ITALIAN HORROR FANTASY FEST is the new name of the Festival organized by Lu.Pa. Film in Rome, which holds all the rights to the title and logo of the event.
Previously known as ITALIAN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL and ITALIAN HORROR FEST, the name change was officially confirmed for the 2021 edition, embracing the fantasy genre in all its variations.
The festival aims to draw attention to the finest expressions of Italian and international horror, thriller, and fantasy cinema, celebrating and paying tribute to both the great masters whose works have contributed to spreading Italian cinematography worldwide and the young authors continuing this glorious artistic tradition. Simultaneously, the festival intends to be a meeting and discussion point for various genre cinematographies.
This idea is implemented by the artistic director, producer and film director Luigi Pastore, who coordinates the harmonization of the program and makes use of an expert commission appointed by him. Based on respective delegations, Pastore assigns responsibility for specific sections to each member of the commission.