Holland Film Festival 2024 is open for submission. The festival accepts all genres and styles as long as they are short. (max 30 min.)
Hollan Film Festival takes place in the beautifull town of Bergen north of Amsterdam. It is a small yet prestigious and well visited festival. We love fresh, new and original films of high quality.
Glance International Short Film Festival is one of its Kind, It aims at providing common platform for cinemas of world to project the excellence of the film art. Basic idea to do The festival to promote all type of talent in the film industry, no matter if it’s a Music, Dance, Animated , art, social based film.
We will also try to support the movie makers in terms of producer & projects release to OTT ( Video On Demand ) platforms also, if they have
Good projects and having trouble to get the production we will help them.
It also seeks to contribute to create awareness for understanding and appreciation of film cultures of different nations in context of their social and cultural ethos and promote friendship and cooperation among people of the world.
This will help in making our relationship within the industry more positive as we are honoring them, we are making them perform on stage and above all generation who loved them have missed to see them performing on stage.
Different trophy depict a certain idea of motif behind their shape and design, our trophy stands unique owing to its design representing its strength and power.
The Golden Smile Comedy Festival is part of Holland Film Festival. With special awards and separate viewings and different public.
The festival has one rule; make the audience laugh!
Submit your best comic work, joy the fun!
Humour is universal and brings people together. The Golden Smile International Comedy Film Festival wants to show you the best and funniest films and video's in the world. We accept all genres, our only rule is simple, make the audience laugh. From slapstick to feature films, short clips, ultra short clips, hidden camera, documentaries, you name it.
Maximum length is 50 minutes, no minimum.
We encourage filmmakers from all over the world to submit their work. There is so much to discover in the world of humor. Broaden our perspective and make us smile.
The film festival takes place in Bergen Netherlands. (Not far from Amsterdam.)
Zijl 19
Bergen, Holland 162HL
View Map
Filmhuis Schoorl
150 Heereweg
Schoorl, Noord-Holland 1871 EM
And 1 Additional Venue
Peter Bosman
The Golden Smile Comedy Festival is part of Holland Film Festival.
The festival has one rule; make the audience laugh!
Submit your best comic work, joy the fun!
Humour is universal and brings people together. The Golden Smile International Comedy Film Festival wants to show you the best and funniest films and video's in the world.
We accept all genres, our only rule is simple, make the audience laugh. From slapstick to feature films, short clips, ultra short clips, hidden camera, documentaries, you name it.
We encourage filmmakers from all over the world to submit their work. There is so much to discover in the world of humor. Broaden our perspective and make us smile.
The film festival takes place in Bergen Netherlands. (Not far from Amsterdam.)
The 2022 Forwardian Film Festival seeks to promote and encourage the creative endeavors of filmmakers by showcasing their work on its Facebook Page and (whenever possible) in live public screenings.
All films submitted to The 2022 Forwardian Film Festival will be subject to review by a panel of Festival Officials and will be selected based on their adherence to our submission guidelines and will be rated on their cinematic qualities.
The highest rated films from filmmakers who are eligible to participate in The 2022 Forwardian Awardians for Film Competition will move to the finals and will be among those to be considered by a Special Judge to receive one of the monetary prizes.
All of the selected films (competitive and noncompetitive) will be posted on The 2022 Forwardian Film Festival Facebook Page and will be eligible to receive The 2022 Forwardian Film Lovers' Award.
All participating filmmakers (competitive and noncompetitive) will be invited to have their selected film(s) posted on the Forwardian Cinema Facebook Page where its future visitors will be able to view them until he/she wishes to have it removed.
The goal of Agora Awards and our NFT Awards Festival is to provide visibility to talent worldwide. Everyone can participate in our Awards. The TOP100 finalists of each category will be offered to become part of our NFT marketplace: a curated marketplace of Photography, Art and Video Art. The most voted creation of each category will win $25.000.
The Festival will take place in Barcelona from the 27th to the 29th of October 2022.
Finalists will also be offered to appear with their work on Agora TV: our worldwide digital television with an audience of 30k of daily viewers.
You provide your talent, we give you visibility. We win if you win.
How do we select the finalists?
