each of the three evenings of the festival.

There are plenty of facilities in the towns, and accommodation is plentiful.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of AMOR LGBT+ International Film Festival

18 Mar 2022

Published: 02 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner AMOR Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT+

AMOR LGBT+ International Film Festival

Santiago, Chile

AMOR International LGBT+ Film Festival is the first international film festival in Santiago of Chile focused on the subject of sexual and gender diversity, of independent and competitive nature. The seventh edition of AMOR Festival will take place from June 27th to July 2nd, 2023, in a hybrid format, with digital and physical screenings and activities specifically at national territory.

As in every edition, the festival is proposed as an inclusive space where the programme invites different sectors of society to approach cinema focused on LGBT+ themes (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals and all sexual, identity and gender diversities); a safe space for the community in which they can participate, make visible, identify and share. AMOR Festival has positioned itself as an event of high artistic quality that seeks to exhibit the most interesting and unique national and foreign titles that expose diversity, as well as outstanding films that have won awards at world-renowned festivals; and as a space where programming is structured based on gender equality in competitions and activities, giving visibility to women filmmakers.

Love is totally transverse to any sexuality, so with AMOR Festival we hope to contribute to the inclusion of sexual diversity, to strengthen understanding and to celebrate the visibility of sexualities through the seventh art.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Cortogijón

31 Mar 2022

Published: 02 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Cortogijón

Festival Cortogijón

Gijón, Spain

X CortoGijón Festival

The Gijón Short Film Festival arises
in 2015 as a parallel section within the
Aula 18 National Short Film Contest
in the delivery After the disappearance of
emblematic festival three of the programmers
decide to maintain their essence by transferring
the festival to Gijón. It is in the second edition
that of 2016, where the festival moves to the
municipal centers of the city to develop a festival with an eye on short films and music. Since then
to the competitive sections (Official Section,
Asturias Section) And to the sample sections
(Panorama Asturias and Mirada FICX) have been
there have been concerts that have given luster to the
cultural spaces of the city and that have
served to put the climax to each projection.

Names like Marilia, Pablo Und
Destruktion, Marem Ladson, Tiger and Diamond,
David Feito… confirm the high level
musical that lives the festival and its local and regional look.

In 2020 Laboral City of Culture joins
with a new screen inside CortoGijón
thus amplifying collaborations between
all cultural entities in the region started in 2017 with the Mirada Ficx section in
collaboration with the Gijón Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of CICOM Murchante International Short Film Festival

01 May 2022

Published: 02 Feb 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner CICOM Concurso Internacional Cortometrajes de Murchante

CICOM Murchante International Short Film Festival

Murchante, Spain

International festival of fiction short feature films.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of CalellaFilmFestival

30 Apr 2022

Published: 02 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner CalellaFilmFestival


Calella, Spain

The CalellaFilmFestival is a festival dedicated to all those Low Budget films of national or international production, with the aim of rewarding and promoting films made with few media but with high artistic value.

The CalellaFilmFestival has two sections:
"Low Budget" section
The selected feature films will compete as best productions of the year in the national or international scope, with an investment of less than 500,000 euros.

Section "Creative Rosebud Awards"
All those productions that throughout the year have stood out for their creativity and originality, both in the field of national and international production, with an investment exceeding 500.00 euros will compete.

Read the bases to register your movie.

The festival will be held from october 31 to november 8 to 4, 2025 in Calella de Mar (Barcelona) in the Sala Mozart and other rooms attached to the festival. For schedules, passes and more information go to the festival website.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Rencontres D`archéologie De La Narbonnaise

31 May 2022

Published: 01 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rencontres d’Archéologie de la Narbonnaise - RAN

Rencontres D`archéologie De La Narbonnaise

Narbonne, France

The Narbonnaise Archaeology Encounters aim to promote and enhance Archaeology and the audiovisual productions dedicated to it and to raise awareness of a wide range of public to these themes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of La Boca Erótica Film Festival

17 Apr 2022

Published: 01 Feb 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner La Boca Erótica

La Boca Erótica Film Festival

Mahón, Spain


The Festival is an event full of color and emotion which shake the senses.

La Boca Erotica aims first to present a quality films, showing the casual, committed, funny, daring and courageous way, relationships that are present: sensuality, eroticism, love, seduction, desire, passion, lust, jealousy, conflict and everything that has to do with the approach and communication between the sexes.

We want to offer a transversal vision of eroticism. At the same time we ask ourselves about the meaning of the word within a diverse society.

An exploration of sexuality from a social point of view and without gender barriers.

The festival discuss about politics, education and society, taking as starting point sexuality.

*Payment of screening rights for selected short films

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Vic Film

30 Jun 2022

Published: 01 Feb 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Vic Film

Festival Vic Film

Victoria, Mexico

Festival Vic Film is a movies celebration in the capital of Tamaulipas that was born in 2018 by local filmmakers interested in film development and professionalization in both Victoria City and the rest of our state and region.

