Welcome to the 1st international photography and video contest on rare diseases, especially dedicated to Alpha Mannosidosis. A contest aimed at both photography and film enthusiasts, as well as health professionals. We want you to be creative, to interpret what it means to you, in a symbolic way, to suffer from a rare disease. Explore your creativity. Express yourself with freedom and emotion. Put yourself in the shoes of a patient, a family member, a caregiver, a nurse, a doctor or a friend of a person with a rare disease... and through your eyes, surprise us.
In Spain there are 3 million people affected by a rare disease. It is estimated that there are around 7,000 rare pathologies. In 80% of cases, the origin of the disease is genetic and the remaining 20% is due to infectious, allergic, degenerative, proliferative or autoimmune causes. Alpha mannosidosis is an ultrarare disease of the lysosomal group of diseases. It affects between one and nine newborns out of one million. In Spain there are currently less than 10 cases detected.
There are many people affected, give them a voice with your works, we are waiting for them!