The Agora Jury is in charge of selecting the TOP100 finalists of each Award. The Agora Jury consists of a mix of Photography, Video and Art experts, who are chosen internally, but also community members that proved their great talent on previous awards. The jury takes into account quality, diversity, artistry and originality. It takes into account that the final selection is from different countries, different ages and with the intention of having gender equity.
What happens if I am selected as finalist?
If you receive an email from us indicating you are an Agora Awards finalist, congratulations! This means your creation has gone through our Agora Jury curation process and been selected as one of the best among thousands of creations. Your creation will then move to the voting rounds, where the entire Agora community votes for the best via our app Agora Awards. As a finalist you will automatically be eligible to appear on our international Agora TV channel. If you succeed in the voting rounds, you will participate in the final round, where the winner is chosen! A fantastic prize of $25,000 is waiting for you. Will you be the lucky one?
The final awards ceremony will take place in Barcelona, from October 27th to 29th in 2022. At this event the best finalists will be exhibited, the awards ceremony will take place, our NFT market will be presented and we will have talks, podium discussion, further exhibitions, meetings and last but no least a big party. The event will be broadcasted on Agora TV.
We are looking forward to celebrate with you!
Power to artists
Power to the people
Power to you.
The Children's Film Festival aims to expand the boundaries of creativity for children, establish international cooperation and discover new talents. We want to unite all children and teenagers who love movies, shooting and dream of connecting their lives with this kind of art. We have been going to launch this film festival for a long time and postponed it all the time for various reasons, but now we are ready! It is when the world is going through difficult times that we want to bring a little positivity and concentrate children in a creative direction. Dream and shoot!
The nineth La Serena International Film Festival, FECILS, is a competitive audiovisual contest, which will take place from November 05 to 09, 2024, in the Coquimbo region. It seeks to support the production and dissemination of regional, national and Latin American audiovisual activity, and thus contribute to decentralization, promoting the meeting and training of regional filmmakers and producers. With these actions, FECILS seeks to establish itself as a cultural event that, in addition to generating film exhibition spaces in the Coquimbo region, applies its emphasis on generating new audiences. FECILS 2024 has an audiovisual extension program that will reach the different spaces of the communes of the region.
Hurricane International Film Festival is an international contest that presents a carefully curated program with international films, narrative, documentary, and short films from established and emerging filmmakers...
Hurricane International Film Festival is a festival that has a core value to encourage new and emerging film Producers, Directors, Musicians and Social Media Content creators from around the world to tell stories and produce independent film that reflect their views and visions. Encourage filmmakers to explore new ways of storytelling that can influence their surrounding or expose it to the world.
HIFF celebrates the best that cinema has to offer. Showcasing films from established masters and emerging storytellers, the Festival welcomes films from around the world. Offering an impressive selection of competitive and non-competitive programming.
Filmmakers are at the heart of everything we do. When you share your film with us, you will be treated with respect throughout every stage of the submissions process. Your emails will be returned, your questions answered and a real, live person will answer you.
Thank you for your interest in the Hurricane International Film Festival. We wish you all the best with your film!
Hurricane International Film Festival - Best Project wins:
2. Promotion of your project on our social networks
3. 2-year partnership with our film festival
4. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY - you will lead a workshop for other filmmakers
5. In addition to the Best in Category awards, HIFF presents a number of special awards which offer project support, services as well as a combined total of USD10000 in cash prizes.
We are looking forward to screening the best films from the festival on Oct 8-15, 2022 in Shanghai.
The Festival is awarded every 2 months, and its being appraised by our jury in private screening.
As the Festival is two months Festival, all submitters are informed after deadline which Music Videos have won each category and also those who are honorable mention, finalist and semifinalist.
The winners of main categories /Best Music Music Video, Best Munich Music Video, Best Director Music Video, Best Cinematography, Best Production, Best Actor Music Video,
Best Actress Music Video/ will be presented on physical event once a year in our ANNUAL CEREMONY 27th of January 2023 in Tabán Art Cinema - Busapest.