After all the changes due to the pandemic, we keep the idea of having an hybrid fifth edition with short films playing online in a limited geolocated way during the festival, as well as the competing features playing live with an audience. Contest is extended to national in the features, short films & script sections but we also have a special section focused in regional short films (Tamaulipas, Nuevo León & Coahuila), and amateur / student shorts from Tamaulipas.

Also INTERNATIONAL section is open in two categories: all kind of short films (must include subtitles in Spanish), and family short films without dialogues (if possible, we'll try to show the family shorts in a public Plaza as we did in the first 2 editions).

In addition we have guests and a movie workshop online. Festival Vic Film Festival seeks to be a meeting point between filmmakers and the general public, where links are created that allow the growth of production in our region. We understand cinema in its broadest sense, which ranges from formal productions to those works made in total independence, with little budget but a clear sense of expressing itself through moving images and sound.

All our screenings and events are free to the public.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Discovery Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 01 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Discovery Film Festival

Discovery Film Festival

Dundee, United Kingdom

Discovery Film Festival: Scotland's International Film Festival For Young Audiences

Sat 21 October – Sun 5 November 2023

Discovery Film Festival is now in its twentieth anniversary year. Based at Dundee Contemporary Arts, and touring to partner venues throughout Scotland, the UK and Ireland, the festival screens films from all over the world which have been specially programmed for young audiences.

The festival includes three exciting weekends of films, creative activities, and gala events, as well as two weeks of screenings and events for schools.

Discovery aims to develop new audiences for the best in international film, improve media literacy and offer young audiences an insight into the lives of children and young people in other cultures. The festival has been running since 2004 when it was started as a partnership with Dundee Education Development Department, Scottish Screen and DCA.

Discovery Film Festival is a DCA project and is organised by Mike Tait, Festival Producer and Cinema Youth Development Officer. A team of Young Ambassadors (aged 15-19) work with Mike to programme films and advise on the overall design of the festival. A team of teachers and education consultants advise on the education programme and create Curriculum for Excellence relevant resources for classes visiting the festival.

Discovery would like to thank Creative Scotland and Dundee City Council for their ongoing support.

If you would like to support Discovery, become a partner venue or just get involved, email Mike on mike.tait@dca.org.uk.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

28 Feb 2022

Published: 01 Feb 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

Banner Арктический международный кинофестиваль ’Золотой ворон’ - Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

Anadyr, Russia

The Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" is being held annually on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region and is the professional competitive screening of cinematic works from around the world. The dates of the festival are agreed annually.

The 9th Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" will take place from April 07 to April 20,2025.

The festival sets its goals and objectives as following:

• search and promotion of the best modern films related to the Arctic and reflecting various aspects of life in this region;

• attracting the attention of the public and professional community to the topics relevant to the Arctic including ecology, interethnic relations, the continuity of generations, the preservation of traditions and culture, etc.;

• creation of a communication channel and strengthening of cooperation between Russia and the world community through the territories and cultural space of the Far North of the Russian Federation;

• popularization of event and ecological tourism on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;

• creation and development of a comfortable environment for residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;

• development of the film production infrastructure, as well as promotion of the Chukotka Autonomous Region as an attractive and comfortable location for filmmaking;

• search and support of young talented filmmakers creating films in the Arctic region;

• preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

The Festival is being held by the Youth Initiative Production Center, by the Committee for Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, by the Center of Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven" and is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, the Russian Filmmakers’ Union, AU CHAO Okrkinovideoprokat.

The Festival is composed of the following competition sections:

• international competitive selection of full-length feature and documentary films;

• international competitive selection of short feature films;

• international competitive selection of short documentary films;

• international competitive selection of short animation films;

• regional competitive selection "FilmRising!".

Out-of-competition program of the Festival includes:

• full-length and short films;

• animated films;

• other media content at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

The Festival "Golden Raven" is distinguished by the fact that the winners in the main category (The Grand Prix) are chosen not by a jury of experts, but by the viewers, who take part in preferential voting.

The Festival's expert jury includes professional filmmakers from Russia and abroad, and it chooses the winners in the other categories.

Submissions to the Festival will be accepted to December 20, 2024.

Russian submissions are entered online at the Festival’s official web site http://goldenravenfilmfest.ru/ and it is obligatory to send all the materials to section https://goldenravenfilmfest.ru/zayavka.
Foreign submissions are entered for Selection committee via one of online-platforms including Festhome (https://festhome.com/festival/the-golden-raven-international-arctic-film-festival).

The submission to the competitive sections is free.

The Selection Committee of the Festival will make its final decisions no later than on March 15, 2025.

The Festival’s Artistic Director is Philipp Abryutin.

The Lead Festival’s Producer is Oksana Lakhno.

The Program Director is Alexander Solomonov.

Contact information of the Organizing Committee:
Web: www.goldenravenfilmfest.ru
E-mail: goldenravenfilmfest@yandex.ru
ANO Center for Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven"
123056 Russian Federation, Moscow,
Vassilievskaya str., 13, building 1, office 9
Tel.: +7(499)250-89-55

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Perugia Social Film Festival

07 Jun 2022

Published: 31 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Perugia Social Film Festival

Perugia Social Film Festival

Perugia, Italy

The 10th edition of PerSo – Perugia Social Film Festival will take place in Perugia from 27 to 29 September and from 3 to 8 October 2024.

