1.1 KIDS VISION: International Competition
1.2 KIDS FOCUS: Korean Competition
1.3 KIDS CREATIVE: Shorts Competition
1.4 KIDS CHALLENGE: Shorts Competition by Young Filmmakers
2.NON Competition
2.1 KIDS SHIFT: Films that corresponds with festival’s slogan for the year.
2.2 KIDS EXCHANGE: Exchange Program with other Film Festivals
2.3 KIDS REQUEST: Cinema Curation for Adults who have interests for next generation.
2.4.1 GENERATION PLUS 7: Cinema Curation for children aged 4-7
2.4.2 GENERATION PLUS 10: Cinema Curation for children aged 8 - 11
2.4.3 GENERATION PLUS 13: Cinema Curation for children age 12 - 15