The mission of the IMVA International Music Video Awards is to expand the boundaries of traditional filmmaking by creating a "visual symphony" in which music will play a major role. An international demonstration of music video is to celebrate and educate those who combine two powerful platforms of music and film. IMVA is an International Bi-Monthly IMDb Qualifying Competition (https://www.imdb.com/event/ev0025388/overview/) with Annual Screening Event
Combining image with music creates the long-awaited "integral cinema" that adds another dimension and power to visual messages. At the same time, it gives the second life music itself, which allows us to visualize images inspired by melodies, which are often lost in the subconscious.
As one of the youngest genres in the film industry, it is a video clip, an audiovisual work whose sound component is the whole or substantially a record of the artistic performance of a musical work.
The city of Budapest does not need recommendations. It is one of the largest places in the world where you can also listen to all kinds of music. Its diverse ethnic and cultural community has contributed to the establishment and maintenance of several musical genres. Budapest is also well known for its film culture. The awards ceremony will take place on 27 January 2023 in Tabán Art Cinema.
Add your Official Title Credit on IMDb:
1.0 Felina was born in 2015 as an appointment in the city of Linares with independent cinematography from the enthusiasm of a group of young people. As time has passed, the festival has established itself as a relevant space for the dissemination of cinema in the Maule region and the south-central zone of Chile. The festival is today the most important event in the region and is held during the third quarter of each year, attracting the interest of an active and growing public. Felina seeks to be a space for enjoyment and democratic and open social exchange. Its programming is completely free and includes mediation activities that open spaces for cinema in an area where film culture is in full swing. The festival's programming is based on issues such as human development, artists and characters, popular music and current affairs.
About JSFF
JSFF is a 9 years lasting bi-City annual film festival recognized for its immersive themed cultural exchange platform premiering in Tokyo and Belgrade. This year, JSFF is part of the official ECoC (EU Capital of Culture) program at Novi Sad 2022, containing 6 days of condensed film and collateral art program, after which the screenings in Tokyo and Belgrade will be conducted. All authors of selected pieces will have the opportunity to be screened in front of a large audience under the light of ECoC in Novi Sad from November 5th – 10th.
"Space between two frames"
It is not wrong to say that the film industry as we know it today would not exist without the mutual influences of different cultures. Only one example of such artistic complementarity can be seen in the work of Fumio Kamei, who applied the editing techniques he acquired abroad in the format of haiku poetry, giving more importance and space to shots between the work itself.
In the spirit of the traditional concept of JSFF as a format of cultural exchange of film representatives of two cultures, CULTFRONTATION aims to further confront the author's views in the domain of the program category "Other? Europe". This category refers to the "culture of the different". By re-examining the dominant values in European culture and art, we come to the discovery of different, alternative, marginalized, minority, rebellious expressions.
For the first time since its founding, JSFF will expand the program into 3 categories united by the theme CULTFRONTATION:
1. JSFF - Will maintain the original selection of the films produced in Japan or Serbia (including conditional exceptions regarding the filming and crew background), which will present the views of authors on annual theme CULTFRONTATION, but also contemporary social phenomena in the spirit of "Other? Europe" program narrative of NOVI SAD 2022 - ECoC.
2. EAST ASIA – WEST BALKANS - According to the principle of traditional JSFF format, EA-WB will expand the field of CULTFRONTATION to the regional level which will screen works from the group of EA (East Asia) countries, as well as the countries of the Western Balkans.
3. JSFF - INTERNATIONAL - Global selection of films around the world that deal with the broader aspect of cultural confrontation. One of the terms of cultural confrontation implies confronting the values of an adaptable cultural environment with an extremely protective cultural environment. Also, every kind of re-examination of the canon, generalization, position in society, etc. it can be interpreted as a kind of CULTFRONTATION.
Special attention to:
- Premiere (All categories)
- ECOC Area background (JSFF INTERNATIONAL Category): 2023: Elefsina (Greece), Veszprém (Hungary) and Timisoara (Romania); 2024: Bad Ischl (Austria), Tartu (Estonia) and Bodø (Norway)
El 14 FIC CLACPI se organiza en varias actividades de formación, difusión y promoción:
Muestras itinerantes: en todo el territorio del Ecuador se exhibirán películas reconocidas en los anteriores Festivales CLACPI, así como películas de Pueblos Indígenas del país anfitrión.
