The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival is a cinematographic event socially and culturally minded and by choice, free for anyone to access. FICCI constantly reads the particular circumstances of our country and our world to produce every year a world class version of our festival, guided by the preservation of freedom and the amplification of the cultural conversation through films and academic events that are relevant, humane, subtle, sophisticated, and act as a vehicle to enhance human consciousness, expand democracy and help create free, progressive and inclusive societies.
The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI) is the oldest and most permanent forum in the Americas for Colombian, Ibero-American and world cinema. Being an active part of the world cinema map since 1960, in the 64th edition, it will continue to provide spaces for memory, reflection, diverse voices, and as always, for the best cinephilia.
The Festival values the creative freedom of the world’s filmmakers and has space for films of any format, length, nationality, theme, genre or technique, that meet the highest standards of quality, take on narrative risks, and propose contents of great human and cinematic relevance, pertinence, and sustainability.
The Render Festival is a space that was created in the classroom, with the aim of strengthening and promoting spaces for training, creation, and film exhibition that allow students from different regions of Peru to develop their skills in the audiovisual profession.
For the seventh edition, the festival addresses a historical moment in which every day new possibilities and threats emerge, Does the future cause us fear or excitement? We want to explore what cinema has to say about the lurking crises: ecological, economic and political. And about the new possible paths. How does technological innovation transform the way we create, watch and consume moving images?
In a society where technological changes and revolution is already part of the global daily life, we propose a critical look at it, through young filmmakers. How the process of creation changes as a result of a galloping technology is the perspective that will redirect us. This call is aimed at filmmakers who are currently studying at universities or other schools or institutions of higher education in any country.
Consequently, as part of the activities of the festival, which will be carried out through the present, we open the call for our international short film competition, which consists of 3 categories that we will explain in the following section. We have also opened a competition called “Latin American Opera primas”, whose call for entries will begin on December 9, 2024.
Brasil es reconocido internacionalmente por su rica producción artística y cultural. En este contexto, la 14ª Muestra de Cine Latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada, conocida como "CURTA CANOA", tiene como objetivo promover la accesibilidad al universo audiovisual, difundir la cultura y destacar el trabajo de talentosos artistas brasileños y latinoamericanos. A través de un programa diverso y de alta calidad, el festival ofrece una experiencia enriquecedora tanto para la comunidad local como para los turistas, y lo mejor de todo: completamente gratis.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es resaltar la importancia y resaltar la realización de la 14ª edición del festival Curta Canoa, que tendrá lugar en Praia de Canoa Quebrada (Aracati - CE), del 20 al 25 de noviembre de 2023. promover una exhibición competitiva de películas y cortometrajes nacionales y latinos, además de mostrar largometrajes invitados. Además, el evento también incluye seminarios, conferencias, espectáculos musicales y acciones que abordan temas cruciales, como el medio ambiente, la educación y los movimientos sociales. Un aspecto fundamental es la inclusión de la comunidad en el proceso de organización y ejecución del festival, convirtiéndolo en un fiel reflejo de la participación e implicación local.
El festival Curta Canoa promueve un intercambio cultural entre realizadores y espectadores, durante seis días de intensa programación. Con talleres, seminarios y conferencias, el evento capacita a estudiantes de escuelas públicas y fortalece los centros de cine de Aracati. El principal objetivo es ampliar el acceso a la formación audiovisual y contribuir al desarrollo cultural de la región.
Durante el Festival contamos con la participación de reconocidos profesores de cursos audiovisuales tanto en la capital de Ceará como en otros estados. Están invitados a impartir talleres, seminarios y conferencias complementarias, con actividades prácticas que complementan los contenidos tratados en el aula. Además, valoramos las raíces culturales de la región, ofreciendo espacios para presentaciones de grupos y artistas locales. Como es tradición, también rendimos homenaje a personalidades relevantes de la cultura brasileña.
