Doctors of the World in Spain (Metges del Món), Casino Prado and scannerFM in collaboration with Assemblea de Cooperació Per la Pau (ACPP) and Area Visual. and with the support of Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (ACDD) are calling for entries for the 1st Femifilms Short Film Competition as part of Festival Dona, held annually in Sitges, Barcelona. Different prizes will be awarded to audiovisual creation of short films having a Gender and Human Rights-Based Approach (GHRBA).
This contest seeks to promote gender equality and support the project Enfoquem en Púrpura (Let's Focus on Purple). All short film entries should tell stories based on the phrase "Wow, what a privilege!", taken from the participative appraisal of women in the audiovisual industry Enfoquem en Púrpura (
The idea is to relate the terms 'privilege' and 'woman' in a conscious way to try tohighlight the different ways of being a woman.