Encuentro de Realizadores y Realizadoras de Pueblos y Nacionalidades: alrededor de 50 personas nos reunimos a finales de marzo e inicios de abril para reflexionar el trabajo audiovisual desde una construcción propia, todo esto reforzando las ideas y corazonares base de nuestro caminar hacia el evento central del 14 FIC CLACPI 2022.
Laboratorio de cine para mujeres y disidencias: el audiovisual desde, con y para las mujeres y disidencias es necesario para contrarrestar la visión colonial y patriarcal del cine, para ello en julio del 2022 delegadas nacionales e internacionales serán parte de esta construcción colectiva con enfoque de género, generacional, diversa e intersectorial.
Seminario internacional de cine de Pueblos y Nacionalidades: la colonialidad del saber es una de las formas para encasillar y subordinar el quehacer audiovisual de los Pueblos Originarios, bajo la visión antropológica, paternalista y colonizadora se crearon categorías como “video indígena”, “cine indigenista comunitario”; es el momento para reconocer categorías propias que responden a nuestras formas de hacer, sentir y producir el audiovisual. En septiembre del 2022, con la participación nacional e internacional, nos juntamos a pensar y repensar nuestro cine.
Evento Central: comprende la muestra central del 14 Festival, los espacios de debate, laboratorios y muestras especiales durante 7 días en noviembre del 2022 en Quito, Ecuador. Este encuentro central tiene a la vez el evento de Inauguración y Clausura, acompañados de manifestaciones artísticas nacionales e internacionales.
Asamblea de CLACPI: la reflexión general, alcances y logros de quienes caminamos en el cine y la comunicación confluyen en este espacio para renovar los compromisos y las agendas de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos indígenas.
XXVI the International Short Film Show of the Bay of Pasaia, IKUSKA 2024.
The festival has an international short film competition in 5 screenings, and other parallel non-competition sessions related to the development of Basque and language coexistence (MINTZAGUN projection in collaboration with Oarsoaldea euskaltegis), Gender Equality (BEKOZ BEKO award in collaboration with the Association against gender violence Bekoz Beko), the promotion of culture in Pasaia and its surroundings, etc.
Only for Latin American Filmmakers.
We understand that cinema is one of the most influential artistic disciplines in society, the expression of cinematographic language transcends and surpasses the barriers of the big screen, leaving an indelible mark on the memory and imagination of each spectator. For this reason, the Chiloé International Film Festival FICH 2024 becomes the first audiovisual event that, within the region, exhibits Chilean and international cinema in different time slots, developing programs that include retrospectives of national filmmakers with extensive experience, and activities associated with the mediation of content and cinematographic language to massify the participation of the people who inhabit our Island.
In this 7th version, seven will be the different strips in charge of giving life to the exhibition of films. Five competitive categories: International Feature Film, National Feature Film, International Short Film, National Short Film and Regional Short Film; a Retrospective Focus; and a Children's Strip.
The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.
It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.
− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.
− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.
− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.
− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.
− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.
IX edition of the Zinetxiki Zinemaldia - International Film Festival for Children and Youth, organised by the cultural association Begira Elkartea, will take place in Bilbao and other Basque cities and towns from 14 to 29 December 2024.
Zinetxiki Zinemaldia aims at offering worldwide quality audiovisual contents to a family audience. Through the projection of selected works in several competitive categories, the festival seeks to promote the audiovisual education and the creation of new audiences.
The forth edition of the Hurlingham Film Festival will take place from October 31 to November 3, 2024 at the Leopoldo Marechal Cultural Center (Av. Gdor. Vergara 2396) in the city of Hurlingham, with free admission.
The festival aims to promote culture and film production both in the city of Hurlingham and in the rest of the country.
The FESTIHUR will host a new space in the audiovisual universe with the intention of giving visibility and synergy between the number of actors in the new city, revealing identity, diversity and future.
The 360 VR and AR festival, the first Virtual Reality film festival held in Spain, will celebrate its 8th edition on September 25, 26, and 27, 2024, in which the quality and innovation of the films will be rewarded. national and international virtual reality short films.
The contest is organized by Mecal, which organizes Mecal Pro, the Barcelona International Short Film and Animation Festival.