Brasil tiene un circuito de festivales audiovisuales reconocido mundialmente, compuesto por eventos de diferentes tamaños, historias, conceptos y singularidades. Estos festivales tienen valor e importancia significativos, llevando la riqueza creativa del audiovisual brasileño a todo el país, superando las limitaciones del circuito comercial presente en apenas el 8% de los municipios del territorio nacional. En Ceará, después de 14 años de existencia, el Festival Curta Canoa ha alcanzado notable protagonismo y relevancia en el escenario audiovisual. El festival recibió más de 7.800 inscripciones de cortometrajes hasta 2021 y realizó 69 talleres en el municipio de Aracati. Nos hemos convertido en parte indispensable del calendario cultural del estado y, por qué no decirlo, de Brasil. Cada año, movilizamos a los productores que deseen exhibir su trabajo en exposiciones competitivas y participar de las capacitaciones técnicas que se ofrecen durante el programa.
El proyecto hace una importante contribución social a la comunidad de Praia de Canoa Quebrada. Los residentes están cada vez más involucrados, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollo local. El proyecto ofrece oportunidades para que adolescentes, jóvenes y niños de escasos recursos aprendan cine y se inserten en el mercado cultural, a través de la formación continua en el centro de cine y animación. La realización del Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada, conocido como Curta Canoa, tiene una relevancia significativa para el desarrollo del audiovisual en Ceará y Brasil. Moviliza una amplia red de profesionales y productores, generando beneficios sociales para la población local y promocionando la región y los municipios vecinos en los medios internacionales. El festival despierta el interés del público por las exposiciones y destaca el potencial del mercado audiovisual local, nacional e internacional.
MUFF / Mieres Under-60' Film Festival is a fresh, young and groundbreaking international short film festival that is committed to new talent. It is the biggest short film festival in Asturias (Spain) and is held in Mieres.
It is made up of various competitive sections (International, European Schools, MUFFY), complemented with parallel sections and training and industry activities.
The call for entries opens on Friday, August 11, 2023 at 12:00 noon.
The closing date for feature and short films will be Friday, January 12, 2024 at 23:59 hrs.
THE 5th EDITION OF THE MICMXIFF INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL will be held from March 16 to 23, 2024.
The MICMXIFF INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL seeks to promote and disseminate the film production of Mexico and the world through the meeting and collaboration of its industries, the formation of new talents and the dissemination of films from the region so that they can access a wider audience.
- All materials are evaluated by a selection committee made up of specialists and people from the industry chaired by the general direction of the MICMXIFF.
- The programming team may adapt the works to any sub-category not specified in the call for entries, either by any genre pattern, theme or technique that is in demand in the submitted works, for example: horror, stop motion, horror, etc.
To be considered, films must be submitted in the following manner:
- Fill out the registration form available at and at Festhome.
- Entries must be accompanied by digital screeners.
- The selection of the works will be the responsibility of the festival's programming team and members of the pre-selection juries.
- The selection will be final.
- Send PRESS KIT including the following materials: still photo of the work (in jpg or tif format at 300 dpi); synopsis of the work (English and Spanish); brief biography of the director (English and Spanish); photograph of the director (in jpg or tif format at 300 dpi); technical file with list of credits in Festhome.
- The registration and participation of a film implies full acceptance of these rules and the dates stipulated in the Call for Entries.
- The jury will be made up of renowned professionals from the film industry and the cultural sphere.
- Its members will be nominated by the Organizing Committee.
- Each institution invited by the MICMXIFF will select and nominate its representative(s).
- Members of the MICMXIFF may be present at the jury deliberations but may not cast a vote.
- The final decision of the jury is final. No official award may be declared void.
- The awards for Best Film in each section may not be declared ex aequo.
- If the Jury so decides, honorable mentions may be given and/or more than one film may be awarded if the Jury so decides (statuette only).
- The Audience Award will be given to the film rated best by the audience.