"Concept". The Festival describes the complexity of our world through films and stories that talk about us and that are touching, deep and inspiring. Important and high-quality movies are selected from the most famous international festivals and are presented by their authors and protagonists. PerSo is a festival where the audience and the artists, well-known directors and young emerging ones, can meet and share experiences. It is a festival of dialogue about cinema, social issues, artistic research, divulgation and entertainment.

"The Festival at a glance". One city, four movie theatres, six competition categories, the PerSo Lab aimed to professionally develop young film-makers and support new productions, the PerSo Award (Italian premieres) and the Masterpieces (the best documentaries of the year), the movies shown at the Perugia-Capanne prison, the events dedicated to the world of psychiatry and sound documentaries, the PerSo Off, that refers to concerts, events and meetings.

Each edition offers more than 50 free entry events and welcomes 70 guests: directors, producers, judges, celebrities, staff members and volunteers.

PerSo FF is organised by RealMente Ngo, in collaboration with Foundation “La Città del Sole” – Onlus, in the fascinating medieval city of Perugia.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Pandemic Film Week

01 Jul 2022

Published: 31 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Pandémica Semana de Cine

Pandémica Semana de Cine

Pachuca, Mexico

Pandemic Film Week, held for the first time in Mexico. Dedicated to collecting and screening films that address the issue of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Monaco Streaming Film Festival

01 Apr 2022

Published: 31 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Monaco Streaming Film Festival

Monaco Streaming Film Festival

MC, Monaco

The 3rd Monaco Streaming Film Festival, an annual international film festival held in Monte-Carlo.

The Streaming Film Festival celebrates the global film and content streaming industry, the producers, creators and talent; providing film and content production industry inside know-how. The Festival celebrates film and inclusive and diverse content making from all over the world.

The Festival was created as an environment for the streaming platforms, producers, creators, distributors, sales and the technology providers behind VOD to meet, plan, celebrate and network. The Festival includes industry keynote presentations and panel discussions on the successes, opportunities and future of streaming and on-demand content and distribution.

The Festival Hosts the following sections:
- Film & Content Premieres: The festival hosts a number of films, content screenings and premieres
- Award Competition
- Film and Content Market
- Masterclasses
- Conferences

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of We the Peoples Film Festival

12 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jan 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner We the Peoples Film Festival

We the Peoples Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Governmental Organisations, and the world’s first festival of films on international development by young directors.

Festival Aims
Encourage filmmakers/creatives to work together to raise awareness of the Three Pillars of Freedom through screening of films created around these themes.

Three Pillars of Freedom and the Environment
* Freedom from want: Through the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Freedom from fear: Through efforts to bring about collective security and peace.
* Freedom to live in dignity: Through the application of justice for all, from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Development: poverty, shelter, healthcare, education, gender, governance, finance

Human Security: conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, shelter, migration

Human Rights: gender, education, dignity, participation

Environment: ecological issues, preparation for and consequences of natural disaster, sustainability, new technologies

Short films: any of the above

Young Film Makers: under 25 years

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Lima Alterna International Film Festival

21 Aug 2022

Published: 29 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lima Alterna Festival Internacional de Cine

Lima Alterna International Film Festival

Lima, Peru

LIMA ALTERNA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is a Peruvian film event that disseminates the best alternative, independent and auteur cinema from all over the world. It invites Lima's audience to discover the current panorama of cinema at a global level in the different filmmaking aspects that are being developed.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

20 Mar 2022

Published: 29 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes Cine A La Calle

International Cine a la calle Short Film Festival

Barranquilla, Colombia

Our call is open to all individuals, agencies, art collectives or producers that own the rights of short length audiovisual work, including documentary, argumentative, experimental and/or video-art. Short films must have been produced in film, video or animation format.

FICICA will take place from 12th to 16 th of August in Barranquilla, Colombia and through virtual channels. You are all welcome to visit us!


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of 2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

06 May 2022

Published: 29 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

Banner 2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

Berlin, Germany

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 19. Crossroads International Short Film Festival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Jan 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 19. Crossroads International Short Film Festival

19. Crossroads International Short Film Festival

Istanbul, Turkey

19th. Crossroads International Film Festival

"19 years: Success, Memories, Unforgettable!"

The prestigious Crossroads International Short Film Festival, now in its 19th year, is a competition and festival aimed at displaying the imaginative works of short filmmakers who explore the issue of "REDUCED INEQUALITIES: Reducing discrimination aimed towards women and girls" through their cinematic endeavours.

We will have open-air screenings of the final films in more than 20 cities. We will reward the winning films in December with a prestigious gala night in Istanbul, Turkey.

This festival is a project of the Istanbul Branch of the Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs Association, a non-profit organization affiliated with Junior Chamber International.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of La Cabina, International Medium Length film Festival

27 May 2022

Published: 27 Jan 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner La Cabina. International Medium Length Film Festival

La Cabina, International Medium Length film Festival

València, Spain

15th Medium-Length International Film Festival LA CABINA, taking place in València (Spain) between 8th and 18th November 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video