- The public will cast its vote during the public screenings.
- The Festival Management will decide on the order and date of exhibition of each film.
- Entries may be selected for out-of-competition screenings.
- The selected works may be part of the national and international screenings in which the MICMXIFF participates during 2024.
- All films selected for the MICMXIFF must submit a final exhibition copy in DCP or Blue Ray digital format.
- For competing sections, films in Spanish must be subtitled in English; films in other languages must be subtitled in Spanish and English.
- Subtitling costs are the responsibility of the applicant.
The Akida International Film Festival For Schools came as a sub-category of the famous Akida International Film Festival in order to give schools the best documentaries and educational films to their students.
With the possibility of various programs, we give students a more entertaining way to learn and participate actively in the festival.
The Short Short Story Film Festival is a competitive international festival of films that tell a story in under six minutes.
For 2024, the 17th edition of the festival returns with a unique closed event. The festival celebrates brevity in film-making, with films from across the globe, both live-action and animated.
The festival consists of two programs, Heartstrings and Headtrip, each with a distinctive tone yet wide-ranging styles and topics.
Getafe en Corto is a short film festival organized by Onda Vecinal Getafe, in collaboration with the Getafe City Council.
It will be held on March 27, 28 and 29, 2025, at 8:30 p.m., at the Getafe Market Space. Pl. de la Constitución, 5, 28901 Getafe, Madrid
The Huánuco Film Festival is a cultural event that celebrates and promotes the film industry in the Huánuco region and Peru. With the aim of promoting appreciation of the seventh art and providing a platform for local, national and international filmmakers, our festival in these 11 years has become a benchmark in the cinematographic field of Peru and the world.
Creemos fundamental el apoyo y la difusión de la educación ambiental en la sociedad. Es por ello que hemos decidido impulsar la realización de un festival cinematográfico anual que refleje distintas temáticas relacionadas con el ambiente natural, las problemáticas que lo aquejan y las diferentes miradas y posturas sobre estas.
El objetivo de FICAUSH es acercar a la comunidad filmes que pretenden hacer una diferencia en lo que a ambiente respecta, retratando a través del audivisual diferentes aspectos de la vida en nuestro planeta, y de cómo ésta se ve afectada por la intervención de nuestra especie.
FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.
El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.
El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.
Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.
En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.
(10th) Sixteen International Film Festivals in Jaipur, India by Jaipur International Film Festival-JIFF from August 26-28, 2025 16IFF INDIA
Around 50 thousand students participated in 2024 & around80000 students will participate in 2025.
CHOOSE YOUR FILM FESTIVAL, You can choose one or more, please write us:-
1) Women Film Festival in Jaipur (Films made by women, based on women)
2) Children Film Festival in Jaipur
3) Tribal Film Festival in Jaipur
4) Global Human Rights Film Festival in Jaipur
5) International Culture and Tourism Film Festival in Jaipur
6) Environment Film Festival In Jaipur
7) Love & Romantic Film Festival
8) Political ^ Corruption Based Film Festival
9) Democracy Film Festival
10) International Animation Film Festival
11) International Student Film Festival
12) War & Peace Film Festival
13) Horror Film Festival
14) Financial Crises and Development Film Festival
15) Ad Film Festival
16) Science Film Festival
Now submit also - Song
All these film festivals will be organized together.
Please submit and updates us about your submission at your submission is for which film festival out of 16 above.
Submit one time, pay one time for your film. If you want to enter your film in one or more film festivals as above, do not submit again, do not pay again, just mails us for other film festivals name we will include.
for more-
The Philadelphia Independent Film Festival is committed to discovering and showcasing a unique cinematic experience unrestrained by conventional boundaries.
Welcome to our 17th year and what a year we hope it will be.
With the Metropolitan City of Philadelphia as its pallet, the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival seeks out and brings together a unique blend of innovation, technology, creativity, and diversity of film in an ever-evolving filmmaker ecosystem.
The festival launched in 2007 out of the film initiative. The group had been meeting as part of the Philadelphia Underground Film Forum #uff and with surging and pent-up demand for Independent film at a crossroads, launched the first festival in 2008. What was once a digital screening group has blossomed into an annual 6-day event attended by filmmakers from all over the world.
The festival programs original film across 12 genres, animation, VR, and music video's. We like to discuss the films we program, online and offline, using #piff #pifffilms #uff #DemocratizeContent across our active media networks. The vast majority of the festival program is world and local premier status.
We hope top hear from you and see you at the festival!
The Ituango Film Festival is a space for meeting, reflection and training around the cinema. Children, young people and adults see in this important event the possibility of valuing and recognizing their history, their territory, their present and their future through the seventh art and the audiovisual in general. Currently, the community of Ituango works on processes of memory reconstruction and tell their own stories and artistic and cultural strategies that promote territorial peace are consolidated. At the same time, the festival is presented as a space for the protection and reconstruction of the social fabric of vulnerable populations.
A series of audiovisual, cinematographic and complementary activities will be part of the official program with the possibility to bring the film festival activities to diferent villages of the municipality. Among them are:
•Audiovisual Creation and Experimentation Laboratory.
•First Meeting of Regional Producers.
•National Feature Film Competition NUDO DE PARAMILLO.
•National Short Film Competition NARRATIVES OF THE REGION.
•GUEST COUNTRY Cultural and Cinematographic Exhibition.
•Thematic Forums.
The festival, in addition to being included in the Municipal Development Plan “Ituango Nos Une y merece Salir Adelante” 2024 - 2027, manages resources through public calls and alliances with public and private sector entities.
La Otra Banqueta accepts films of all nationalities about lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex, transgender and any open understand sexuality in all its forms as an inherent part of the human person.
8th Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur
Aryan ICFF Jaipur INDIA
August 26-28, 2025, ICFF Jaipur INDIA
(26 AUGUST 2013 TO 20 SEPTEMBER 2018)
Organized By Aryan Roj Foundation & Jaipur International Film Festival Trust
(50k students participated in 2024 & around 80k students will participate in 2025)
The national-regional Festival "Corto Cortismo" of Miguelturra (Ciudad Real), aims to promote short films as a means of audiovisual expression, contributing to their recognition, dissemination and appreciation as an essential means of transmitting culture. Considering it at all times CINEMA with capital letters and taking this format as a fundamental and essential part of CINEMA, we encourage you all to participate in it, as a platform for the exhibition of good work, which is surely being done by many people who He loves CINEMA as a profession and as one of the means of projection of Culture.
Our Festival presents a double modality of participation: regional and national, this, in turn, divided into the section of adult fiction short films, and the modality of children-family animation short films.
The regional modality will host all those works that come to us from people or teams that, in some way, have links with the region of Castilla-La Mancha and have been carried out in the last year.
For its part, the national modality will exhibit those works that are presented and that have been made in the last two years and have not been presented in previous editions of this Festival.
Se abre la convocatoria para la 5º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023. La inscripción es gratuita y está abierta a:
a) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as colombianos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).
b) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad que sean una coproducción entre Colombia y otro país.
c) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad cuya temática esté relacionada con Colombia.
d) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as argentinos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).
¡No pierdas la oportunidad de pasar tu película en el 4º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023!
Original Version in Catalan
VOC Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges és un projecte impulsat per Òmnium Cultural amb la finalitat d’estimular la producció de curtmetratges de qualitat en català, contribuir a la seva difusió i ampliar-ne el públic.
El VOC és un festival únic perquè arriba a més de 90 sales d’arreu dels Països Catalans simultàniament durant els mesos de febrer i març. És un punt de trobada entre creadors, públic i referents del sector, una oportunitat per compartir l’experiència del cinema en llengua catalana.